Heroes of the Invincible Knight

Chapter 42 Entering the Forest 1

Ironwood City

More than a thousand soldiers are ready to go. This time, Li Cha is leading the elite veterans of the Flying Bear Army, as well as soldiers produced by all systems. Clayman and other quasi-knights of several other lords have also been included in the suppression army. .

When fighting in the forest, soldiers are more expensive than many. If you can't take advantage of the battle formation and cavalry, you can only pursue the elite. Fighting in the jungle is about the strong individual quality and fighting will.

Now Li Cha has a very paradoxical phenomenon. There are more strong knights than quasi-knights. There are more than a dozen people in the knights, and quasi-knights are only worth ten people.

Perhaps in a few years, the students trained in the Ironwood City Academy will continue to grow, and the power of the quasi-knight will have a blowout growth, but it will take time to slowly settle, and time is on Li Cha's side. With the passage of time, Li Cha's power will grow faster than snowballing.

"The ogres are approaching, and if they are allowed to invade, our fields will be trampled and our wealth plundered,

Our wives and children will be reduced to their rations, can we promise? "


"Kill them all!"

Li Cha took advantage of the situation and raised the sword in his hand and pointed it into the air.

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Although the soldiers shouted and shouted, they were actually more driven by the atmosphere. The main reason is that the soldiers in Ironwood City hadn't experienced the brutality of the ogre, and they didn't have that kind of real pain and hatred, and neither did Li Cha. What an all-rounder,

Although there are some who can speak a few words after learning from others, in terms of provocative power, they are still a few levels behind a master speaker who dreams of becoming a painter.

On the contrary, Al and the twenty or so half-elf guides in the team had their blue veins exposed and their faces flushed.

They yelled until their voices became hoarse, and they supported Li Cha's pre-war mobilization.

Naturally, Li Cha also knew that this pre-war mobilization needed some extra material.

It was just a defensive battle to defend the homeland before, but now it has turned into an active battle in the Ironwood Forest,

Even if the morale is good now, once you encounter huge casualties, it will inevitably make the officers and soldiers below have some thoughts.

After all, no matter from the strategic and tactical point of view, it is not a reasonable thing to enter the Iron Wood Forest to actively seek war, and Li Cha's purpose cannot be stated clearly.

Blindly pouring chicken soup to the soldiers to make his subordinates work hard, Li Cha's soup cooking skills can't reach, and equal emphasis on kindness and power is the route Li Cha took.

After Li Cha glanced at him, Quill, who had been waiting at the side for a long time, beckoned to several soldiers and pulled several large boxes to the stage.

Li Cha went up to pick the box open in person, and the golden piece in the box made people unable to take their eyes off it.

"In this expedition, killing an ogre will reward one Jinnar, and all the soldiers will be rewarded. Those who make meritorious deeds can get the breathing training method, and those who make meritorious deeds for quasi-knights can get the reward of entraining air."

As soon as Li Cha finished speaking, another round of cheers erupted from the team, which was a bit more intense than before.

Li Cha raised the sword in his hand again

"Flying Bear Army!"

"Win! Win! Win!"

Even the slightly marginalized Clayman and the others also shouted.

Morale has finally been lifted to the top.

"Let's go!"

Following Li Cha's order, the Flying Bear Army below reacted quickly. They were all a group of elite veterans, and there was no need for officers to restrain them. The soldiers quickly found their positions and moved in an orderly manner.

Standing on a high place, Li Cha nodded in satisfaction, and then followed the Feixiong army out of the city with several officers.

"Father, Ironwood City depends on you."

This time, Viscount Soter did not go out together. After all, Ironwood City is so big, and there is not a trustworthy knight sitting in it, so Richard is not at ease.

"You don't have to worry at home. Swords and guns have no eyes, but you should be more careful."

Ogre is not an easy race to get along with. Viscount Soter had personally experienced their powerfulness when he was young, so he was naturally a little worried.

"Father, don't worry."

"Don't worry, Master Soter, I will use my life to guard Master Richard."

As soon as Li Cha finished speaking, Ron stood up and assured him.

Viscount Soter nodded to Ron, and then looked around at the fourteen iron-canned knights like Ron, and his worries just now dissipated a lot.

It seems that his worries are a bit unnecessary, with more than a dozen knights and the elite Feixiong army, Li Cha is in the posture of killing a chicken with a butcher's knife.

After waving his hand to signal Richard not to worry, Viscount Sauter turned around decisively and left.

It is absolutely impossible for this kind of scene to send off each other from ten miles to the group of straight steel men in the Hunter family. On the contrary, Richard's mother wanted to come out and send it off, but was persuaded by Viscount Salter to go back to the Ironwood Castle.


"Master Li Cha, we are about to reach the Tiemu Forest."

As a guide, Al was very responsible and reported to Richard something that anyone who is not blind can see.

"Well, the next road depends on you."

"I will not disgrace my life!"

Of course, there is more than one way to enter the Ironwood Forest, but if you want to pass through the army, you have to rely on Al and others to lead the way.

In the iron wood forest, even the places where they set up their camps must be careful. If there is no guide, if they run around in the forest without the ogres attacking, the Feixiong army will be in a mess.

Although Li Cha used to lead people to hunt in the Ironwood Forest, the range of human activities is usually only on the edge of the Ironwood Forest.

Leading an army deep into the ironwood forest like Li Cha, in fact, normal-minded northern lords usually would not do such a thing, and only Li Cha's power is enough to organize an army into the forest to fight.


"The subordinates are here!"

"Pass the order, everyone cheer up and follow the team closely, don't get separated."


Getting lost in the forest is a very scary thing. In history, more than one army got into the forest and lost its way and was trapped in the forest to death.

Li Cha led the army into the forest, and the march went smoothly under the leadership of Al and other half-elves.

The wolves and forest giant bears that were active in this season have all disappeared at this time. It is the nature of all living things to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and more than a thousand human warriors are the danger that all wild beasts must avoid.

It was getting late, and Al and the others led the army to a small lake in the Ironwood Forest. The surrounding area of ​​the small lake was fairly flat, and it was a suitable place for camping.

"My lord, we will camp here tonight, and we will arrive at Muzhai tomorrow."


Al's tone of voice in the report couldn't hide his excitement. When he came to this familiar place, the memories of hatred that had not been suppressed surged like waves, making Al wish he could rush to the Muzhai immediately and kill the group of people who occupied his homeland and slaughtered other people. ogre.

"Al, you take the people to have a good rest tonight and keep your spirits up."

"Yes, my lord."

Al left with excitement, not knowing if he would be able to sleep tonight.

"Quell, arrange the sentries and patrols, and don't let the ogres sneak up."

"Yes, my lord."

This area was already regarded as an area where ogres were active, and the detection ability of the Royal Griffon in the forest was greatly reduced, so the sentry posts became particularly important.

The sky completely darkened, the campfire shook, and the whole camp gradually became quiet. Li Cha and the soldiers of the Flying Bear Army soon fell asleep.

The elite veterans of the Flying Bear Army will not be excited by the next day's battle at all, but will cherish their sleep better, nourish their energy, and maintain sufficient physical strength for the next day's battle. Only a few half-elves have been tossing around sleepless...

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