Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1807: Sacrifice ceremony

"Yuras, McLennan, you go and bring those ritual hounds. Klim, Nazano, you take people to clear out the appropriate open space and prepare for the ceremony."

Under Rod's gaze, Cerret quickly ordered the dog handler nearby.

After receiving Cerret's order, the dog handler who was called by his name quickly stepped out. Among them, the little dog handler before was on the list and entered the shelter like a factory building.

Under Ceret’s order, some dog handlers came to the shore to clean up the wreckage left after the battle, and some dog handlers entered the shelter and brought out a group of **** hounds from the inside of the shelter. .

Rod noticed that these Hellhounds brought out by the dog trainer were wounded one by one, and they didn't seem to have any fighting ability.

"Is this the ritual hound in your mouth?"

Looking at Cerritt in the distance, Rod seemed to think of something, and his expression gradually changed: "The ceremony you mentioned, is it...'sacrifice ceremony'?"

The sacrifice ritual described by Rod is well-known in the world of wizards. It was developed by the ancient Lord of Nigon, the king of wizards in the underground world.

The deeds of the king of wizards can even be traced back to the time when the **** of wizards was active.

Rhodes had learned about the deeds of the king of wizards in the secrets of Brakada’s Magic Guild. It is said that he is the strongest opponent of the **** of wizards. He does not know how much harm he has brought to Brakada. Only finally defeated by the **** of wizards, he had no choice but to lead all the wizards, and then retreated into the ground, accumulated strength in the underground world, and prepared for the day when the mountains came back.

Among them, the sacrificial ritual is the strongest witchcraft ritual that the king of witchcraft has worked hard to research. In terms of effect, it is comparable to any fifth-order magic. Of course, this eliminates the conditions required for the ritual. Case.

As the name of the ritual describes, the sacrifice ritual is a ritual that depends on the sacrifice of the lives of other creatures in exchange for what the enchanter needs.

Close partners or relatives whose blood is thicker than water have died. It doesn't matter. The sacrifice ceremony can resurrect them intact, and the effect is better than reincarnation and rebirth. If you want to be rich in the wealth of an enemy country, the sacrifice ceremony can directly produce countless gold coins. To destroy the enemy, the sacrifice ritual can display any Tier 5 magic.

The sacrifice ritual can meet all the requirements of the enchanter, and the cost is only the lives of other creatures, and this is also the most terrifying part of the sacrifice ritual. It can achieve any wish of the enchanter, which is impossible for any other ritual.

Obtaining the sacrifice ceremony is equivalent to obtaining all the magic and all the wealth in the world. The value of this ritual is not even comparable to some artifacts that condense the hero's will.

Of course, the greater the wish of the wizard and the more complicated it is to achieve, the more life is required for the ceremony.

If you want to obtain the wealth of a wealthy country, the first thing that needs to be sacrificed through a sacrifice ceremony is more than the lives of a country's people. Even for a powerful wizard, it is not a simple matter to accumulate enough population for sacrifice rituals.

The life that died in the sacrifice ceremony is the price the sorcerer must pay in order to achieve his goal.

Even the **** of the mage has nothing to do with the sacrifice ritual, which is enough to prove the power of this ritual.

Such a powerful sacrifice ceremony is naturally not easily accessible to all enchanters.

In the memory of Rhode’s previous life, the sacrificial ritual has always been mastered by the royal family of Nigon, and other enchanters have no access to this secret method. The king of Nigon, Hardwood, relied on sacrifice rituals to suppress the rebellious magicians.

Unfortunately, at the end of the second expansion, Hardwood, who was in charge of the sacrifice ceremony, eventually died in the hands of the natural hero Moriel. The method of casting the sacrifice ceremony was lost, and Moriel became the queen of the underground world. In the third expansion, counterattack the surface world with the demons.

The reason why Lord was so impressed with the sacrifice ceremony was because in the game of the previous life, a player mastered this magic ceremony in the late stage of the third expansion.

After mastering the sacrifice ritual, the player did not firmly grasp the ritual in his own hands like the ancient sorcerer did. Instead, he shared it and shared it with the remaining legendary priests of Elasia. Based on the sacrifice ceremony, a more powerful "prayer ceremony" was derived.

The sacrifice ritual can achieve any idea of ​​the wizards, provided that the wizard can afford the large amount of living life required for the sacrifice ritual. The prayer ceremony saves the cost of the sacrifice ceremony, and directly achieves the wishes of the ritual leader.

Compared with the sacrifice ceremony, the prayer ceremony is undoubtedly more powerful. Even if the king of the wizard is reborn, we must admire the power of this ceremony. It has completely separated from the category of magic and reached the level of almost miracles.

At this moment, watching the hounds brought out by Kerret, Rod's complexion suddenly changed, and in his mind the possibility of a sacrifice ceremony suddenly occurred.

The sacrifice ritual only requires fresh life, and does not require much of the quality of life itself. Most of the creatures sent into the sacrifice ritual by the enchantress are physically wounded, rather than creatures with sound limbs, so that they can maximize their benefits.

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And not far away, the hounds that Cerritt brought out were all wounded, which seemed to explain to Rod.

Although the sacrifice ritual has long been lost, and only in the royal family of Nigon, there is a relevant method of casting spells, but this does not prove that the **** king cannot have this ritual.

Like the unrestricted fusion ritual taught by Mesika, Rhodes realized that it seemed possible that the lazy king mastered the sacrifice ritual.

Laziness is one of the seven deadly sins. Being lazy does not mean that they do not have too many desires in their hearts. On the contrary, they may have more and more exaggerated desires in their hearts, but they have no motivation to realize their desires. Just think about it in your heart. When you really want to use action to practice, the lazy person will probably give it up in the first place.

The existence of sacrificial rituals is undoubtedly the best help for lazy people. Relying on the power of sacrifice rituals, lazy people don't have to do anything. They only need to pay the lives of other creatures to achieve all they want. This is undoubtedly the best gospel.

For this reason, in Rhodes's view, it seems a very reasonable thing for the lazy king to master the sacrifice ritual.

Thinking of this, Rod's eyes turned eager to look at the wounded dogs around Cerritt.

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