After passing the corpse of Yalong, Rod and his party proceeded toward the depths of the deep ice prison.

Similar to the first corpse, many Aaron corpses appeared in the depths of the ice prison. None of them had fatal trauma. In the end, even Inota couldn't bear to look down.

Before long, Rod stopped outside a cell.

Compared to the original cell, this cell is much larger, and the ice fence used for captivity is also thicker. The interval between them is wider. If Rod is sideways, he can even enter it directly.

In order to imprison different dragon species of different sizes, the structure of prisons in the ice prison is different. The wide prisons in front of them are obviously built to imprison larger-sized creatures like Inota.

"Why stop." Glancing at the corner of this jail, the huge dead dragon body, Yuxia asked impatiently, and there was no living dragon dragon found along the way. She was angry.

Rhode didn't explain too much, waving the arrow of the Titan in his hand, and with the sharpness of the artifact, he directly cut off the fence outside the prison.

Entering the prison, Rod came to the body of Yalong.

This sub-dragon has a huge body, a slender neck, but no common wings of dragons on its body. It belongs to a powerful dragon, but it is already dead at this time, and its body is frozen as hard as steel.

Rhode noticed that the corpse of this dragon was covered with blood stains. I don't know how long ago it was left. Up to now, it has already condensed into dark red solid ice, which is not the case in other prisons.

In the perception, the only living breath in the entire ice prison came from the body of this dragon species in front of Rhodes.

In the rear, Inota also entered the prison and came to the back of Rhodes, but did not say anything to disturb Rod, who was observing the body of Yalong, but just looked at him silently.

It seemed that he noticed something. Rhodes forcibly turned the hard corpse of the dragon, turning his abdomen directly above.

"Huh?" Inota at the back whispered, and even she discovered the anomaly.

The belly of Yalong's corpse has an irregular tear, and the organs belonging to it are piled under the ice wall, which has been frozen for a long time.

Earlier, this dead Yaron species faced the direction of the ice wall. If it wasn't for Rod to turn the Yalong species' corpse, it would be impossible to find the abnormality on it.

"Spit the dragon's breath on it, Inota, but don't burn it out." Rod commanded that he did not let Yusia breathe the dragon's breath because the dragon's breath was completely different from the ordinary dragon.

"You use the Dragon Breath gem yourself, I don't want to change the shape now." Inota rejected Rhode's request.

Rhode was helpless, but for the sake of preventing anomalies, he always carried the Dragon Breath gem on his body, without opening the space ring.

The fiery flame spewed out of the dragon's breath gem, which belonged to the Golden Dragon's purified dragon breath.

The dragon's breath contains hot heat, which instantly melted the frost on the dragon's corpse, and the corpse became scorched by the burning of the dragon's breath.

In the process of controlling the dragon's breath gem, Rod did not intentionally spit the dragon's breath directly against the corpse, just burned it with the dragon's breath near the end, otherwise the power of the dragon's breath was purified, and the corpse of the dragon dragon could be burned to ashes in an instant. .

At this moment, the body of the Yalong species suddenly shook, and a tiny creature broke open its abdomen and quickly drilled out of it.

After escaping from the dragon body, the tiny creature just planned to flee to the side, but only heard a cry from Yousia, and the tiny creature's body suddenly couldn't move like a solidified body.

It was a snake-like sub-dragon, with a footless smooth body behind it, with some broken wings growing.

Putting the appearance of the Yalong species into his eyes, Yusia said coldly: "I can't imagine there will be a Yalong species that can survive, and in this inferior way."

Yalong Zhong replied with fear in his heart: "I never intentionally bruised my fellow race, the great Lord of the Ice Prison. I fought to the last moment, and then I hid in the ice prison, but the way out was blocked and I couldn't escape. , Had to sleep with the help of corpses."

Without correcting the errors in Yalong’s discourse, Yousia sneered: “Not to mention your strength, how can you fight the enemy, it is impossible for you to leave from ice prison with your Yalong’s identity. ,you are lying!"

The serpent-like body of the dragon dragon curled up and replied with a trembling voice: "The great Ice Lord, you may not know it. Since you left from Chanzel, Madal took charge of everything, he will no longer be held. Yalong species, ordered the release of all Yalong species, so I can come outside the ice prison and witness the battle."

"Since Mador has issued such an order, why do we see many corpses of imprisoned dragons in ice prison?" The enquiry was made by Inota from the rear.

Yalong didn't answer Inota's question for the first time, but looked towards Yousia, and when Shenglong showed permission to answer, he said:

"The imprisonment of the dragon species is always the rule of Xiang Zeer. Those who do not want to leave firmly believe in the heart that one day, the true ice prisoner will return, and against the Mador who violates the dragon country ban. The punishment was lowered, and the Asian dragon species that were released were also punished."

"You said that you were fighting at the last minute." Yousia asked in a deep voice: "Tell me, what did you see in the battle?"

"I saw meteorites falling from the sky... and burning flames. The army of human mages came to attack, and many dragons... died in their hands."

Yalong's words intermittently, but his meaning has been fully expressed.

"Sinno died in front of my eyes, he was hit by a huge meteorite, and fell to the ground with the meteorite... Even Mador, also captured by the masters, I can’t do anything, I can only hide back into the ice. In prison..."

"Wait..." Yousia discovered the anomaly in Yaron's discourse: "You mean, Mador is not dead, just caught by those mages?"

The strong momentum was released from Yousia. Under the influence of this momentum, the Yalong species did not dare to hide anything.

"I don’t know... I just feel so cold... After losing the holy dragon, it becomes colder and colder in the ice prison, plus lack of food, I can only sleep in this way, maybe I will never wake up ..."

With that said, Yalong Zong looked at Yousia with hope: "Fortunately, at this time, you are back, you wake me up from the sleep, you will definitely make those Masters pay the price!"

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