Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1742: Furnace characteristics

Following Rhode's inspection, the characteristics of the Soul Furnace belonging to Hell Beamon also appeared in the crystal ball.

"Binol, currently ranked second, collected sinner souls: 186163, the highest quality sinner soul: the dual filthy soul of the legendary creature."

"With the highest quality sinner soul as the core, you can get the quality of the soul melting pot: legend."

"According to the quality of the soul, the Soul Forge will gain additional effects."

"The desire to fight: When fighting on the lake of fire, all the creatures on the boat have +3 attributes, and their damage is increased by 30%."

"Continuous Fury: When chasing other magic ships, sailing speed increases by 30%."

"Based on the current ranking, the Soul Forge will receive additional rewards."

"Soul Amplification: According to the number of souls contained in the Soul Forge, all the characteristics of the Soul Forge are increased in proportion. Current number: 186163, all effects are increased by 1.86%"

"Are you confirming manufacturing?"

Looking at the record of the crystal ball, Rhode also learned about the characteristics of the soul furnace of Hell's Beamon.

It is also a soul furnace created by relying on the souls of legendary creatures, and the soul furnace of Hell Bimeng is more inclined to directly improve combat ability. Whether it is the improvement of attributes or the improvement of pursuit speed, this can be explained.

Among them, what Rhode cares most is the "soul augmentation" feature.

The "Soul Amplification" feature is the second place in the entire sin karma illusion by Hell Beamon, and the extra reward he receives is equivalent to the "lust of greed" obtained by Rhodes, and naturally has its own unique place.

According to the description of the crystal ball, this ability will increase the value of other characteristics of the soul furnace in proportion to the number of souls contained in the soul furnace.

Unfortunately, this ratio is far lower than Rhodes expected. Even if Hell Bimeng has collected more than 100,000 souls in the sin karma illusion, the promotion rate is still only 1%. To get a 100% promotion, 10 million souls are needed.

According to Rhode's estimation, the number of souls possessed by Hell Beimeng is enough for all the journeys on the lake of fire. Few demons can collect such a large number of souls of sinners.

In order to exert the full effect of "Soul Amplification", Rhodes needs to obtain more souls by taking other soul furnaces. It just so happens that Rod’s "greed of greed" also needs to devour other soul furnaces to work.

Just as Rhode was checking the various prompts in the crystal ball, Hell Beamon suddenly let out a low growl: "What happened... something is spying on my soul..."

Listening to what Hell Beamon said, Rod could not help but glance at it. He didn't expect that Hell Beamon, who was not sensitive, could actually feel the detection of the crystal ball, so he explained: "I am preparing to make a magic ship and need your soul. Cooperation, it seems that we need to share a magic ship."

With that, Lord turned to the crystal ball and confirmed the request to make a magic ship.

"Entering the final adjustment stage..."

"Please adjust the structure of the magic ship according to your own needs."

Soon, the reduced ship model appeared in the crystal ball, waiting for Rod to adjust.

At this moment, there was only the Soul Forge on the magic ship. Besides, it was like a huge wooden plank with a hollow in the middle. Rod thought for a while and added a high erected mast in the center.

Thinking of Hell’s massive size, Rhode tried to add more weight to the magic ship to balance it, but he learned from the crystal ball that the total weight of each magic ship is a certain amount, only in structure. Make adjustments.

The existence of the fusion ritual allows Rhode and Hell Beamon to share the same body, but with two souls. This also makes the magic ship belonging to Rhode have a basis weight twice that of ordinary magic ships.

In addition to the soul of Hell Beamon, there is another soul in Rhode's body, that is the soul of Ensia the Fallen.

Since the soul of Ensia the Fallen did not participate in the illusion of crime in the Magic Dockyard, the statistics made by the crystal ball did not count him among them, and his soul had already been silent.

Below Rod, Hell Beamon raised his head and looked at the crystal ball in Rod's hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

It didn't take long for Rod to complete the adjustment of the magic ship, outside the magic dock, a huge mana fluctuation suddenly spread.

Feeling the appearance of this wave of mana, Lord seemed to realize something. He controlled Hell's body and quickly came outside the magic dock.

By the searing lake of fire, a dark ship appeared in Lord's sight. The various structures and many details of that ship are exactly the same as Rod's previous adjustments with a crystal ball.

"That is, our magic ship?"

Looking at the pitch-black ship on a piece of magma, Tiss's eyes showed expectation and asked Rohde.

"Yes, we will be able to sail on the Lake of Fire soon, but before that, I have another thing to do."

Lord used his spare arm to embrace Tess, and he said slowly to prevent her from falling from Hell Beamon.

After speaking, Rod turned around and looked around, but he did not see Hela following him.

"Are you looking for Hela? Before I came out, I saw her holding the sheepskin scroll and staying in the lobby." After noticing Rod's behavior, Tiss took the initiative to explain.

Rod curled his lips helplessly: "Your observation is still sharp. Even my attention was attracted by the magic ship that just appeared, and didn't notice what was behind."

As Rodriguez said, even under the effect of the fusion ceremony, with eyes on his back, he did not notice Hela staying in the dock hall, but Tess could tell her whereabouts in one go, Tess His observation ability seemed more acute than Rodr's thought.

After receiving Rhode's praise, Tiss laughed happily.

"Master Elott, are we going to find her in the magic dock?" Tiss asked, leaning against Rod.

"No." Rod shook his head, regained his sight, and placed his sight at the junction of the magic dock and the lake of fire, where the ship appeared, "We are waiting for her here, I believe that she will bring me soon Satisfied things..."

Before Rod's voice was over, there was another huge wave of mana.

After feeling this wave of mana, Rod stared attentively, and saw another magic ship, following the previous magic ship, appearing on the lake of fire.

Tiss looked at the magic ship that appeared with some surprise, and then at Rhode. He seemed to have known that such a thing would happen.

"Elott, have you seen my magic ship? It's for you."

Soon, the voice that belonged to Hela reached Rod once again, and the succubus was walking out of the magic dock with a smile on his face.

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