Led by Sally, Rod departed from the suspended hall of the Book of Silence and came to a room on the top floor of the palace.

Rod looked around. There were common furniture in the room, but nothing for lighting, and the interior was dim.

The existence of the Scarlet Eye allowed Rod to see everything in it clearly. The room was a little messy, and a few pieces of clothing were randomly thrown aside. What surprised Rod was that it looked like the first time he had met. Sally, the clothes she was wearing.

Sally also noticed the clothes on the ground, her face was slightly flushed, but fortunately, the cover of darkness made her feel at ease, but when she thought that Rod could also see through everything in the dark, she suddenly couldn't sit still.

"Damn, my servant dared to be lazy," she uttered a little annoyedly. Before she could say anything, a calm female voice reached Rod.

"My master, you are finally back."

An inconspicuous female servant appeared in Rod's eyes. She leaned down and reported to Sally respectfully.

She didn't dress herself up, her face looked more delicate, what made Rohde care about is that her body exudes the aura of a high-level professional.

"Marion, you are my most trusted manager. Tell me, which servant was responsible for cleaning the room yesterday?" Sally asked in a deep voice.

"It's Hasham, my master. She said yesterday that she had cleaned up everything in the room, but now it doesn't seem to be the case. Is she dissatisfied with you?" The servant named Marion replied Tao.

"Yes." Sally's face darkened, "I don't want to see her again, cut off her tongue, and send her to the shadow plain."

"Follow your orders, my master." Marion said quickly? Then, step by step, he walked out of the room from the darkness.

On the side, what did Rod just want to say? But saw Sally quickly put the clothes on the ground into the space ring? So fast Rod did not react at all.

"I hate that people lie to me the most." Seeing Rod staring at her solemnly? Sally snorted, then said, "You won't lie to me? Are you?"

The corners of Rod's mouth twitched? He felt the chills surrounding him, even if he was just beside Sally, he could feel the killing intent emanating from her: "Leader of thieves? Are you very powerful? But I don’t seem to need to lie to you."

"That's fine? Because next? You'd better answer my question honestly." Sally said with satisfaction.

Hearing what she said? Lord's expression changed? He seemed to have expected something. Even as the leader of thieves, she wanted to answer the questions on her own. I am afraid that some secret things have already been involved.

Rod secretly gritted his teeth, even what he did in the underground world? The leader of the thieves could clearly know? What else she didn't know? Do you have to ask yourself?

The only thing Rhodes can think of? Is the secrets that exist in him, why can his strength increase so quickly? Maybe this is the information that the rogue leader wants to know.

For Rhodes, the deepest secret he hid was naturally related to his origin and the existence of the system. Rhode did not tell them even though Rowling and Inota, who were closest to Rhodes, did not tell them.

After a moment of silence, Rod guessed Sally's true purpose, while watching her slowly said: "What do you want to know? Is there anything that you don't even know?"

"Don't worry, let me prepare first, and then you will understand what I want to ask you." Sally smiled, and then walked in the direction where Marion left.

Sally walked out of the room, but the darkness that enveloped Rhode did not dissipate. This undoubtedly showed to Rhode that the leader of the thieves did not go far. She may be outside the room, somewhere that Rhode can’t see. Location, this also makes Rod dare not relax his vigilance at all times.

Rod looked solemnly in the direction where Sally was going. He felt a sense of being watched in his heart. Even in the dark, Rod’s every move would be felt by Sally, Rod It is believed that the leader of thieves possesses such ability.

Even so, Rod would not just sit and wait for death. He carefully observed the room he was in and searched around, hoping to find some useful information.

Finally, on the side of the room, on a long table with many classics, Rod found some special things, which deeply attracted Rod's attention.

It was a few shabby parchment scrolls, on the yellowed paper, the text had faded and blurred, but under Rod's efforts to identify it, some of the contents recorded on the paper were still recognized.

"Holy City Stand...", "Miracles", "Priest" and other words appeared on this parchment scroll, but apart from these relatively clear words, Rhodes could no longer recognize the other contents on the paper. This also made Rod a little regretful, he did not know what was written on the parchment scroll.

And the circular pattern drawn on the other sheepskin scroll also attracted Rod’s attention. It was a spherical object that looked like a magic eye with the tentacles removed. Rod didn’t know what it meant. .

"What are you looking at? Looks very confused."

Just as Luode frowned slightly and was puzzled in his heart, a sound from his ear made him realize that the rogue leader had returned to the room without any perception.

Rod took a deep breath, stared at the parchment scroll in his hand, and asked, "What is recorded on it? I saw the words of the holy city of Standwick and the record of angels."

A white hand stretched out in front of Rod and took the sheepskin roll away from his hand. This time Rod reacted, but it seemed to be of no avail.

Looking at the owner of this arm, Rod seemed to have discovered something, and his face was slightly surprised. At this moment, Sally's voice also reached Rod's ears.

"That is an ancient legend. Even the Silent Book of the Thieves Guild has no record of it. Long-lived creatures don't dare to talk about what happened at that time. Do you want to know this?"

Under Rod's gaze, Sally raised her head slightly and asked softly.

"Yes, powerful thieves leader." Rod nodded, his expression also becoming solemn.

"Rhodes, why do you call me so formally? Just call me Sally." Sally laughed instead when he heard Rhodes say this.

"Well... Sally, please tell me about everything recorded on this parchment scroll."

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