"There is another treasure that shields you from exploring, right?"

Facing Fiat aside, Rod asked quietly, with unquestionable meaning in his words.

Seeing Rhod asked so, Fiat's face faintly showed an unnatural look, but he did not admit this, but just laughed and said: "Master Rhod laughed."

Fiat's answer was only Rod's cold gaze. The abnormality found in Fiat's body made Rod no longer trust the elf lord in front of him.

Rhode noticed that according to the information returned by the peeping eyes, Fiat was still very calm at this time. His emotions did not fluctuate, even a trace of panic, and there was no slight difference from the previous time. This is obviously different from his The performance does not match.

For this reason, according to Rod’s experience, Fiat clearly has another treasure that can affect the peeping eyes. The effect of this treasure is not to completely shield the peeping eyes from exploring, but from the beginning, He fed a wrong result to the peeping eye, thereby misleading Rod's judgment.

For this reason, Rod has never been able to get the real idea in Fiat's mind, especially some of the more critical information. Everything he has previously felt is more like Fiat deliberately disguised.

When he first saw Fiat, he turned in a treasure with a shielding effect. His move undoubtedly made Rod relax his vigilance and failed to detect this early. If it was not Fiat himself who exposed the flaw, Rhode would never doubt the elven lord in front of him.

What really made Rod find anomalies and at the same time suspected that Fiat had similar treasures was Fiat's previous words.

Fiat mentioned a very powerful hero in his previous words. With the help of the peeping eyes, Rodo explored the look of the hero in Fiat's heart.

What made Rhode care was that he had seen the hero and had a lot of connections with it. The position could be said to be completely hostile and there was no possibility of reconciliation.

According to some information about Eli from the Lich's mouth, a special legendary hero appeared in Eli's territory, determined to fight various activities of the Necromancer, and even set up a special organization for this purpose.

In Fiat's mind, the impression of the hero fits well with the description of the lich. The two are obviously the same person. According to Roder’s own memory, the true identity of the legendary hero was when he was still weak, and met the elf swordsman Yvre in the village of Eri.

Fiat's previous words made Rod realize that the elf lord in front of him had been deeply infected by the heroic will of Eve. Fiat's heart had already fully recognized the idea of ​​belonging to Eve.

According to the hero’s hostility to the Necromancer, Fiat, who recognizes his ideas, will naturally not have a good face for the Necromancer. Even if he chooses to die, it is impossible to bow to the Necromancer. This is the most likely to happen. Happening.

Combined with the special treasures that existed in Fiat's body, Rod had doubts about the elf lord in front of him.

Realizing this, Rod immediately raised his hand and prepared to open the door of time and space.

The dark green portal appeared in front of Rod, but Rod didn't enter it. It seemed that he was aware of something, and Rod's face sank.

In Rod's perception, the gate of time and space in front of him is extremely unstable, and I do not know what factors are affecting it. It is full of unknown spatial fluctuations.

Once in this situation, when entering the door of time and space, Rhode will not be able to reach the originally connected space calibration, but will appear in the unknown space like the previous exile.

This ruin that once belonged to the Kingdom of Dragons, a special **** remained faintly in the surrounding space.

At first, Rhode believed that this sense of anomaly was only the remaining coercion of the dragon, which could only act on the instincts of other creatures. Until now, Rhode really confirmed that this **** really exists and deeply affected the space. Spells.

Not only the door of time and space, other space spells are also affected by this kind of restraint. There is no way to use it normally. If it is forcibly used, it will have extremely serious consequences.

Combined with the rumors about the kingdom of dragons, Rhode realized that this special **** should be arranged by the giant dragons to prevent their treasures from being stolen by the caster who is good at space spells.

With this special bondage, even a caster who is good at space spells can't come to steal the dragon's treasure at will, otherwise, a single caster who is good at the door of time and space and instantaneous movement is enough to disturb. Those dragons are not peaceful.

If you want to steal the treasures belonging to the Dragon Kingdom, you can only achieve it by relying on the thieves to hide your body and use the most traditional methods. In this process, the space spell cannot bring any help to it.

Rod, once also got information about the Kingdom of Dragons from other players, knowing that there are such special rituals that interfere with space spells in the Dragon Kingdom.

Among the dragons, there are also extremely good spells. The purple fairy dragons are undoubtedly the best examples. The spells they cast can compete with the legendary mages. The special interference ritual in the dragon country is naturally caused by They are arranged.

Because various creatures have different understandings of spells, just like ordinary wizards, they can never understand the views of elemental creatures on spells. Certain spells can only be cast by certain creatures.

Similar to the interference ritual in front of us, the dragon has developed and arranged it for its own needs. The orthodox mage will not choose this kind of ritual. If necessary, the orthodox mage will lay a more powerful magic prohibition ritual, which can also achieve a similar Effect.

On the periphery of the Dragon Kingdom, the followers of the dragon and the sub-dragon species after blood desalination, many of them have a certain ability to cast spells, interfere with the efficacy of the ritual, only involve space-type spells, and will not affect these creatures. 'S casting has too much impact.

Although Rhode had long been informed that there was a ritual of interference with space spells in the Dragon Kingdom, he did not expect that even if the Dragon Kingdom had been abandoned for a long time, there were no dragons in it. This special ritual is still Without failure, it always exerts its unique effects and interferes with the effects of all space spells.

No matter what Fiat's purpose is, he now undoubtedly has achieved this purpose, leading Rod to this place where he cannot cast space spells.

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