Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1197: Escape II

In the sky, looking at the body of the ghost dragon falling, Rhode's face was ugly.

At his feet, he stepped on a thick dark green barrier. The presence of the barrier provided Rhode with a platform to stand in the air, allowing him to stay in the sky after the ghost dragon fell.

Seeing the moment the ghost dragon began to fall, Rhode jumped out of its body and cast a spell to create a Hercules shield in the air as its own foothold.

Rhode's memory still stays on the sword that Ive wielded. The strength of the legendary hero, combined with powerful treasures, has seriously threatened Rhode's life. Wanting to escape from his hands is not one. A simple matter.

According to Rod’s prediction, according to the strength that Ive is showing now, especially the ability to cross space without resorting to spell power, even without the suppression of the Dragon Kingdom, Rod can move instantaneously. It's hard to hold on for long in his hands.

The disadvantage of insufficient ranks has already been shown to Rod at this time. If Rod at this time has the rank of legendary creatures, he is naturally not afraid of Eve in front of him, but now, Rod can only be completely suppressed. .

When the ghost dragon fell downward, Ive, who had just arrived above the ghost dragon, also fell with this undead creature. Only Rod jumped out in time and stayed in the sky, although Ive not seen Ive for a while. Shape, but Rod knew that the battle was far from over.

Losing the ghost dragon as a means of escape, at present, it seems that there is only the last way left, that is, to pass through the door of time and space, and once again go to the unknown land, and use self exile to avoid the end of death.

If there are other choices, Rhode naturally does not want to exile himself, and is taken to unknown places by space spells, which means extreme danger, or permanent loss in space. Even if he reaches another plane safely, he does not know what to do. How long will it take to return.

Before Rodo thought, there was another gust of wind, and he was violently blowing Rod's face, and with it came a dark figure, Eve, who appeared in the sky, without any words, just waving his hand Blade, once again struck Rod.

The lightning that gathered on the Titan's arrow easily destroyed Yves' condensed swordmans, which was the suppression of other treasures by the artifact. The swords of the two weapons collided and a violent explosion occurred.

The dazzling light exploded in front of Rhodes. Rhodes, who was on the shield of Hercules, barely stabilized his body. Yvre was exploded and fell down. The powerful electric energy attached to the Titan Arrow made the Eve had a sense of paralysis all around, but he couldn't dispel his determination at this time.

Eve, who was falling continuously, waved his blade to Rod in the air once again. Since the condensed blade of the sword could not compete with the lightning on Rod's weapon, Ive decided to use other methods.

As the battle with Rhodes progressed, Ive's understanding of the effectiveness of the Titan Arrows gradually deepened. In addition to being used for offense, the lightning bolt attached to this weapon has a good defensive ability. Killing it may require some effort.

Because I didn't understand the effect of the Titan's arrows, I made mistakes in the battle, and Ive obviously will not make them again at this time.

With the waving of Eve's weapon, Rod once again felt a bitter cold wind, which was different from the cold wind blowing to the face door. This time, the cold wind was blown from behind Rod.

After realizing this, a strong sense of crisis emerged from Rod's body. He tried to turn back to resist with the Titan's arrow, but how could the speed be comparable to that of a true legendary hero.

Before Rhode turned, Yvre first appeared behind him. The turquoise blade chopped straight to his head. After waiting for a solid blow, Rhode's life was taken away.

Suddenly, bursts of black mist burst out from Rod's body, instantly covering Rod's entire figure, and Ive cut into the black mist with a sword, without touching anything.

A strong gust of wind emerged from above the blade and instantly blown away the black mist in front of me. However, what appeared in the mist was not Rod's figure, but a large number of bats.

As soon as the bat appeared, it quickly flew away from the surroundings. It did not mean that the legendary hero was in front of him. Escape from here is the common consciousness of these bats.

Faster than these bats, it was Ive who came to the Hercules Shield. The huge blue-green swordmans were continuously waved by him, and the bats in contact with them all turned into black mist, and then there was no trace left. .

The powerful strength of a legendary hero was fully demonstrated by Ive at this moment. In a moment, a large number of bats turned into black mist, and several luckily escaped bats flying into the sky were also struck by Ive. .

When the last bat was also wiped out, as a black mist emerged, Rod's figure fell out of it, and then fell down.

At this time, Rhode's face was obviously not very good. The bats that became bats contained half of the life value of Rhod before batification. When those bats were wiped out by Ive, none of them returned to Rhod. , Rhode no doubt lost half of his life.

After losing half of his life, Rhode's face was very poor, and his body was also weak. This undoubtedly made the battle at the disadvantage even more unsustainable.

Just using the treasure to stabilize his figure in the air, Eve's offensive arrived again from behind.

Rod, who sensed this in advance, turned around and used the arrow of the Titan with lightning to turn around. With a violent explosion, Ive was bounced off again, and Rod, who was hit hard, could not continue to Stable in the air, he began to fall downward.

The cloak behind him was raised upside down, and with the falling wind blowing, Rhode held the sword in his hand, and he was not willing to face such an outcome.

Seeing if Eve's next attack arrived directly, no matter whether he was falling or not, he would appear directly beside him. Rod gritted his teeth and began to display the door of time and space.

The door of time and space that violated the prohibition of the dragon kingdom opened above this piece of land, revealing a chaotic space channel that does not know where to go.

Rhode, who fell at high speed, instantly submerged into the vortex-shaped space door generated in the falling trajectory, and a ripple appeared in the surrounding space.

At the same time, Eve's figure also appeared here.

With a sword, Ive just wanted to rush into the portal regardless, but the space began to close at this moment. In a blink of an eye, this space has returned to its original state, and no trace of the door of time and space can be found, only Extremely chaotic spatial fluctuations remain.

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