Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 32 King's Majesty

"No one else?"

Seeing that no one continued to stand up, Ren looked down and asked in a deep voice.

The officials below who supported the revision of the title succession law buried their heads very low. Only they knew the pressure of being stared at by Rennes like this.

The hands and feet of a nobleman standing in the front trembled slightly. It was the first time that this usually easy-going and even weak king made him feel tremendous pressure.

"Where are the Knights of the Golden Temple?"

Ren suddenly yelled loudly, like a thunderous explosion in the originally silent court, and some people even trembled from the sudden yell.

"Tat Tat Tat..."

As Ren's voice fell, a burst of heavy footsteps sounded from outside the hall, and more than a dozen heavily armed guards filed in from outside the hall. These Knights of the Golden Temple were not many in number, but they all had the strength of knights. The captain is the strongest of the great knights.

"Knights of the Golden Temple swear to serve His Majesty to the death."

The leading captain stood at attention after entering the hall, hammered the armor on his chest with his hand, and spoke loudly to Ren.

"Dav Kumar, Jacques Zuma, Eddie Farin...and five people are trying to tamper with the ancestral system and destroy the foundation of the kingdom.

He ordered the knights of the Golden Palace to take five people into custody, and immediately pressed them to Longjiao Gate to behead them to the public. The families they belonged to canceled their titles and confiscated their property.

In addition, the dragon knights of the town country will assist in the execution. If anyone dares to resist, they can be killed on the spot. "

Listening to Ren's stern words, the five people outside the queue looked shocked. They couldn't believe that they would be punished so severely just by proposing to amend the law of title succession.

They were actually just stones thrown out to explore the way, but perhaps even the person who threw the stones did not expect that Ren would have such a violent reaction.

The Knights of the Golden Temple didn't care so much, they were only responsible to the king, and after listening to Ren's order, they stepped forward and dragged him outside the palace. Ren's order was to immediately drag him to the Dragon Horn Gate and behead him for public display , then they will not delay for a minute.

"Left Prime Minister, Left Prime Minister save me."

Finally, one person struggled fiercely while being dragged by the Knights of the Golden Temple, and instantly betrayed the person behind him.

The court of the Golden Dragon Kingdom can be roughly divided into three factions. The Noble House faction represented by Prime Minister Zuo is basically meritorious nobles with titles.

The civil servants represented by the right minister are mainly some administrative officials. After all, although the kingdom values ​​knights, it still needs to deal with government affairs, so there are some management officials who have gradually risen to high positions, but most of them do not have the cultivation base of knights, so they There are only official titles but no titles.

There is also a faction of the army represented by several senior officers.

In addition, there are the Dragon Knights of Zhenguo with a detached status. They cannot be counted as any faction and are only responsible to the king. No matter which faction they are, they will not easily provoke the Dragon Knights of Zhenguo.

The ones who wanted to push for the revision of the succession law this time should be the House of Lords and the Civil Service faction. Although the two factions have always been at loggerheads, the abolition of the law that knighthoods must be inherited by knights or above would be beneficial to both parties.

The House of Nobles is mostly composed of nobles with titles, and the succession of titles has always been criticized by this group of people.

Whenever a nobleman is revoked the family title because there is no knight rank among the descendants, it will cause a burst of grief.

Even though their generation is full of talents and there is no shortage of knights, they are far-sighted. They always worry that a certain generation will lose their family territory and title due to the downfall, so they want to try to push for the abolition of this law.

The faction of civil servants also has their own interests in joining forces with them. Although most of them do not have the strength of knights, they can still occupy high positions due to their outstanding abilities.

As long as this law is abolished, they will also have the opportunity to obtain titles and improve their own status. Therefore, when the House of Lords tried to promote the revision of the title succession law, they rarely came out to oppose and cooperate.

Hearing the shouts from his subordinates, Chancellor Zuo was in a dilemma. Since the new king took the throne, he has always been gentle and gentle. In addition, he was lucky to be on the throne, and he didn't even manage his own power before he took the throne. Many people thought that he was weak. bully.

Zuo Xiang didn't have such a naive idea, but he didn't expect that Rennes would suddenly be so furious. He thought that the worst result would be failure to achieve his goal, but he didn't want to anger Rennes directly, and his subordinates would pay for it.

After thinking about it, Prime Minister Zuo was about to stand up and say a few words of pleading, but Ren just stopped him in place.

"Anyone who dares to intercede for the five people will be guilty of the same crime as the five people."

Prime Minister Zuo had a strong premonition that as long as he dared to stand up and intercede, the Zhen Guo Dragon Knight would land on his mansion.

Glancing at his old rival, the Right Prime Minister buried his head as deep as an ostrich at this time, obviously he didn't want to touch the king's bad luck again.

And several military generals all looked gloating,

Sighing, he still lowered his head from the bottom of his heart, pretending that he hadn't heard anything.



A shrill cry sounded at the gate of the palace, and a member of the House of Nobles became impatient, and even ignited his own fighting spirit to resist. These courtiers of the Noble House basically had the cultivation base of knights.

But as soon as he ignited his fighting spirit, his arms were ruthlessly removed by the commander of the Knights of the Golden Temple. A knight looked extremely weak when facing the big knight.

The howling sound became farther and farther away, and finally faded away.

But no one in the entire hall dared to make any noise. Perhaps most of the officials really got to know His Majesty Ren today, and understood what it means to be wrathful.

Regardless of whether he is lucky to get the throne, as long as he sits in that position, the power of the royal family will be loyal to him unconditionally, and he is the master of this country.

"If there's nothing to do, leave."

Ren seemed to be a little angry and impatient when he spoke, but the people below did not dare to be dissatisfied, and they all bowed and retreated, and left the palace with a sigh of relief.

Some even had their backs completely drenched in cold sweat.


Ren, who returned to the inner hall, was still a little angry.

"These bastards are simply trying to destroy my country!"

Seeing that Ren was so angry, the internal officials serving on the side were also a little frightened. They also heard what happened in the court today. This gentle and easy-to-serve king made them feel frightened for the first time.

"Your Majesty, there is an urgent report about the Golden Dragon Clan."

Ren suppressed his anger a little, took out the wax-sealed letter, and looked at it carefully.

For a moment, Ren's brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and the note was tightly squeezed into a ball by him.

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