Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1573: Thieves Leader One

Led by the black-robed thief, Rod quickly came to a quiet room at the end of the dark corridor.

Knocked on the door, the black-robed thieves stepped back respectfully, leaving Rhode here.

There was no sound from the door, and Rod let out a cold snort, and pushed the door in without any hesitation.

The darkness completely enveloped the interior of the room, and there was no light around it, and even the magic eye following Rod could only see some outlines in the darkness.

This discovery also surprised Rod slightly. The hyperopia pendant he wore on his body provided the magic eyes around him with good dark vision. His vision should not be affected by the darkness, but he still couldn't see anything clearly.

Outside the dimly lit corridor, the hanging torches slowly burned, but there was no way to illuminate the interior of the room, as if there was something inside that could swallow light.

Without any words, Rhode felt the gaze coming from the darkness. The leader of the thieves, who was enveloped in the shadow, was observing his reaction, wanting to see how he responded to the darkness in front of him. Rod's actions will also affect that person's attitude afterwards.

After realizing this, Rod raised his hand to ignite a ball of fire, but the fire was instantly swallowed by darkness. It was clear that the fire ball in Rod's hand was still burning, but no light came out.

After discovering that ordinary light could not dispel the darkness, Lord did not intend to continue trying.

The darkness in front of him may be made up of some special magic ceremony, just like the dark sky above the city of the dead, but this is not difficult for Rod.

There is no need to disperse the darkness, Rhode chose to blend in. The scarlet eyes he has can see everything around him clearly even in the darkest environment, and transform creatures below his own into vampires.

He removed the blindfold behind his head and immediately saw everything in the room.

Under Scarlet Eye’s glance, everything that was originally shrouded in darkness appeared in Rod’s eyes. He saw the tables and chairs commonly seen in the quiet room, as well as the human figure sitting on the chair with his feet on the table. biological.

Unlike Rod’s impression of the cold and silent legendary assassins, she looked a little lazy, her small eyes narrowed slightly, as if she hadn’t woken up, her raised feet trembling slightly, the whole People are extremely relaxed.

"Hero..." Looking at the person in front of him, Rohde confirmed her identity as a hero at the first time, which also made Rohde's heart secretly wary.

Perceiving Rod's gaze, she showed a suspicious look, raised her hand and shook in front of her, but Rod's gaze was always fixed in this direction.

"Can you see me?" she asked a little surprised, and for the first time a voice came from the darkness.

"What are you talking about?" Rod twitched. "I heard that you are looking for me. You'd better show your intentions."

Looking at the thief leader in front of him, Rod is ready to fight. No matter which direction she uses teleportation to launch a surprise attack from which direction, Rod can use weapons to parry at the first time.

"No, it's very important." She insisted as if she had found something, and raised two fingers. "Tell me, what is this?"

"Are you crazy?" Looking at the person in the dark, Rod frowned and said solemnly, "Don't tell me, you came to me only for such silly things."

Hearing what Rod said, she finally got serious, put down her feet on the table, and drew a scimitar-like dagger from her waist.

Rod saw her actions clearly, and also drew out the arrow of Titan, ready to fight at any time.

Electricity flows through the sword of Titan's Arrow, and the white light that should have bloomed is also swallowed by the darkness at this time. Except for the scarlet eye, which can see the scene in the dark, the ordinary magic eye beside Rhode is still unable to see. Clear everything.

"What are you doing? Why did you take out the weapon." Her voice came from the darkness.

"This is what I want to ask you, what on earth are you going to do?" Luode said solemnly.

Hearing what Rod said, she showed a hint of surprise: "You can see me, since I got the Shadow Realm, no one can do this."

Rod did not answer her words, but responded with silence.

From her words, Rod seemed to realize something and asked: "What do you mean? Also, what is the Shadow Realm?"

"You are in my shadow realm now." She spread her hands and explained to Rod.

Suddenly, a strong sense of threat emerged from Lord's heart, far more than any time he had experienced before. The instinct formed by countless battles made Rhode even think about it, and immediately waved the arrow of the Titan in his hand and cut it behind him.

The arrow of the Titan with blazing lightning slashed in the air in the end. Even for a short moment, Rod still clearly saw the afterimage left by the blade when the blade passed. It was the woman in the room.

"What kind of power is this..." Rod said with some surprise, he realized what had just happened.

There was no warning, nor any pre-action. It was just a short moment when she appeared beside Luo and clicked with her hand behind Luo. This also left Luo's heart lingering. If she held one in her hand With the weapon, I am afraid that Rod will be severely injured in just an instant.

Realizing this, Rod stared at the woman in the dark.

In Rhodes's impression, no matter what kind of space spell, there will always be a certain pre-action.

When the mage casts teleportation, he needs to mobilize the magic elements in his body, and his eyes will involuntarily look in the direction of the teleportation. Even the flames of the great devil will ignite a clear flame.

However, the woman in the darkness did not leave any traces when she shuttled through the space. Rod did not feel anything, so she appeared behind her, recalling this, even at this time Rod still felt lingering in her heart.

No... Rod seems to have discovered something, not so much that her teleportation left no traces, it is better to say that the surrounding darkness is the traces she left.

Recalling all the rumors about the leader of the thieves, now, Rod also realized why the seemingly lazy woman in front of him could solve those powerful legendary creatures.

Looking at the woman in the dark, Lord felt a strong sense of oppression, as if facing a crazy flame king in the depths of hell, even stronger than then.

What appeared in front of Rod was the leader of the thieves at the apex of the legend. If you look at the ranks, I am afraid that only the serpent on the water element plane can compare with it. The assurance of victory can't even compete with it.

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