Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1520: Doomsday believer

With the arrival of Lord and the spread of additional news, more and more necromancers gathered towards the city of shadows.

In the lifeless town during the day, looking around, the Necromancer had already covered the entire street. Later, the Necromancer had to wait outside the city. Everyone was waiting for the moment when Lord appeared.

With the gathering of Necromancers more and more, those unkind existences who peeped at all of this also revealed their fangs from the dark.

Rod, who remained in the palace, quietly waiting for more necromancers to arrive, suddenly felt a heat in his arms.

He stretched his hand into his arms and took out a red crystal emitting a crimson light from his pocket.

Different from the icy cold in the arms before, the red crystals at this time exudes hot temperature, and they seem to explode at any time, as if they have been stimulated.

Feeling the abnormal change of the crimson crystals, his eyes became dignified, the flames ignited from under his feet, and his figure disappeared.

Outside the city, a dead-eyed necromancer was walking past the surrounding crowd slowly towards the city.

Wearing a tattered black robe, he looks no different from other necromancers. It's just the kind that is so common that it can't be found in the crowd, but his eyes are extremely firm. , If you look closely, you can still see the flames faintly flashing in his eyes.

After delivering a few silver coins, he successfully passed the guard's inspection, came to the interior of the Shadow City, and walked towards the palace step by step.

Suddenly, he stopped his steps, and a figure wearing a large cloak stood in front of him.

"Why did you come to the City of Shadows?" Qi Negro Shadow asked in a deep voice, while some doubts appeared in his eyes.

"Judge, it's none of your business. I am a follower of Flame King Flam, named..."

"I don't care who you are at all." Qi Negro Shadow said with disdain, "I just want to know, why are you here in the City of Shadows?"

When the painted black shadow said so, this person was not angry, but replied in a deep voice: "I came here, of course, to convey a great message, to deliver the greatest enlightenment to those ignorant Necromancers!"

A bit of enthusiasm flashed in his eyes, looking at the black paint in front of him, he threatened: "Do you want to stop me? This is the great plan of the Flame King. If you dare to stop me, the Flame King will not spare me. you!"

"I won't stop you. What are you waiting for, let the flame come."

The person cast a cold look at the black lacquer shadow, and then took out a red crystal from his arms.

The violent fire magic elements spewed out from his body, his whole body was burning, and the flame scorched his body to black, and in a blink of an eye, he was no longer human.

There was no sensation in his body anymore. At the moment before his consciousness fell silent, he looked hopefully at the rain of fire from the sky. It was the doomsday judgment he had ran out of life, as long as he could fulfill the requirements of the devil. , Destroying everything in front of him, no matter what he paid, he considered it worthwhile.

The next moment, his entire sight was submerged by the cold water.

He realized that the situation was not right, struggling to look around, where there was an undead town, it was clearly a vast ocean, except for the undulating sea, there was not even a trace of architecture.

"It's stupid."

In his ear, the words of the lacquered black shadow came, and the words contained deep disdain. This was the only thing he could remember at the end of his life.

The fire rain fell from the sky, causing the surrounding sea to burn, and the boundless darkness eventually swallowed him completely.

Above the sea, the black shadow of the lacquer was bathed in the falling fire rain. Instead of being hurt, he felt that his exhaustion was wiped out. This is the effect that only the purest flame can bring to him.

The flames were constantly burning on the sea, far from resting. At this time, his body also changed into another form, looking from a distance, like a demon born from purgatory.

This person is Rhodes. In the City of Shadows, after sensing the abnormal change on the Doom Crystal, Rhode immediately acted and found the source of the abnormal change. A doomsday believer who also carries the Doom Crystal, and before the Doom Crystal takes effect, will The famous believer was brought to the unmanned ocean.

Ever since Rod saw the traces of the Doomsday Judgment in the territory of Asri and Heath, he has developed a deep defense in his heart.

Rod didn’t know what plans the demons in the depths of **** had, but judging from the expansion of the previous life, their ultimate goal was to destroy the world, even bringing all the creatures on the surface world together. destroy.

Before the demon army actually appears, they will send countless doomsday believers, at the cost of their own lives, to drop the doomsday judgment from the sky, and first weaken the power in all the main planes.

With the fall of a large number of liches, when Rhode planned to integrate the existing forces of the necromancers, he was attacked by the doomsday believers first. The Shadow City, which gathered a large number of necromancers, undoubtedly became the primary target of those doomsday believers. Fortunately, Rhode made timely precautions and resolved this crisis.

Thinking of the coming enemy, Rod became more vigilant in his heart. Relying solely on the power of the flame to escape, may be able to send away the doomsday believers. Once the number of these enemies increases, multiple doomsday believers will urge the doomsday crystallization together, and it is difficult for Rhode to deal with it for a while.

Feeling the flames igniting on the sea, Rod could not help but sigh. Although he can rely on the form of the big devil and is not afraid of the burning of the flames, other necromancers cannot do this. If such a spell falls on In the city, it will cause unimaginable destruction.

Just as Rhodes once cast this spell in Standwick, it made the angels extremely difficult to handle. At this time, the one who was embarrassed by the Doomsday Judgment was replaced by Rhodes himself. He didn't want his territory to be destroyed by the Doomsday Judgment. Empty.

Shaking his head, Rod will pay attention and put it on the real **** demons. Up to now, there is only one way to avoid being attacked by the doomsday believers, and that is to reach an agreement with those **** demons in exchange for temporary peace.

Among them, Flam in the mouth of the doomsday believer has deeply attracted Rhodes’s attention. In Rhodes’s impression, he seemed to have met the king of **** in Elasia not long ago. If you want to reach an agreement with the devil, perhaps you should start with her.

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