Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1557: Death knight

As Lord took off the blindfold and looked down on the earth, the bodies of the necromancers in the entire Shadow City began to undergo amazing changes.

The ancient curse that never faded appeared from their bodies, and no necromancer could escape. Even if some necromancers have found something wrong and tried to flee outside the city, how can their speed of escaping compare to the glance of their eyes?

In just a moment, nearly all of the necromancers fell to the ground, with an unbearable whine from their mouths. Their bodies are getting cold a little bit, and the only thing left in their minds is the desire for fresh blood.

The process of transforming to undead creatures is not pleasant, but as the transformation process progresses, a new and powerful force emerges from the bodies of these necromancers. With the blessing of this force, the Necromancers stood up from the ground with new attitudes.

"What the **** did you do..." Looking at the necromancers below, Tamick showed shock.

Calling the original creatures by the necromancer seems a bit inaccurate. Now they have been transformed into a unique kind of undead creatures. It is the vampire that Tamick is familiar with, the aura that exists in them. This has been explained deeply to Tamick.

There was no sign or resistance. The transformation just happened to all the Necromancers. This was something that shocked Tamick. In her impression, even if it was a powerful Necromancer, it was It is impossible to carry out this degree of transformation, perhaps only the kind of power in the legend can do this.

"It's impossible, your eyes...how can you have the legendary ability?" Tamick asked urgently.

"Do you know the effect of these eyes?" Rod tilted his head slightly, but did not look at Tamic more, his gaze was always looking down at everything below.

Rod knew that if he turned his head, the Inota behind him would also be watched.

The existence of the Scarlet Eye brought a powerful force to Rhode, but also an inevitable negative state to Rhode. He could not use his eyes to look at people he knew well. In order to avoid the kind of thing in the story of the grave guard.

Even if Inota at this time is still higher than Rod, in order to prevent certain accidents from happening, and also to form a habit in the future, Rod also made his own choice.

Fortunately, Rod has a secret method belonging to the Demon Eye Church. He can use the treasures and the Demon Eye to see everything around him clearly.

When asked by Rhodes, Tamick seemed to recall something, and his eyes became solemn: "Yes, in ancient legends, the first vampire was a hero born under a curse. He only relied on his own sight. , You can transform all living things into vampires... what you show is exactly this ability."

Listening to Tamick say this, Rhodes seemed to realize something. Seeing that the transformation below is all completed, all the vampires have established a special connection with the cloak of the ghost king. Rod slowly closed his eyes and put on the blindfold again.

Turning to face Tamick's location, Rhodes said with some interest: "This hero you said is Degar? I remember seeing him in the City of Death."

"Degar..." Tamick seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes were a little bit puzzled. "Some ancient vampires believed that Degar was the original vampire hero, but in my memory, he was just a little stronger. The vampire king, his eyes do not have the power in the legend, but you...When I saw you before, you clearly did not have such power."

Speaking of this, Tamick’s figure trembled: “In the legend, a creature with this unique power will become the object of allegiance to all vampires. Whether it is a native vampire or a human vampire, it must obey him. command……"

"Oh?" Rod raised his eyebrows and asked, "Will you be loyal to me? I just lack the death knight."

"Don't even think about it." Looking at Rhodes in front of him, Tamick's tone sank. "After all this, what do you want to do to me? If you want to kill me, just come. Well, I have been prepared for this since I planned to take revenge for Sir Stephen."

"I just want you to understand how ridiculous your mistake is." Rod shook his head and said solemnly, "Given your status as a death knight, I will not kill you. Are you willing to loyal to me? It is not determined by your own will."

Tamick gritted his teeth and said, "Do you want to control me with mental imprints? Even if my consciousness dies, I won't let you succeed."

"Spiritual imprint? No...I have a better way." After clearing his throat, Rod's words seemed to have some magical power: "Follow me, death knight Tamick. You will carry me. Glory, passing death to more creatures."

Following Rod's words, Tamick's expression relaxed, and she looked at Rod with a kind of reverence and fanaticism.

The resistance that existed in Tamic's consciousness no longer existed at this time, and Rhode easily controlled the death knight with his spiritual imprint.

"Diya has the highest rate of birth of heroes among all forces. I need more death knights." Looking at Tamick on the side, Rhodes ordered, "Your task is to find heroes in Diya. And bring them to see me. Living heroes are naturally better, but even corpses are okay."

"In addition, when you meet those who have the potential to become heroes, you can also test them to promote the awakening of the hero's will." It seems that something has been thought of, Rod added.

"I will definitely complete the task you set." Tamick replied respectfully. "As far as I know, there are two death knights who belonged to the Lich Nimbas in a grave to the south. bring it here."

"Very well, if you need help, you can use all the undead creatures that I have transformed. I gave them the order to obey the death knight." Rod nodded and said, "Go now, I Waiting for your news."

After receiving Rhodes's orders, Tamick's body turned into countless bats, flew towards the distant sky, and finally melted into the darkness.

Luo Luo just wanted to say something to Inota on the side. Suddenly, his magic eyes caught a glimpse of a corner of the city, where something unusual seemed to happen.

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