Heroes of Silver Moon

Chapter 94: :Self introduction

"Wow", looking at the festooned and overcrowded square, Simon, who had given up thinking, finally came back to his senses.

"Masters, the dinner has not officially started yet, you can ask the waiter for something to drink, or eat some fruit first," said the old butler, helping his reading glasses.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm", Guy nodded quickly, and then ran towards the square. They just ate something casually at noon, and they didn't care about being full at all, so now Simon and the others are still in a state of hunger.

After asking the waiter for a glass of grape juice, Simon grabbed a handful of grapes, and then hid in a place where there were few people and ate them.

Looking at this strange place and strange people, Simon still feels a little melancholy. Will he live in this strange place in the next year?

"His Royal Highness is here." Ten minutes later, a voice awakened Simon who was meditating. He quickly stood up and stared at a high platform.

This high platform was built temporarily, just for the crown prince to appear at the dinner.

"This man is the crown prince, and he's too ordinary!", Seeing a middle-aged man in a heavy costume stepping up to the high platform, Simon complained in his heart.

The crown prince stepped onto the high platform, looked at the nobles, large and small, and said with a smile according to the speech prepared in advance: "My dear friends, the day after tomorrow, the Kingdom Comprehensive Academy, which His Majesty has been preparing for a long time, is about to The school officially started.

At this time, our Silver Moon Kingdom is a rare blessing in a thousand years. I believe that some lucky boys in the audience have already obtained the admission qualification for the first session.

Let us celebrate them in advance at this time! "

After finishing speaking, the crown prince applauded first, and then the nobles in the audience also applauded. In order not to show any strangeness, Simon also applauded.

The applause ceased, and the crown prince continued: "The purpose of holding the banquet today is to welcome me, the crown prince.

But I think that the protagonists of this banquet should be those brats who have already received their admission notices.

After all, they will definitely be the important pillars of our Silvermoon Kingdom in the future, and at the same time, they will definitely lead their families to new glory."

The crown prince paused for a while when he said this, and the nobles in the audience understood and quickly applauded enthusiastically.

"It's so boring, just talking nonsense, the people who get the first admission notice are basically the eldest sons of the big families, and of course they will become the pillars of the Silver Moon Kingdom in the future," Simon kept complaining in his heart.

Without listening to the crown prince's next speech, Simon still complained in his mind: "As for leading the family to a new glory, hehe, you don't even believe it yourself!"

"Simon, Simon", a voice brought Simon back to reality, only then did he realize that Guy had actually come to his side.

"What are you in a daze for? His Royal Highness asked the field to get the first admission qualifications to go up to that high platform," Gay said with a heavy breath.

When he was about to go up to the high platform, he didn't see Simon, so he ran all the way to find him.

Guy didn't wait for Simon to speak, he dragged Simon to the high platform.

"Is there anyone who hasn't come up yet? Don't be shy! This is a great honor!" said the crown prince on the high platform with a smile.

The location where Simon was just now was not far from the high platform itself, so after the crown prince finished speaking, Guy dragged Simon to the high platform.

"Oh, here are two shy little guys again, is there anyone else who hasn't come up?" The crown prince glanced at Simon, and then looked at the audience.

After shouting a few words, the crown prince found that no one came up, so he turned to the twenty or so teenagers and said with a smile, "Tell us about yourself!"

These teenagers on the stage, who were 13 or 14 years old on average, looked at each other, and then an older one stood up first and said: "Sissoko family, the eldest grandson of Marquis Erni Sissoko, Mikel Sissoko, Military Academy".

"Wow", the young man's words caused exclamation from the audience. The Sissoko family owns the largest piece of lord's private land in Upper Crescent County. It can be said that it is the noble leader of Upper Crescent County.

This young man is also the Patriarch of the Sissoko family, the eldest grandson of the Marquis Erni, and if nothing else happens, he will become the future Patriarch of the Sissoko family.

The nobles in the audience remembered the appearance of this young man one after another. He will be a powerful person in the kingdom in the future, so they should try their best to build a good relationship with him.

After Mikil finished speaking, under the scrutiny of everyone, he returned to his original position with a smile, and then the other teenagers also introduced themselves one by one.

The power of their family, although not comparable to that of Mikil, is generally not bad, so they were not underestimated by the nobles in the audience.

This situation continued until an annoying sound sounded, at least Simon and Guy thought it was very annoying.

"The Hood family~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Ivar Hood's eldest grandson, Lauren Hood, Military Academy," Lauren said proudly standing on the stage.

"Wow," the audience exclaimed again. The status of the Hood family in Middle Crescent County is like that of the Sissoko family in Upper Crescent County.

The nobles quickly remembered Lauren's appearance, this is also a great dignitary in the future!

Simon rolled his eyes in pain. Lauren, who had already retreated, this idiot dared to go out!

"Subsidiary of the royal family, great-great-grandson of Grand Duke Gaseppe, Deborah Wiley, Bachelor's College." Hearing a familiar voice, Simon quickly looked at Deborah.

This time, the reaction from the audience was very flat. Although Grand Duke Gasepe is also a powerful person now, he is not a real nobleman. Whether his descendants can become powerful people is still a matter of opinion!

Everyone was introducing themselves succinctly, so it was soon their turn, and finally Simon and Guy came up.

"Subsidiary of the royal family, great-great-great-grandson of Grand Duke Gaseppe, Guy Willie, Military Academy", Guy introduced himself in a dignified manner, and then it was Simon's turn.

"The Hawke family, the eldest son of Earl Valery Hawke, Simon Hawke, the School of Magic," Simon also introduced seriously.

Simon's self-introduction once again attracted the exclamation of the nobles in the audience.

School of magic! Then this kid will be a mage in the future, but does our kingdom have this Hawke family? All the nobles in the audience whispered to each other.

"Cough cough", the crown prince coughed twice, making the nobles in the audience realize their gaffe, and immediately fell silent.

The crown prince cast a glance at Simon unexpectedly, thinking to himself, what's going on, I remember that this kid was not included in the list of the first batch of public students in the School of Magic!

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