Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1186: Hakashi Road

Moving towards the central area of ​​the station, a moment later, the elf guard took Moyas to a huge camp.

"The current top manager of the resident, the school official Hakashi Road, is within the camp. Your intelligence should be as critical as you said, otherwise you will be punished."

After learning the identity of the characters in the camp from the mouth of the elf guard, Moyas nodded, believing that he understood this. The guard informed Moyas in advance that he was also worried that the dwarf’s stupid character would attract the commander. Disgusted.

The camp in front of me was far wider than Moyas imagined, covering a large area in the station, and there were two elf guards at the entrance, also in the special dress.

Noting the dwarves present here, the two elf guards naturally looked over.

Looking at the dwarves that appeared here, the eyes of these two elf guards were extremely plain, and they were not taken lightly by the identity of the Moyas dwarves or by the low level of the ranks. Of course, they did not have any value. They only existed in In their eyes, there was an indifferent indifference, just like looking at the stone on the ground, and Moyas could clearly feel this.

Outside the camp, Moyas stopped here, and the elf guard stepped forward to inform the guard in front of him of the news.

After learning the details, one of the guards outside the camp immediately entered the camp. Soon, there was news in the camp that allowed Moyas to enter.

Entering the camp account, Moyas saw two elves, one of them was the guard who first entered the camp account. From his respectful eyes, the other person was the highest identity here. School Officer Hakashi Road.

Unlike Moyas' original imagination, Hakashi Road in front of him was actually a female elf. From her body, Moyas could feel a strong momentum, which is the power of high-level creatures, obviously She has extremely powerful abilities.

The entire body of Hakashi Road was covered by a large black cloak, and the body torso under the cloak was ruthless. The workmanship of the cloak was extremely delicate, and it seemed to have various abilities.

From the perspective of Moyas, this black cloak alone is a great treasure. Due to the different categories, Moyas can't see the specific effect of this cloak, and it won't be too bad to think about it.

Recalling the necromancer who had arrived with the elven traitor before, he also had a similar black cloak on his body, but the cloak was too worn and the workmanship was extremely rough. Good stuff, I don't know from which debris pile it was found.

"Tell me your identity and the information you want to report, dwarf."

Indifferent words of general order came from the junction of Hakashi, with majesty that could not be offended.

Knowing the person in front of you is the leader of this resident. Moyas will naturally not hide anything. After organizing the language, he will entrust everything he knows.

"My name is Moyas, and I live in a dwarf village near Julius. When the war broke out, the residents of the village refused the mage who came to persuade. Instead of evacuating the residents to the depths of Eli first, The entire village moved into the underground space."

Hearing the dwarf's statement about himself, Hakashilu frowned.

As far as she knew, not all creatures in Eli's territory agreed to evacuate before the arrival of the Necromancer. At this time, there are still a large number of creatures hidden in the forest and unwilling to give up their native land.

According to the order given by the Elven King, the will of every Eri creature must be respected. For these creatures who do not want to give up their native land, no one can force them to evacuate by hard means, and they can only send patrols to persuade them. They can only be allowed to hide in the forest.

For such creatures, killing the undead troops has never been so critical. These creatures not only did not cooperate with the evacuation, but also brought a considerable degree of obstruction to their missions and even affected some of their plans.

More importantly, the upcoming Necromancer will not have any mercy on them, and it will take a long time. I am afraid that these remaining creatures will be found by the Necromancer one by one and turned into undead creatures. Their This behavior, on the contrary, increased the strength of the enemy.

The use of force for coercion is certainly feasible, but this move undoubtedly rebelled against the will of the elven king. Even if they foresee the coming of the crisis, the elves have no way to face these creatures who do not want to evacuate.

Therefore, for the dwarf in front of him, Hakashilu really had no good face, but he did not interrupt his words, but let him continue.

"Not long ago, a necromancer found my village and killed all the dwarves hidden underground, and it was an elf who revealed the information of our village to the necromancer. This elf betrayed Eli, Lead the Necromancer to our village. I don’t know how many creatures will die in the future because of his betrayal."

The ending of the dwarf village did not exceed the expectations of Hakashi Road. In her view, this is the only ending of the remaining creatures. For this point, Hakashi Road has been expected. It really makes Hakashi Road feel. The anomaly was the elf mentioned by Moyas.

After learning about the existence of the elven traitor from Moyas' mouth, a hint of different color appeared in the eyes of Hakashi Road, and then asked, "Do you know the identity of the elven traitor?"

Moyas shook his head: "He wore a black veil all the way, I didn't see his face, I didn't know his identity, I only learned from the conversation between him and the necromancer, come with him The necromancer of his is called Lord Lord Lord."

Hearing the name in Moyas's mouth, Hakashilu was stunned, not only her, but even the elf guard next to him, had an inexplicable meaning in her eyes.

"Anyone besides you knows this information?"

Hearing this from Hakashi Road, Moyas pondered and replied: "Only one elf knows about it. Her name is Sotofi and she is a follower of Lord Jenny."

"I know."

After speaking, Hakashi Road no longer ignored the dwarf in front of him, and turned towards the rear of the camp. When passing by the guard, Hakashi Road glanced at it, and then left the dwarf behind, with a trace of cold in his eyes. meaning.

At this time, the dwarf had not yet noticed the change in atmosphere, and was still immersed in the joy of reporting the identity of the traitor.

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