Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1120: blockade

Looking at the two people who walked out of the Soul Tower, Ori said coldly:

"I thought it was who came out of the Soul Tower. Isn't this Lord Lord?"

Ori, who was once weak, was in the nearby underground quiet room, and was handed over to the original corpse witch king by Rhode, so that all subsequent transformations began. Ori was very impressed with the previous experience. It was the mark he tried to eliminate anyway.

At this time, Orui could not confirm Rhode's identity from the appearance. What appeared before him was just a walking skeleton.

The ability to call out Rod’s identity at once was still thanks to the information that Ori had received not long ago. Based on the information from his men, Ori learned that the lord was collecting materials in secret to prepare for a special ceremony.

Without making too many confirmations, Ori understood that the lord wanted to change the current situation, only to perform the endless long night ritual, and he also made countermeasures, preparing to take advantage of the ritual and the lord's power was greatly reduced, and this time the rebellion was launched. .

At this moment, Rod's skull-like face made Ori recognize his identity immediately and observe the traces of the rituals on him. Ori realized that he had come at the right time.

What makes Orui feel stunned is that the lord who walked out of the soul-rearing tower did not pay attention to the leader of many undead creatures, but walked to Ailong.

Looking at Rhodes who appeared from the Soul Tower, Elon was equally stunned. The first thing he thought about was whether the endless long night ceremony was successful?

From Elon's point of view, Rhodes at this time was still disguised as Rowling, and the skeleton body that lost his flesh and blood was the trace caused by the endless long night ceremony.

However, from the time of Rhodes, Elon could not feel the breath of the lich. Although the body was without flesh and blood, the ritual of the endless night was obviously not completed.

Discovering this, Elon couldn't help but sigh, how could the endless long night ceremony be completed in such a short time, I thought it was halfway through the ceremony, and was forced to stop because of the arrival of Ori.

Just as Elon lamented in his heart, Rod also came to Elon.

"Good job, Elon."

The low words reached Elon's ears, and no emotion could be heard from anyone who spoke. Elon looked amazed. From these words, he felt a familiar meaning.

Ailong looked at Rod again, but only saw Rod greet Ori's back. From his body, Ailong felt a sense of ice cold depression, and enough anger to destroy all eyes.

"This feeling is not wrong..." Ailong at this time also confirmed something in his heart. "He is back……"

The worries in his heart gradually dissipated, and Elon's eyes scorched. He knew that now should be worried. Orui and his party should be.

"Huh, I finally know that I walked out of the Soul Tower, but I can't even see the situation. It seems that your lord is still negligent as always."

Ori's words came again in his ears, and Rod felt in his heart, looking to the necromancer who had been granted the corpse witch king by himself.

"I know you have a strong ability to cast spells." Ori continued, riding on the horse, looking down at Rowling. "If you complete the endless night ceremony, I might be afraid of half a point, but now, your spell-casting ability is not worth mentioning in front of many corpses."

Ori tried to observe the change of Rod’s expression, but was eventually disappointed. Rod’s face after losing his flesh, he could not see his emotional fluctuations at all. Even with slight changes, Ori could not understand the meaning. .

At this point, Aurisuo no longer talks about it, but gives an ultimatum to the lord in front of him: "Hand over the way to communicate with the lich, I will give you a rest in death, otherwise you will become a member of the undead creature, The soul will be tortured forever, let others see it, and dare to defiance the end of Lord Orui.

In the face of Ori's threat, the flame in Rod's eyes was even more intense: "After all this, what is your dependence? Is it just because of the corpses around you, do you want to kill me?"

"These corpses?" Ori's expression was faintly distorted. Recalling the fact that he hadn't put himself in his eyes when he saw Rod before, Ori's heart also rose with anger, since Ori's transformation No one dared to speak to him like this after the mass of corpses.

"You can't help but look at your strength too much. Lord Lord, I'm afraid you don't even know the power of these corpses gathered. Fortunately, I will let you see, released by many corpses together, far away More than any cloud of death."

As Orui's words fell, behind him, many corpses covered the Soul Tower completely, condensing the energy of death together, preparing to cast the cloud of death.

Feeling the huge death energy condensed behind him, and the lord in front of him deliberately enlarged, there is no meaning to cast space spells to escape, Ori seems to see that he has become the lord.

After killing Rod in front of him and finding out the communication channel between him and the lich, the self with a large number of corpses can become the righteous lord of this place.

Who would have thought that once a neglected necromancer could finally get to this point, even Ori himself felt the same unbelievable for the past deeds.

The existence of many corpses has greatly changed the overall strength of Necromancers. The personal ability of Necromancers to cast spells has become less important. Only the existence of these corpses can determine their strength.

The energy of death has been condensed, and many corpses have cast a dark cloud of death in a consistent direction. After the clouds of death are superimposed on each other, the color of the cloud is already dark, enough to destroy any creatures in contact with it, even legendary Creatures cannot resist this kind of erosion.

"Do you know? I can not pursue your ambitions, because everyone is so, especially the Necromancer, and they will put it into practice without hesitation, but there is one thing I can't forgive."

Imagining the various situations that might come afterwards, Ori's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Rod's words. The same deep words, Orui heard a different meaning.

"What I can't forgive is that you have tried to destroy the ritual after learning the information of the ritual."

A chill, accompanied by the fall of the words, rose from the heart of Ori and noticed the arrival of danger, but he was not worried about it. The superimposed cloud of death had already approached quickly, waiting for the next moment. Can kill Rod in front of him.

At this point, the accident happened suddenly.

The superimposed dark clouds did not hit Rod not far away as Ori had expected, but came straight to Ori in front of him, blocking his sight, even with his entire body intact. Within the clouds.

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