Under the bombardment of the golden sharp blade, the spider that had just occupied the moth city instantly suffered heavy casualties.

Rhodes sensed the fall of the golden blade and avoided his figure for the first time. If he was hit by this unique spell head-on, he would be hit hard in an instant.

"Damn... Roentgen, I wrote down this grudge."

Ms. Spider also understands that it is not appropriate to fight the powerful high priest at this time.

She didn't come to occupy Moh City, her supplies and logistics were not enough to do this. Now, the best choice is to evacuate.

At her signal, the giant spider began to dig towards the ground. After a while, the entire body was submerged in the ground, while leaving a spacious passage.

Little spiders hid in various places in the city, and Ms. Spider also escaped into the ****.

After hesitating for a while, Rod called Samson, followed the direction where Lady Spider had left, and entered the entrance of the tunnel dug by the giant spider.

Just after Rod's figure disappeared, the high priest also came to the entrance of the passage, hesitated a little, but did not enter it.

Coming to the dark passage, the nearby light had already been swallowed. Samson was able to perceive everything in the dark by his own ability, but Rhode could not do this.

In desperation, Rohdesch displayed fire magic and lit a wooden stick, which was used as a simple torch in ****.

The appearance of the fire light dispelled the darkness in the passage, and also let Rod see some unusual sights.

Ms. Spider, who entered the passage first, disappeared in an instant, which also made Rod feel a faint vigilance in his heart. There was no trace of her left near the passage.

Continually walking into the passage, Rod could not find the figure of Ms. Spider. On the contrary, there were more and more forks in the passage. Rod could not find the direction at all. He could only follow his own habits and encounter multiple passages When crossing the road, all take the rightmost road.

"We've been here twice, what are you doing?"

Before Rhode discovered the anomaly, Samson asked first.

Rod gave him a surprised look: "How did you know? Can you perceive the nearby terrain?"

In the passage, there is nothing special as a sign, except for the number of forks, which can be used as a distinction, Rod does not know how Samson came to this conclusion.

Samson replied: "Since I couldn't see anything, I have a more acute sense of space. You circled in this space and finally returned to the original place."

Rod was a little helpless. It seemed that when he encountered a fork in the road, he walked to the far right, which was not a good choice.

In Rhode's impression, there is a special skill called pathfinding that seems to be helpful to this situation. The top-level pathfinding technique can automatically outline all the maps that you have walked in your mind, and you will never get lost.

In addition, Samson's words also made Rod realize something.

Rod stretched out his hand and lightly touched the wall of the passage with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"What did you find?" Samson asked in a deep voice aside.

"The passage here was not just dug out, but was prepared in advance." Rod made his own judgment, "The complicated fork in the passage is not prepared for us, but to prevent the enemy's pursuit. ."

Hearing what Rod said, Samson also understood what he meant, showing a look of surprise.

"What kind of creature can dig out such a complicated **** under the moth city without being discovered by others?"

"Cavemen, and spiders." Checking the footprints left in the passage, Rod gave his own conclusion, "Those spiders should have been hidden here from the beginning."

The look of surprise on Samson's face was even worse. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something and actively asked: "Wait, aren't you with Ms. Spider? Why are you trapped here?"

Rod shook his head: "Actually, I only met her once, but I feel that she is pretty good."

Samson's face changed: "You must be joking. Ms. Spider is the cruelest infidel. You must not know how many people died in her hands."

Rod shrugged and did not pay attention to his words: "You must not know how many people died in my hands."

Just when Rod was talking with Samson, a huge crack suddenly appeared in the passageway ahead.

Below the crack, there is a deeper space, and it is difficult for the fire to reach the position below, but Rod did not hesitate for long before entering the crack.

There was a soft touch from under the feet, and the ground seemed to have an inexplicable elasticity. It was difficult for Rod to stabilize his figure, and Samson did the same.

At this time, Rod was surprised to find that his feet seemed to be fixed, unable to move a step at all. He brought the torch close to his feet, but found that it was not the ground at all, but was suspended in the air, intertwined with silver threads A large web, a spider web for catching prey.

Not far away, several bones stuck to the spider web and shrunk into a ball, without flesh and blood, were seen by Rod. Those bones are much shorter than those of ordinary people, and there are no openings for eyes on the skulls.

That is the corpse of a cave man. As Rohde expected, such a complicated **** must be digging with the help of cavemen.

The corpses of the cavemen in front of them should have accidentally fallen from the top of the passage, trapped in the spider web, and finally became food for the spiders.

The elasticity of the web was beyond Rhodes's imagination. He tried to tear the web with his hands, and the result was that his entire hand was stuck. And Samson wasn't much better. His sword couldn't cut through the strong web, but was stuck by the web and couldn't take it back.

Rod thought for a while, perhaps only with the power of magic can he escape from the cobweb and get rid of the predicament in front of him.

Before Rod ignited this huge spider web, in the darkness, eight scarlet lights arranged on two sides aroused his vigilance.

Under Rod's gaze, Ms. Spider was riding a giant spider and climbing along the web.

"Why are you? Didn't the high priest chase you?" She looked at the two on the spider web indifferently, and said slowly.

"Except for us, no enemy is chasing it." Rod slowly replied.

Ms. Spider let out a cold snort: "It seems that the high-ranking priest has seen through this trap. She will not go underground until the real apostle arrives. Instead, it is you, what should I do?"

I don’t know if it’s her sign, the giant spider slowly stepped forward, and when he got closer, he stared at Rod with his eight fist-sized eyes. Rod could see the spike-like hairs on the giant spider and two A huge chelate tooth.

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