Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 576: : The beginning of the vortex

Standing at the pier of the port again, Simon was in a daze for a moment. The Bilan royal family agreed to all the harsh conditions?

In addition to the conditions proposed before, at the instigation of Simon, Crown Prince Yona also asked the Blue Royal Family for most-favored-nation treatment.

What is Most Favored Nation Treatment?

In the future, whenever the Blue Royal Family signs preferential treaties with other countries, the Silver Moon Kingdom will unconditionally enjoy preferential treatment together.

This is most favored nation treatment!

When the agreement was signed, the old scholar behind King Bilan almost died of anger on the spot.

Because in this world, this is the first time a treaty of this nature has appeared.

In this regard, Simon can only express his helplessness, there is no way, who let the Blue Star really know how to play.

This kind of treaty, which originated from strong ships and sharp guns, will indeed give people an invisible anger.

Of course, the Silvermoon Kingdom also gave the Bilan Royal Family the most-favored-nation treatment, as well as a series of preferential treatment such as tariff reductions, increased trade volume, joint naval suppression of pirates, and protection of Bilan merchants.

Generally speaking, everyone will earn, but the Silver Moon Kingdom will earn more.

This is also considering that the Bilan royal family is also an ally after all, and it is not easy to squeeze too much, so it will be difficult to save face.

Moreover, they did not only visit the Blue Royal Family when they sailed this time, they would all visit more than a dozen human kingdoms along the coast.

Similarly, it is also the most favored nation treatment, and this series of preferential policies.

The combination of these dozen or so countries is the real big head, and it can make the Silver Moon Kingdom eat a lot of oil.

"Master Simon, this is for you!" Someone next to him handed over a note. Simon, who was stupefied, didn't realize it, and subconsciously took it.

After the brain reacted, I saw a person dressed as an attendant walking away from the side as if nothing had happened.

Simon recalled it carefully, and this person seemed to be the attendant of Prince Milos.

At this moment, they are preparing to leave the Blue Kingdom, and the Blue Royal Family is sending them off at the port. If they are ordinary people, they may not be able to get close to them.

The Crown Prince of the Blue Royal Family asked someone to secretly hand him a note. What does this mean?

Filled with doubts, Simon cast a shielding spell, then quietly opened the note and glanced at it. The writing was printed in his eyes, causing his pupils to shrink instantly.


In the grand farewell of the blue royal family, the dreadnought fleet of the Silvermoon Kingdom slowly left the port. Watching this rather magnificent fleet leave, King Beeran and Crown Prince Milos remained silent.

The Blue Royal Family does not have a fleet of this size, but most of those warships are old, their combat power has been greatly reduced, and they have long lost their former glory.

Their warships have been in disrepair for a long time, but the warships of the Silvermoon Kingdom are brand new. Their country is already at sunset, but the Silvermoon Kingdom is rising like the sun.

Feng Shui takes turns, no one will be willing to be silent like this, no one will be willing to die quietly in a subtle way!

Therefore, you must fight hard while you still have the strength, even if you die, you will have no regrets.

At least, they will teach that enemy who cannot speak out an unforgettable lesson!

Stay on the front line when doing things, and see you in the future.

Since there is no way to survive, don't blame them for dying!


An overlord fleet of the Holy Empire is also staying at this port at this moment. Amon and the others stand on the only seven-masted warship and stare at the dreadnought fleet slowly leaving.

"It's shocking!" Amon murmured with a gloomy expression.

Quietly, the Silver Moon Kingdom actually owned a fleet of this size, but they didn't receive any news!

If the combat power of this fleet can match its size, it would be terrifying!

"My lord, maybe it's just a show? The overlord fleet is not so easy to build!" A highly valued attendant beside him laughed.

The so-called overlord fleet means that there must be one seven-masted warship, two five-masted warships, and no less than six three-masted warships in order to be considered a naval overlord.

Fleets of this size are not owned by many countries in the world, and even if they are, they are all in a state of old disrepair. They haven't existed for many years, and a new overlord fleet has been launched.

As for the second-class main fleet, most of them are composed of one five-masted warship and more than five three-masted warships. In many countries with average strength, these are the main forces of the navy.

Just like before, the Silver Moon First Fleet commanded by Viscount Doyle was called the main fleet.

The first class again is a garbage fleet composed of several three-masted warships.

Alchemy warships are expensive to build, and they test the level of spells and enchanting. Many small countries can barely form a third-rate fleet like this.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, it is impossible for the Silver Moon Kingdom, a half-hearted country with constant strength and no sense of existence, to build a dominant fleet.

"Well, that's right, how could it be possible to build a real seven-masted warship with the alchemy technology of the Silver Moon Kingdom!" Amon also comforted himself.

There was a complex light in the attendant's eyes, and he said flatteringly: "Your Highness, the Silver Moon Kingdom has disgraced you this time, how about we take this opportunity to take revenge?"

Amon was taken aback, turned to look at the attendant, and asked, "How do you take revenge?"

This defeat in the Blue Kingdom~www.wuxiaspot.com~ is not just a loss of face for him...

With the support of a real Grand Duke behind him, many of the commanders and leaders of this overlord fleet are his people. This is the fundamental reason why he can lead this fleet to the Blue Kingdom.

As a result, when Simon and the others were ambushed, they were ambushed by Simon, and all the accumulated investment for many years was wiped out.

If the manpower cannot be filled quickly, the dominance of this overlord fleet may be taken away by others after returning to the empire.

Amon couldn't accept this result, and the sealed Grand Duke behind him couldn't accept it either!

Therefore, Emon kept holding his breath in his heart. If he hadn't continued to fight, the situation would have escalated. He would have continued to gather people to kill these **** in Silvermoon Kingdom.

"Put it down, Your Highness, we won't have a direct conflict, we just need to scare them!" The attendant said with a smile, looking confident.

"Oh? Let's hear it!" Emon also became interested immediately.

The loss this time is irreparable, but if the conflict does not break out directly, the lost face can be recovered, and perhaps it can also take the opportunity to win over some neutral factions in the fleet.

Don't forget, those elites who were ambushed by the Silver Moon Kingdom were all their comrades!

This time he suffered a big loss. There are many people in the fleet, but they are all as angry as him.

"Your Highness, we are like this..." The attendant showed a smug smile.

Perhaps in the eyes of others, this smile represents self-confidence, but only the servant knows the true meaning of this smile.

Facing the direction of the Blue Kingdom, the attendant bowed slightly.

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