The dawn in the north opened earlier and sooner, and the sky was completely bright soon after the rooster crowed.

Under the leadership of Marquis Wade, most of the Jingbei Army has left Fort Hull and marched into the wilderness.

Yesterday, the sword eagle knight sent a letter, and the ogre tribe began to move eastward again. If they could not be intercepted in time in the wilderness, they would definitely bring more harm when they entered the human territory in the north.

Marquis Wade rode on the horse with a serious face, and he was serious about his words. Except for the occasional shouts of officers, the entire Jingbei Army remained silent throughout the entire process. The real elite troops knew when to maintain their strength.

Although the temperature in Beidi is not too hot now, the sun in Beidi is very blazing. However, the soldiers of the Jingbei Army who grew up in Beidi have long been accustomed to this kind of sun exposure.

Almost all of them have dark skin, but they never feel that there is anything wrong with it, and they are even proud of it. However, the appearance of a fair and handsome young man like Li Cha is a bit different in the eyes of the Northlanders.

An eagle cry broke the silence of the team, and a giant eagle nearly three meters in size landed in front of Marquis Wade, and a slender female soldier in light leather armor got off the giant eagle's back.

This giant eagle is the only air unit in the Golden Dragon Kingdom other than the Dragon Knight, the Sword Eagle Knight. The sword eagle's beak is half a meter long and sharp like a sword, hence the name Sword Eagle.

Since the sword eagle was domesticated by humans, the Golden Dragon Kingdom has established the sword eagle knight as a signature unit. Most of the sword eagle knights are women. After all, women are generally slimmer and lighter in weight. , can only choose women who are generally lighter in weight to be competent.

The sword eagle itself is more difficult to domesticate, so the number of sword eagle knights is also limited. The total number of sword eagle knights in the entire kingdom is less than one thousand, and the Lancet family even has less than one hundred. It can be said that each of them is a treasure.

The female soldier who got off the back of the eagle walked to the front of Marquis Wade in three or two steps, but the surrounding soldiers did not stop her.

In wartime, Sword Eagle Knights generally undertake aerial reconnaissance missions. If there is an emergency, they have the right to report directly to the commander to save time.

"Good day, Lord Marquis."

The female soldier first gave a slight salute to Marquis Wade, and then reported

"Most of the ogres are currently camping ten miles away from the army."

After hearing this, Marquis Wade couldn't help but frown. These ogres actually put on a stance that they wanted to fight the Jingbei Army.

Although Marquis Wade came to resist the enemy with most of the Jingbei Army, but more to let the ogre retreat in spite of difficulties,

A super-large ogre tribe of 3,000 people means that there are at least 1,500 quasi-knight-level fighters and more than ten ogre warriors corresponding to the knight-level,

And there is at least one ogre chief at the level of a great knight who can control such a super-large ogre tribe.

Moreover, this super-large ogre tribe also has tens of thousands of kobolds as vassals. Although these kobolds have low combat effectiveness,

An ordinary farmer can hit two or three with a shovel, but they are cheap and fearless, and they can cause a lot of trouble to the Jingbei Army when paired with ogres.

If you really want to fight hard, although Marquis Wade is confident of winning, the Jingbei Army may have to bear a lot of losses for this.

However, no matter whether the ogre on the opposite side wanted to fight to the end or retreated despite the difficulties, Marquis Wade and the Jingbei Army absolutely had no room to retreat.

"Continue to monitor the ogre's movements."


The sword eagle knight quickly returned to the sword eagle's back, and then the sword eagle flapped its wings and went west.

"Order, all ministries to speed up."

Now that the ogre had put on a stance that it must fight, Marquis Wade also put aside his illusions and prepared to completely wipe out this ogre tribe.


wilderness battlefield

"Kill!" A cavalryman caught up with the fleeing kobold in front, and the spear in his hand accurately pierced the kobold's back chest, piercing the kobold with powerful force, and lifted it into the air.

The kobold that was picked up on the spear actually kept whimpering and struggling in the air with its strong vitality,

But then the ranger on the horse shook the spear violently, and the kobold on the spear was thrown violently and fell to the ground aside, his legs trembled a few times and he died.

"Hahaha, these puppies are simply vulnerable."

The Jingbei Army had already approached the ogre camp, and the rangers of the Jingbei Army were cleaning up the opponent's scouts. The ogres scattered these kobolds who were sensitive and quick-moving as scouts around the Jingbei Army.

But no matter how fast the kobolds run, they can't run as fast as a tall four-legged horse. Once they are discovered by the rangers of the Jingbei Army, a unilateral massacre will follow.

These kobold scouts with low combat effectiveness were basically reduced to toys for the cavalry of the Jingbei Army to relax and have fun before the battle.

At this time, Marquis Wade had already led several senior officers to a high ground with a relatively wide view to observe the ogre camp.

The ogres commanded the kobolds to lay down the wooden stakes, and made some loose horses out of iron and wood. The whole camp looked chaotic, reflecting the low level of manufacturing of the wilderness tribes.

After some observation, Marquis Wade looked at the few people beside him.

"Weilu, what do you think?"

Wei Lu is the commander of the cavalry of the Jingbei Army and the eldest son of Marquis Wade. He has served in the Jingbei Army all year round. With the strength of a peak knight, he can be regarded as a popular candidate for the next Marquis of the Northland.

"It's messy and full of flaws, and the uncivilized race really doesn't have much wisdom."

Weru commented on the ogre's camp in a condescending tone. From his point of view, the camp was indeed extremely chaotic. If his men set up the camp like this, he couldn't help but call the officer in charge of the camp. Drag it out and chop it up.

Marquis Wade shook his head after hearing Wei Lu's evaluation. He actually had the intention of examining the school when he asked Wei Lu this question, but obviously Wei Lu's answer did not satisfy him.

"Don't you think it's a terrible thing that this group of ogres will camp?"

Weru was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and seemed to have come to his senses. He fell into a fixed mindset and looked at the ogre camp by the standards of a human army.

"Take someone to test it out, be careful not to fall in love with the fight, and come back after a turn."


As the eldest son of Marquis Wade, Wei Lu is in charge of the thousands of elite cavalry of the Jingbei Army.

After a while, thousands of cavalry roared out from the camp, and the sound of horseshoes was like thunder.

Such a big movement naturally attracted the attention of the ogre, and the entire ogre camp entered a state of high alert after a commotion.


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