Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1413: recovery

As the ceremony progressed, a strong air current surged from the quiet room, shrouded in a red halo, and broken pieces of cloth fell from the sky. At the center of the ceremony, a large **** cocoon gradually condensed.

At this point, the ritual could not be stopped, and any abnormal changes would interfere with the effect of the ritual. Upon seeing this, Lord stopped dealing with the sense of peeping.

The light continued to flow, and after a long time, the cocoon burst open from it, and a complete human body appeared in front of Rod’s eyes. Her skin was as soft and white as a baby, covered with a dark sap, and a burst of herbs remained in the air. The bitterness.

At the same time, the vision triggered by the ritual slowly subsided, and the body at the center of the ritual collapsed to the ground like losing all strength, with a painful groan in his mouth.

Upon seeing this, Rowling hurried forward, took out a wide woolen blanket from the space ring, and placed it on the person in front of him, with a wave of worry in his eyes.

"Where am I..." She let out a painful hum, and her voice was intermittent, but she could clearly hear the softness of women, which also made Rowling feel a little relieved.

"I can feel that your mind is very confused and unconscious. It seems that you have not recovered from the state of ritual."

The existence of the peeping eye allows Rod to feel the state of the person in front of him. He stepped forward and looked down at the person in front of him condescendingly, without any emotion in his eyes.

"Clarify your thoughts and answer my questions honestly. Who are you now?"

"Who am I? What's the problem..." She seemed a little confused.

Suddenly, her face twitched, her facial features wrinkled together, showing an expression of pain, but she still said intermittently: "A lot of things, I can't remember now... I just remember that my soul is falling apart. It won't be long. Will really die..."

Speaking of this, she seemed to think of something. She raised her head and looked at Rod in front of her: "Where is Elon? Where is he now? I have some last words that I want to tell him..."

Looking directly at the human beings who appeared after the ceremony, Rod saw the charm of Wei Ta and the perseverance of Ai Long from her face.

Her face perfectly blended into the characteristics of the two that used to be, and according to her answer, what really controlled this body was the consciousness that once belonged to Vita.

After confirming the identity of the person in front of him, Rowling breathed a sigh of relief, and the heart that had been hanging was released. She glared at Rude dissatisfiedly. It was Rude who kept saying what to do if he failed. She was so worried.

In addition, when looking at Vita in front of her, Rowling felt a sorrow inexplicably, she sighed softly, but heard Lord's words.

"Unexpectedly, the ceremony actually worked. I should sigh, what a miraculous ceremony this is, or should I praise it because it belongs to Ailong's firm will?"

Although the ritual was successful, Rhodes seemed unhappy. He slowly leaned over and said with a gloomy expression: "The ritual is complete, and all the hidden dangers in your soul have been removed. Not only that, you also have a human body. Out of the control of spiritual imprints."

Rod stretched out his hand, preparing to strangle the throat of the person in front of him, but looking at the place between her eyebrows that resembled Elon, he finally stopped his actions and said solemnly:

"But, because of you, I lost an important subordinate. Ironically, even if he was reincarnated, he would not be able to save his life. Now, I will give you a few choices..."

Before Rod's words were finished, he was pushed aside by Rowling. The high basic attributes made Rod only take a step back.

"Enough, brother, the ceremony has been completed. Besides, it doesn't make any sense. Let me explain to her." Rowling looked at Rod firmly, keeping Vita behind her back.

"She is a hero." Rod slowly said, "I can feel that although her will is chaotic, the will contained in her heart is far greater than the previous two. In other words, her heroic expertise is more than before. Strong."

Facing Rod’s gaze, Rowling was not afraid, but retorted: "Did you forget what you promised Elon before? You said that she would not be involved in the war."

When Rowling mentioned Elon, Rod fell silent for a moment.

The former Rodriguez dismissed the vows at all, abandoning everything he had never felt before, and would not care about what he said, but after personally experiencing the will that belonged to Aron, Rodr's heart was touched.

Until the last moment, Elon always remembered his vows. In addition, he used his own sacrifice to exchange for Vita, whom Rhodes expected to inevitably die.

Rod asked himself in his heart, if he was in this situation, he would need to use the power of rituals to save Rowling at the expense of himself. Will he make such a choice?

The answer is no. Rhodes may use this ritual, but he will never sacrifice himself like Elon did. Instead, he will choose to rely on the ritual to inherit Rowling's power. In a sense, Aaron did what Rod could not do anyway.

Thinking of this, Rod's face darkened, and finally he let out a sigh, and said: "Well...tell her everything that will happen. The place of the city lord is free. If she wants, let her take over. I believe she, who has inherited Elon's will, can handle these things well."

After speaking, Rod no longer paid attention to the two people in the meeting place, but came to the corner of the quiet room alone, and put his left hand toward the empty corner.

With a smooth and soft touch, Rod's left hand was entangled with a few tentacles, and a head-sized eyeball was held by Rod in his hand.

"Take me to see your master." Looking at the magic eye pulled out from the room, Luo Luo said slowly.

It's a pity that, facing Rod's words, the huge eyeballs in his hands didn't react in any special way except for the tighter pupils.

"Do you understand what I'm talking about?" Luo Luo helplessly poked it with the finger of his other hand.

The surface of the eyeball is softer than Rod’s thought, and it can be pressed down with a light press. When the hand is loose, it immediately bulges, which makes people wonder how the magic eye is made. No wonder Inota would want to eat it.

"Tuk, Tuk."

When Rod was about to continue trying, a knock on the door came from the locked quiet room, and he roughly guessed the identity of the person outside. Rod held the magic eye in one hand and opened the door of the quiet room with the other.

Outside the door, Margaret, dressed in an inconspicuous gray coat, was looking at Rod with her hollow eye sockets, not knowing how long she had been waiting here.

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