In the ice prison, Inota and the young holy dragon are constantly deepening. From time to time, they use roar to communicate. Without the existence of special skills, ordinary creatures have difficulty understanding the meaning of the roar of the dragon.

"No matter human beings or other creatures, they are not credible, only the same race can trust each other."

In the process of moving toward the depths of the ice prison, seeing Inota's expression was low, the young Holy Dragon took the initiative to comfort.

Inota sighed: "It's nothing, don't mention it anymore. I can use magic to make the crazy dragons recover, but I feel that the dragons outside may need my help more."

Having said that, Inota's expression still didn't improve, but the young Saint Dragon didn't notice this, but was attracted by Inota's words.

"Don’t worry about the dragons outside, the Lord of the Ice Prison will calm down their confusion, but the ones inside the Ice Prison. If they are not dealt with in time, wait until they destroy the prison and fight each other. I am afraid not many will survive. Hope to see this happen."

Going deeper into the ice prison, the prisons along the way have been destroyed. The ground is mixed with a lot of blood stains, and the body of the creature. The deeper it is, the stronger the fishy smell, and the stench.

What seemed to have been found, Inota asked with some doubt: "These corpses... don't seem to belong to the dragon, but many belong to other creatures."

The corpses passing by left a very deep impression on Inota. The corpses of the dragon only accounted for a small part of it. More of them were beasts and snake monsters. At this time, what appeared in front of her was The body of a huge worm.

The broken corpse was mixed with the dragon’s corpse. Inota could imagine how terrible the battle had fought here. Under the effect of [heartbroken], all the creatures lost their minds, just want to see what they saw Everything is torn.

Since he was previously locked in the outer periphery of the ice prison with Rod, Inota did not understand the creatures held in the deep of the ice prison.

"Despite their thin blood vessels, they are still our kin, aren't they? Like the creatures deep in the ice prison." The young Saint Dragon looked at Inota and asked seriously.

From the words of the young holy dragon, Inota seemed to hear something, looking at the original corpses, there was a trace of surprise in Inota's eyes, and some things that were ignored by her before were re-sensed by her. .

In the passage of the ice prison, the giant worm was curled up by a pair of broken dragon wings on the white body that was stained with green liquid inside. Before that, Inota may think that this is the remnant of a certain dragon. The limbs were stacked with the worm's body, but now, Inota doesn't look at it that way. She noticed that the dragon wing grew from the worm's body.

These different kinds of creatures in front of me are not the alien creatures originally thought by Inota, but different kinds of dragons. This can't help but surprise Inota. I did not expect that the depth of the ice prison was all imprisoned. Yalong species.

Through his own observation, Inota noticed that the ranks of these sub-dragon species should not be high. If they did not make too many mistakes, there was no need to imprison them deep in the ice prison.

"I know what you're thinking. Their bloodline is very confusing, and they belong to the evolutionary loser, the most inferior of the dragon species, but I still want to save them, and I ask you to help me.

Looking at those strangely shaped bodies, the young Saint Dragon sighed. From his words, Inota also understood the meaning of blood.

The bloodline of the dragon can be blended with the bloodline of any species, thus giving birth to various forms of sub-dragon.

At the same time, under the action of the dragon's blood, the sub-dragon species will be forced to transform into the form of the dragon, and the body will have more or less the characteristics of the dragon.

Lucky sub-dragons are naturally born with the ability to breathe out dragon breath. At the same time, the body is tough and more likely to have dragon wings. The physical basis does not know how much higher than the native species. Unfortunately, sub-dragons have not yet been born The mother's energy is drained, and the luck survives, often accompanied by a lifelong disability.

With the influence of the dragon's blood, the sub-dragon species will not only produce perfect individuals that combine the advantages of the two species, but also be accompanied by a large number of deformities and freaks.

The fusion of species has always been one of the directions of the magician's exploration. The perfect species without any defects always attracts generations of magicians. The fusion ceremony is prepared for this.

According to the study of the magician, whether the dragon itself is used as the mother body has a crucial influence in the process of the birth of the dragon species. The dragon itself is used as the mother body to provide sufficient energy for the upcoming dragon species.

The birth of sub-dragon species is more like the spontaneous fusion of dragons. There is no blood line that can resist the influence of dragon blood lines. Of all the dragon blood lines, the most top is naturally the blood of the holy dragon.

The giant worm that appeared in front of Inota was such an individual who failed in the process of blood vein fusion. The dragon blood vein did not change its body to a great extent, but only gave him a pair of dragon wings. .

However, without the support of strong muscles, the dragon wing could not drive the flight of its fat body at all. The weak dragon wing was just a decoration burden and could not have any practical effect.

From the words of the young holy dragon, Inota learned that there are more sub-dragon species that failed to evolve in the ice prison, and even the entire ice prison was built for these sub-dragon species. No matter what mistakes are committed, they will only be locked in the outermost part of the ice prison.

"Are you imprisoning these dragon species? Just because their evolution failed?" Inota asked incredulously.

Looking at the small space inside the prison, Inota believed that being in it was not an interesting experience.

"We kept the dragon species in ice prison to protect them." The young holy dragon explained, "Many creatures are craving the dragon's bloodline. If these incomplete dragon species are allowed to move freely, they will soon Will be imprisoned by other creatures, even without any resistance."

"It's unreasonable, if other creatures want the dragon's bloodline, those normal sub-dragon species are the more suitable choice."

Inota shook her head, his expression changed slightly, and then said: "You are protecting your bloodline. These defective Asian dragon species have proved their evolutionary failure. You imprisoned them just to prevent Contaminated its own blood, not to protect them."

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