Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1595: Unchu Takaraya Ichi

As the mana fluctuations subsided, the crimson sky had returned to its original state.

Among the clouds, the golden-crowned and golden-armored angel put down his hands and lifted the portal in the sky.

Pure white light radiated from between her wings, and her gaze looked down on the earth, looking for the source of the turmoil.

A group of thieves who gathered together and looked up at the sky from time to time caught her attention. She raised her hand and pointed, and several angels flew towards the group of thieves.

Her complexion was calm, and even the fire of the doomsday did not destroy the peace that belonged to her.

Suddenly, she seemed to have felt something, and she looked sideways towards the huge door behind her, with a look of surprise in her eyes.

I don't know when, darkness has quietly enveloped her body, and she can't see everything around her.

She lifted her hand, and the golden light bloomed from her body. The light was so dazzling that even in the deepest night, it could light up the surroundings like daylight.

However, at this moment, she seemed to have lost this ability. Her light was swallowed by the boundless darkness, and she was lost in the darkness with her, unable to see everything around her.

"Is that you? The daughter of shadows, Sally?" Perceiving the abnormalities around her, she said unhurriedly, "When did the Thieves Guild mingled with the devil?"

"The Thieves Guild has always been neutral. Every force has our people. We never join the war between the forces." In the darkness, a cold female voice came out, "Unlike you, who are clearly angels serving God, but always It is participating in a war that belongs to mankind."

"Humph." The golden-clad seraph snorted, "You don't participate in power wars, but the crimes committed in wars are not less than other creatures. When war comes, thieves are the most active. At that time, you are like necromancers, you can never appear in the sun."

With that, Seraphim closed her eyes? Her perception spread towards the depths of the darkness: "As for us, it is God's will to protect humanity, and it is not your turn to judge by thieves!"

The words fell? Her eyes opened again? There was still darkness in front of her? But she had already locked the position of the person, and then raised her hand, preparing to cast the spell.

On the side? In front of the huge pale door? Another figure, taking advantage of the cover of darkness, took advantage of the surrounding angels to fall into chaos, and surpassed their defense? He came to the gate of the treasure house in the cloud.

This person is Rhodes? He didn't expect Sally's ability? Even the archangel could influence? But he wouldn't let go of such a good opportunity? Then he stretched out his hand? Ready to open the door of the treasure house in the cloud.

However, just as his palm was covering the door door, a huge suction force came out from the door door.

Luo Luo was taken aback? Just wanted to cast a spell? Avoid sudden changes? His figure was sucked into it by this burst of suction.

By the time Rod recovered? He had escaped from the darkness and came to another strange space.

Rohde, who reacted, naturally checked his ability to cast spells in the first place. He doesn't know what exists in this space, but only his own power can make him feel at ease.

After confirming that his ability to cast spells had not been affected in any way, Rod suddenly felt lighter, even in a strange space, he was still relieved.

Looking around, there was an open space around him. Rod noticed that what existed under his feet was no longer a solid ground, but a continuous cloud like gas.

A faint white mist encircled Rod’s legs. The parts below his tibia were submerged by clouds. Rod could not see the ground under his feet, but the crisp sound from walking, coupled with the feeling of hardness, made Rod Realized that there seemed to be more than just clouds under his feet.

After thinking about it for a while, Rohdesch used his thaumaturgy, blowing a gust of wind toward the clouds under his feet.

The strong wind blew away the white mist around Rod's feet, exposing the things below, which also surprised Rod.

What was covered by the clouds turned out to be a large area of ​​shiny gold coins, not only under Rod’s feet, but also in places where he could see them. It was just that the surface was covered by clouds, only when the wind blows away. After the mist, this made everything below appear.

Rod lowered his figure, grabbed a large handful of gold coins from his feet, and felt the shining light and the crisp sound when he fell from his hands. Only then did Rod confirm their true existence. At this moment, he felt shocked in his eyes as if he realized something.

Before that, when Sally mentioned the Treasure House in the Clouds, Lord only regarded it as a certain house in the Cloud City where various treasures were stored. Until now, Lord realized that this place is fundamentally It's not like I thought.

The treasure house in the cloud is clearly an independent plane. Judging by the degree of accumulation of the gold coins below, the value of the things in the treasure house far exceeds Rhodes's imagination.

Once, in the Dragon Land in the Snow Region, Rod saw the dragon's treasures and gold coins, but compared with the treasure house in the cloud, it was nothing at all. The gold coins here even piled up from the ground. , Covered the entire sky.

Withdrawing his gaze from under his feet, from the pile of gold coins full of the sky, Rod seemed to think of something.

What he needs most during this trip is not the gold coins under his feet, but the artifact parts hidden in the treasure house, no amount of gold coins can be exchanged for that artifact part.

How to find out the treasures buried in these gold coins is undoubtedly the main problem that plagued Rhodes. He didn't even see any treasures nearby, and everything was covered by gold coins.

Recalling Sally's admonition, even though Rod wanted to use the door of another dimension and send all the gold coins under his feet to the city of Sao, he still resisted this idea.

Although Rod is not afraid of the curse in the treasure house, he is not willing to take the initiative to contaminate it. Who knows what kind of abnormality will happen after these gold coins are sent away?

After thinking for a moment, Rod raised his hand and displayed the magic "see through the earth" to observe the nearby terrain.

Even in the clouds, the effect of seeing through the earth was not affected. With Rhode as the center, the surrounding terrain of a large area appeared in Rhode's mind.

There is a plain near here, and the occasional undulating ground also shows golden light. Under the clouds, there are countless gold coins.

After confirming that the nearby terrain was nothing special and no other creatures existed, at this time, Rhode put his attention on the treasure that Sally gave him.

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