The white snowflakes descended from the sky, putting a shining coat on the mountains. The crowd gathered here and held a grand ceremony.

The people who came were all dressed in white robes and looked solemn and solemn. Even when they were talking, they often did not laugh.

In the center of the crowd stood a blue and wide cryolite platform, which was covered with a layer of pure white silk, with a few raised traces underneath, and colorful flowers clustered on the edge.

The cold temperature will freeze the delicate flowers hard, and the condensation of water will make the flowers lose the activity of the past. If you force it to break, it will only break the petals.

In front of the stone platform, there are wines loaded with precious utensils, and slaughtered and cooked whole lambs. The lambs skin is golden-smoked, and the heat is constantly blowing, without being affected by the cold temperature.

Among these people, headed by several elderly white robe humans, they stood near the stone platform, although there has been no opening, but their existence has become the focus of other people's attention.

"My child..." one of the human women whispered, her skin was dark, and her face was covered with wrinkles: "Don't be afraid, the darkness is only temporary. With glory and praise, you will return to me."

She gently covered her hands on the stone platform with infinite tolerance in her eyes.

"The time has come, the representatives belonging to the college have arrived, and you can start the next step." Behind her, an old man in a white formal dress said slowly.

Upon seeing this, a obviously young man hurried forward, and after a slight cough, his voice immediately rang throughout the field:

"Thank you for coming, whether it belongs to the magical college or the wizard of the magic guild. You are willing to come here and have explained your attitude. As a master, you should have such a spirit."

"Under the witness of the great sage Cedros, the Academy representative Eric, and the leader Escher, the Orthodox Magic Association will unite with the Spell Academy to fight against the heretics who have betrayed the mage god."

"At the same time, leader Ascher will show us taboo fifth-order magic. I believe you will all learn from it. This is a moment that is enough to be recorded in the history book. We will witness the miracle together."

The man used his words to mobilize the attention of others, and they all looked at an old man with gray hair in front of Shitai.

The old man in front of Shitai turned and stared at the talking man. The man suddenly realized that he had said the wrong thing just now.

"Dissatisfaction is the root of the mage's exploration of spells. Have you ever wondered why we can't summon thunder and lightning? Why can't we walk on the water? Why would we die?"

"With the power of spells, we can fill the dissatisfaction in our hearts and completely change all this. We can call the wind and rain, soar in the sky, and rebirth the dead. How can everything be summarized in a miracle?"

"There has never been any miracle." The old man scolded. "Some are just the mage's constant exploration and hard study."

Seeing the anger of the old man, the human man quickly leaned over and said: "Leader Ascher, I realize my mistake, and I am deeply sorry for it."

Accepting the man's apology, the old man turned and looked at the cryolite in front of him.

"Not long ago, we suffered a major loss. A young legendary hero died on his journey. I believe you have heard about it."

"It's a shame that the hero who should have shone like a star and led the entire Brakada forward, died so obscurely. Fortunately, I will not allow such a thing to happen."

With that, a strong light bloomed from the fingertips of the old man, and the rich magic elements followed.

The earth trembled, the snow in the mountains scattered, and the surrounding crowds tried their best to stabilize their bodies, and the stone platform in front of the old man showed a bright blue light from the inside, even the sky was eclipsed.

An unknown change is happening with the spells cast by the old man.

Around the stone platform, the flowers that had been frozen, and the frost that was thrown off at this moment bloomed, and the majestic vitality emerged, looking glamorous.

The others in the field looked at the stone platform intently. Even though their eyes were hurt by the light and the tears were falling from the middle, they did not want to move their eyes away even for a moment. In one scene, it was completely in my eyes.

After a long time, the mana fluctuations gradually subsided, and the various abnormalities that had originally occurred also returned to calm at this time.

"Cough..." A burst of coughing suddenly came from the stone platform. The silk on it was also lifted by one hand, exposing the black figure below.

Looking at the humans who lifted the silk, several people around the stone platform all showed relief, and the surrounding mages looked respectful, and there was a little unbelievable left in their eyes.

Feeling the surrounding temperature, the humans on the stone platform shuddered, and he subconsciously touched his neck, and then he was warmed by the spell.

Looking around, his gaze stopped at a dark-skinned woman.

"Mother..." he murmured, before he said anything, his words were interrupted by the old man.

"You must be very hungry. I have seen a lot of people who wake up from the darkness. Their common point is that they are very hungry. This is specially prepared for you."

With that said, the old man handed the roasted lamb prepared in front of Shitai together with fine wine to the man in front of him.

"Thank you." As the old man said, the man in front of him was indeed hungry. He took the food from the old man and just sat on the stone platform and ate it.

"My child, tell me what did you meet? The injuries on your body are not like those left by the dragon." The dark-skinned woman asked slowly.

"It's nothing..." Swallowing the meat in his mouth, the man wiped his mouth with the silk around him, and said in a deep voice: "I met a necromancer. His ability is very special. He may have died in battle. , Maybe not. I have a hunch that we will meet again."

"Do you know his name?"

"I know, his name is Rod." The man looked at his mother and said.

Beside the man, the old man in white formal dress looked startled, as if remembering something, and not far from Shitai, the same thing happened to the other person who heard them talking.

"Els, what's wrong with you?" The companion beside this person was a little strange.

"It's nothing." The man called Els replied simply, there was still an unbelievable trace in his eyes.

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