In the Emerald City, Rhodes, who was meditating in the quiet room, suddenly noticed a change in his body.

This kind of feeling, like a nose blocked in typhoid fever, suddenly smoothed up, can smell a variety of odors, and like a body always wearing a thick coat, suddenly exposed in the air.

The strange feeling made Rod have to interrupt the ongoing meditation and turned to look at his body.

Rhode noticed that I don't know when he was. His body was restored to human form. It was no longer a skeleton after the ritual. The flesh and blood were covered with the original bones.

In addition, the sense of belonging to Rhodes has also been restored, even more sensitive than ever, and can feel all the abnormalities around him.

Rod recalled that this particular state of his body had only appeared in one situation, that was when he was next to North.

North, who is replaced with a lich's arm, has gained this unique ability. As long as he is next to him, all undead creatures will return to their original form, while normal creatures look like undead creatures.

Rod was extremely impressed with such an ability. When Rod took Leah to find him before, he had felt this from him. Because of this unique ability, North could not even see Leah. Looks like.

At this time, Rod, who was in meditation, was inexplicably restored to his original state. Rod knew that this must be related to North. Obviously, during the period of his meditation, the Centaur leader had already turned Diya The royal family and his party were brought to the Emerald City.

What makes Rhode care is that this ability possessed by North seems to be effective for a long time once triggered. As long as it is within a certain range beside him, he can enjoy the effect of this ability and want to have some desires Lich, who restores perception, will depend heavily on this ability.

Without the meaning of going to greet, Rhode got up and sorted out, and then waited for the arrival of North and his party.

Soon, the door of the quiet room opened slowly, and a figure came to the quiet room.

"It's you?" Rod was puzzled.

"Are you surprised by seeing me?" the person asked.

When he came to the quiet room, he closed the door of the quiet room. Soon, there was only a little fire in the small quiet room.

"You should stay in Diya, just be your Diya King and send his men when they need it, instead of coming to the battlefield in person to participate in the battle of the lich." Rhode said in a deep voice to the people in front of him , He felt dissatisfied.

It was Catherine in Diya who appeared in front of Rod. In terms of identity, he was the king of Diya. His status was only under the lich. Rod did not know why he was at this time. Came here, which was somewhat beyond Rod's expectations.

For ordinary necromancers, Caesarea has a symbolic meaning. The existence of a lich is undoubtedly too far away. A necromancer without strength is not qualified to hear the name of the lich. Ya's rule makes ordinary necromancers more familiar.

Because of this, according to Rod’s original expectations, Catherine should have remained in Diya, giving orders to ordinary necromancers, at most sending some undead creatures to other areas, instead of coming to the battlefield in person like now. Eli, once he has an accident, the whole battle situation will be affected.

"I won't stay in Eri for too long, and I will leave soon, but there are some words, I must talk to you." The human form of Catherine said slowly.

Under the influence of North's unique ability, Catherine, who appeared in Rhodes' eyes, is also a human form. Compared with the form of undead creatures, he now has a special momentum, which is the majesty that undead creatures never had.

"What do you want to say? But don't think the Witch King is not enough, you should have enough undead creatures." Rhodes said helplessly.

"Not that." Catherine shook his head. "I want to discuss with you about balance."

"Balance?" Catherine's words once again puzzled Rod. Does balance refer to strength issues? Rod did not understand that he had not heard such a special vocabulary from other creatures for a long time.

"Yes, balance, balance of life and death." Catherine looked at Rod, "I believe you have seen those lich, when their strength is fully displayed, enough to shock all forces."

Rhod nodded. Naturally, Rhod would not deny this, but he heard Catherine go on to say: "Any legendary creature with some knowledge knows that the lich has accumulated power in Diya. You think they are in Before that, why not unite and deal with the lich in advance, but let the lich accumulate strength and threaten the entire continent?"

Rod replied disdainfully: "Because they are afraid of paying the price, the lich is not so easy to solve, not to mention, there is constant friction within the same force, and it is impossible for other forces to truly unite. This is what you are Is it balanced?"

Catherine shook his head: "In a sense, your answer makes sense. But the real reason is that the accumulation of lich has not affected the balance between life and death."

Catherine raised his hand, and death energy condensed around his body:

"Death is an inevitable part. Ordinary creatures cannot resist their own death. Even vampires can only rely on their own constitution and long-term dormancy to delay the advent of decay. When the moment of death really comes, the soul gradually dissipates. The remaining body, as proof of death, will belong to the lich."

"In the long-term accumulation, the lich will not actively destroy the balance between life and death, but accept the body of the dead creature. Sometimes, they will also come forward to maintain the order in Diya and eliminate some necromancers who have fallen into madness in pursuit of power. . For them, this is also a move that they have to make in order to maintain Diya’s existence."

"But now, your actions have seriously disrupted this balance. Death has begun to become a mainstream and spread across the entire continent. The lich does not want to see this happen."

Hearing the special meaning in Catherine's words, Rod Shen said in a deep voice: "It seems that you don't understand, all the lich who joined this battle, but they made their own choices, I did not force them to join, Unless, they choose to be against me."

With that in mind, Rod's gaze to Catherine cooled down, and the atmosphere in the field gradually became dignified.

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