Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1774: Lost person

"Master Rod hasn't come yet..."

Inside the dim prison, a pale man murmured.

The golden light released from his body, bathed in this burst of light, could not help but make people feel warm.

"I helped you contact Lord Rhodes, but unfortunately, he is not in the city of Sao."

The one who answered his words was a woman with a human appearance. The woman was dressed in a fitted armor with a cold face, and she did not seem to be a friendly being.

"Where is he now?" He asked the woman hurriedly.

"how could I know?"

The woman spread her hands: "Even the closest person around him doesn't know this question. If you ask me, I can't answer it. However, according to what I know about Lord Rhodes, he should hide and secretly What are you planning? After all, that battle hasn't been long before, and it's also right to avoid the limelight at this time."

"I can't hold on for long..." The man frowned, his entire face twisted, as if he was suffering from unbearable pain, "Recently, those terrifying memories have been occupying my spirit...I can't imagine. If everything is true, what a terrifying power the lich named Erich should have."

He slumped in the small prison, with a look of despair in his eyes: "If this continues, I am afraid that I will not be able to hold on to Lord Lord's return, and I will be completely lost in those memories. I will no longer be me..."

The woman gave him a flat look: "Is it like you used to pretend?"

The man gritted his teeth: "Those memories have been guiding me, wanting me to go to a place in Elasia... I don't know what is there, but I can feel that there is definitely something bad there."

Noting the dignity in the man's expression, the woman looked at him carefully, and then spoke to persuade him:

"Stay in the prison will only allow you to face the memory of the lich, even if you want to divert your attention, there is nowhere to escape. Why not come out and walk away. Although the City of Shadows is a city of undead, it is prosperous. , Not inferior to the towns of Elasia."

"No... Once those memories are out of control, I don't know what I will do. Until Lord Lord comes here, I will not go anywhere. Staying in the prison is undoubtedly the best choice." The man She immediately rejected her proposal, and the fear in her eyes became even worse.

Hearing what he said, the woman couldn't move him when she persuaded him, she could only sigh slightly.

Bathed in golden light, the woman raised her hand, with the back of her hand facing her, her eyes falling on the flat nails.

"Your abilities are very interesting... No matter how vampires disguise, they can't have a real human body, but you can give undead creatures such power and let them have a human body." She admired.

"This is not my power, it belongs to the Lich, I just borrowed his power." The man shook his head.

"Borrow? You mean, there will be another day to pay back?" From the man's words, she seemed to hear something, her eyes narrowed slightly.

The man didn't answer, but stared at the empty front, as if he was thinking about something, or just distracted.

"In the process of traveling to Sao City, I discovered an interesting thing." Seeing that the man's pain had improved, the woman thought for a while and took the initiative.

"The people there don't seem to want to see you. After hearing your name, they showed a hostile expression. North, what have you done? Could it be that you killed the important people in Sao? "

Hearing her question, North fell into silence. After a while, he said: "I am just looking for power and gave up some unimportant things, some things that disturbed my heart."

"Really?" Seeing that North was concealing something, she didn't seem to want to talk about the words, the woman glanced at him, and then said, "Then you should be happy. Now you already have something that belongs to the legendary lich. power."

At this time, North showed a confused look instead.

Upon seeing this, the woman finally couldn't help but ask: "Why do you all like to pursue power? Apart from power, is there nothing else you can't remember?"

"Because Lord Rod taught me." He replied with a firm gaze, "I can feel his will, and I want to be like him..."

"Is that really what you are looking for?" The woman shook her head and asked, "In my long life, I have seen a lot of human beings. But existences like Rhodes can be said to be unique. You simply You don’t know what you want, you are just imitating him, and you have lost your will."

"My will?" He repeated the woman's words.

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"Even if you can't become a hero, you have to show your own will. Think about what you have done. What is your will?" the woman asked him.

"This is my will." As he said, he closed his eyes, not looking at the person in front of him.

Upon seeing this, the woman shook her head, her eyes showing a bit of regret: "Do you know what will happen to babies born under the environment of strong death energy?"

"Why tell me this?" His expression changed faintly, and at the same time he opened his eyes and looked at the woman.

"Because I just remembered that the last time I arrived in Sao City, I happened to meet a pregnant woman giving birth. You must not know what happened at that time..."

North's body was trembling faintly, he just wanted to say something, but he felt the whole prison wall tremble.

The strong mana fluctuations, coupled with the shock caused by the huge power, kept coming from above the underground prison. Whether it was North in the prison or the woman not far away, they noticed something wrong.

"An enemy has come to the City of Shadows." The woman made an analysis for the first time. At the same time, her voice also became cold, "What kind of enemy dare to be wild in the royal city of Diya?"

"She...she..." On the side, North opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but did not finish her words, the woman turned around first, and quickly walked towards the exit of the underground prison.

Looking at her leaving back, North let out a deep sigh and put his hand down.

The woman who escaped from the golden light and walked out of the prison has undergone tremendous changes in her body. Her tall body has become rickety, her white and round face has become dull and swollen, her eyes have become blood-red, and her mouth has fangs. .

"Damn..." Feeling the change in her body, the woman snorted.

I don't know what she did. In a very short period of time, her appearance returned to the appearance when she was shrouded in golden light.

"Dead Domain...This is really a troublesome ability." She sighed a little, and her expression returned to the cold, and walked towards the position where the abnormality had come from.

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