
For Eri creatures, mentioning this special term, they first thought of the dark cloud that covered the sky and the corpse witch burning the scarlet soul fire in the empty eye sockets.

The form of the corpse witch has already penetrated into the hearts of Eri creatures. In a battle, they may still not find the necromancer who is hiding behind to control everything, but they will definitely see a large number of corpse witch.

The Eri creatures who moved to the quiet city thought they could escape the nightmare of the Necromancer. Even if they had moved away from the center of the dispute, death still found them.

Uncountable corpses suddenly appeared in the south of the quiet city.

No one knows how these corpses passed the guards of the patrols, and the heavy lines of defense under the elves who were good at guerrillas, appeared in the heart of Eric, and waited until the first centaur who discovered the traces of corpses woke the news, everything It's too late.

Layers of black clouds were released from the hands of this group of corpses, and the guards on the city wall could not even scream, the flesh and blood on the body first decayed, and the consciousness fell into deep silence.

The corpse witch in the mountains and the wild will naturally not let this opportunity pass, flowing through the outermost moat, regardless of the body being soaked with liquid, and coming under the city wall, the bones are stacked one after another, forming a bone ladder leading to the upper, rear The corpse witch immediately followed.

Suddenly, with a bright radiance, green vines grew wildly on the walls, waving wildly, and collapsed the bone ladder made by the corpse.

The black cloud rolled over, the vines withered instantly, no longer had any vitality, and could not interfere with the corpse's progress.

When the corpses were about to rebuild the bone ladder, the surface of the wall was suddenly covered with a layer of greasy liquid, which became extremely smooth, making the corpses near the wall unable to work, and the difficulty of building a bone ladder was significantly increased.

Not far away, Jenny, who ended her spellcasting, looked at all this in front of her, revealing a thoughtful look.

"These undead creatures will be dealt with by the defenders. Compared to this, we should give priority to solving it, hiding behind and controlling all the necromancers."

"I very much agree with Lord Yver's proposal."

Noting that Jenny continued to cast spells, the elf in black quickly said that his words attracted a burst of echoes from Hakashi Road.

"It's not long to cast a few spells. Don't you care about the casualties of the defenders?" Jenny turned around and asked.

"I'm more concerned about the threat that the Necromancer will bring." Eve answered indifferently.

"Those defenders, they don't have the ability to defeat so many corpses like you. Without my help, they will only bury their lives in vain, and even become the weapons that the enemy will use against us." Jane asked with a face on his face .

"What about that? Soon, my troops will be here, taking over the battle with the corpse witch, enough to resist the undead creatures coming to attack."

Jenny waved and pointed in the direction of the city wall. "Look at the defenders. They are like Erie creatures like you. They are fellow people who are close to your blood. You have no right to let them be treated like this."

"The war has begun, guardian Jenny." Yvre Shen said: "I don't have time to argue with you. My troops can only hold these corpses for a short while, if you don't find out the necromancer that has attacked as soon as possible , The endless stream of corpses will destroy the entire quiet city, and none of the creatures are spared."

In the distance, the dense corpses of corpses have long been arranged in a neat queue, extending to the end of the line of sight, they are constantly approaching the quiet city, enough to destroy everything along the way.

"I believe you don't want to see this happen, Guardian Jenny." Ive stared at the green-robed woman in front of her eyes. "Now, please use all the skills of the caster to find the most intense energy of death. Location, let's solve the necromancer."

Jenny was silent for a moment, then sighed deeply: "Come with me."

Relying on the talents of the elves alone and the cover of the trees, the three marched backwards along the huge army of corpses, and soon they came to a smooth and muddy lake.

The splashes of water splashed freely, and the body of the corpse witch continued to separate from the original gentle current, and emerged from the river water, and quickly walked ashore to join the army of corpse witch attacking the quiet city.

Looking at the scene in front of them, all three realized where these corpse witches came from.

"It turned out to be here," Yvre said coldly. "The wind told me that the Necromancer was about to attack the quiet city. Before that, I was still wondering how they could get here. Could it be that the power of the different dimension gate was used now? I realized that they came from the Millis River."

Corpse witches without flesh, naturally do not need to breathe like regular creatures, relying on this special physique, they can lie underwater for a long time.

The patrol's exploration of the river is mostly limited to the water surface to see if there are any abnormal creatures on the river surface, and rarely takes care of underwater things.

At this moment, Eve looked at the green-robed woman on the side: "It's yours, Jenny the Guardian."

Jenny nodded. At this time, she also understood the seriousness of the matter, and immediately raised her hand, accompanied by the burst of cold air, the ice blue light, blooming from her white palm.

In an instant, the entire surface of the Millis River was covered with a layer of frost, and a burst of cold rose from the face of the river. When the light dispersed, the entire Millis River was blocked by a layer of hard ice.

Underwater corpses, frantically striking the hard ice surface, the red light in their eyes kept flashing, and their appearance was even more fierce, but they could not achieve any results.

With the corpse witch's physique, if you want to break the ice on the water under the difficult to exert force, I am afraid that you can't achieve it with all your efforts.

After unsuccessful attempts, bursts of black clouds were released from the corpse witch. I wanted to use this to break the ice, but it could not play any role. The block worked.

If you replace the cloud of death with a higher-grade ghost breath, there may be a chance to break through the ice on the river, but at this time, the power of these corpses will obviously not be able to do this.

After realizing the existence of the three people, the original dead corpses turned around and tried to solve the enemy behind, but they could not achieve any results.

Eve waved the blade of the airflow in his hand, and between the rapid flashes, a large number of corpse witches shattered, and the red light in his eyes was dull.


Sealing the surface of the river is equivalent to breaking the source of these corpses. When a few people breathed a little, a somber cold hum suddenly sounded from all directions.

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