Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1242: Hero Deken

Just as the kingdom of the dragon was in chaos, a heavy snow enveloped the entire frost and cold peak. For a time, the wind and wind hit the wind, and the snow wrapped in hail continued to fall, and even the dragon that could withstand the severe cold was slightly uncomfortable at this time.

On the horizon, a gleam of bright light dazzled to the extreme, with a slightly slower but unstoppable trend, gradually approaching towards the Dragon Kingdom.

The light dispelled the darkness of the night, making the day below clear as daylight, but the dragon caught in the chaos had no time to notice the anomalies in the distance.

Under the light of the light, a team of mages are leading their golem puppets, constantly moving towards the top of the snow.

This team of mages wear blue and white robes. The blue-based robes are decorated with silver-white silk threads and various mysterious patterns. The complexity of the patterns often represents the identity difference between them.

Among them, the mage with the most complicated pattern not only has the sun, moon and stars on the robe, but also the symbolic symbol of the fire, fire and rustic. That is the pattern that only the top mage is qualified to tattoo on the robe. .

The extremely intense light was released from the sky above him, illuminating the scene on the entire snowy mountain, making the dark night bright as a day.

At this time, he was riding on a giant golem puppet. The golem puppet was made of crystal, and the whole body was crimson. Its body was like a dragon. Although it did not have a wide dragon wing, its lower limbs were quite strong. Every step Deep in the snow.

If there is a Alchemist of Brakada here, he will surely recognize that the golem puppet that appears here is the crystal dragon that symbolizes the pinnacle of this technology, enough to be side by side with another legendary Titan puppet. .

At this moment, a bright yellow portal opened from his side, from which many wizards with the same dress emerged, and the entire team also slowed down the pace.

"I have completed the task you ordered, hero Deken." After walking out of the bright yellow portal, a mage said loudly, "Now I am back. Commander Canso, report to you."

Canso's voice resounded between the snow-capped mountains without being covered by the snow and the wind.

"You came back in time, Commander Canso." The mage, known as the hero Deken, rode on the giant dragon made of crystals. "We are going to go deep into this dragon's homeland and we can't show space." Spell."

At Deken's indication, Canso led the men under his command to quickly return to the team and march towards the snowy mountains together.

"This time we have to face, it is not a small character that can be easily dealt with, but the legendary holy dragon. Are you ready, hero Deken?"

When the other mage returned to the team, Canso came to the hero Deken and asked, seemingly inadvertently, but his hand shivered faintly.

Perhaps because of feeling cold, Canso did not use the flame to heat, but rubbed his hands vigorously, but the frequency of shaking did not slow down.

As the most powerful creature ever recorded, the prestige of the Holy Dragon has already penetrated into the hearts of all creatures. Creatures who believe in it, even if they just hear the name of the holy dragon, will feel a wave of fear in their hearts.

"Although this road has many twists and turns, I came here after all, to the top of the snow that once belonged to Bracada, but was occupied by a dragon."

Deken shouted, not only Canso on the side, but other mages in the rear team, too, could hear the words.

"The holy dragon is a legendary creature, and no one can ever defeat it, but today, the legend will be rewritten. When this battle is over, we will share the honor of the greatest dragon warrior, and we will become a legend. The protagonist of is praised by all the bards. The only obstacles to us are the last dragons."

Deken's highly infectious words spread into the ears of all the wizards in the team. For a time, they were infected by the will of the heroes. They forgot their own fears and immersed themselves in the words Deken described.

At this time, Deken's eyes had already looked above the snowy mountains. Behind the sky and snow, is the glory he longed for, which belongs to the glory of the Dragon Warrior.

Pieces of snake demon corpses lay on both sides of the road leading to the top of the snowy mountain. Most of these corpses are incomplete, which is the result of the self-killing of the snake demon after being affected by [heartbroken].

Stationed outside the Kingdom of Dragons, the followers of these dragons could not resist a wide range of powerful spells, and without the help of other casters, death became their only end.

Deken didn't want to ignore these snake monsters. Their existence was only a trivial sum in the achievements of the Dragon Warriors, but a sudden change occurred, which attracted Deken's attention.

The flesh and blood decayed from the bodies of these snake demon, they stood up in the form of bones, still holding the weapon in their hands, and the scarlet fire flashed in their eyes.

"All alert!" Deken shouted, and the team immediately stopped marching. The mage in the team was also ready to cast the spell. Just after Deken's order, he would use the spell to destroy all enemies.

"The Necromancer... These undead creatures are of the same type as I saw in Tetalia." Sensation of the snake demon, especially the scarlet eyes, changed Canso's expression. Immediately reported to Deken.

"It seems that the dragons on the top of the snowy field are reluctant to end the death and turned to the Necromancer for help. Unfortunately, they chose the wrong ally. Are you right, Necromancer?"

With that, Deken looked away, and looked at the corner of the mountain cliff covered by the wind and snow.

In the sky and snow, a dark figure emerged slowly. He was under the dark envelope, where the light could not shine. Behind him, the large and worn black robe raised with the wind, covering it. shadow.

"Hero Deken, I have a question to ask you." The low voice of the Necromancer came from the roar of the snow and wind, "Do you think I am strong?"

"Of the Necromancers I have seen, you are the most powerful one." Deken replied quietly with the breath of death around him, with a sense of scrutiny in his eyes.

"Hahahaha..." A chilling low laughter came from the mouth of the Necromancer, "I think so too."

"From the eyes of other creatures, I can feel a lot of emotions, resentment, anger, jealousy, no matter what kind, they can make me feel how powerful I am. Their eyes let me enjoy, only powerful Creatures deserve to enjoy these emotions."

"What makes me unbearable is her disappointed look, which stimulates me and reminds me how weak, no matter how powerful I have, I am still so weak, so insignificant."

"When I am weak, I can bear this look without any burden, because I am very aware of my weakness, but now it is different. Now I am extremely powerful, and no creature can disappoint me."

"So..." Speaking of which, Necromancer's words sank. "Stop here, hero Deken, otherwise I will use all my strength to stop you."

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