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Within a hundred steps, the pain from the whole body became more intense, and at the same time it was even more unbearable.

After coming here, Fu Lisi's footsteps slowed down significantly, and the number of demons who felt pain around her was significantly less than that of a hundred steps away.

The demons that can enter within a hundred steps, except for a very small number of demons that are similar to Fris, who are deep in the will with pain, more are the existences that occupy an excellent position from the beginning.

Staying in place, and approaching the door of pain, the difference in difficulty is not a star and a half. If Fliss was willing, she could stay in her current position until the end of the entire trial, but she would suffer dozens of times higher than staying in place if she wanted to move forward.

Beside Fu Lisi, many demons are sitting on the ground adjusting their state, familiar with the current painful will, there are still many demons, keeping their steps forward.

When she had just entered within a hundred steps, the scene she saw was roughly the same, but when she walked forward ten more steps, the number of demons still moving forward was significantly reduced, and a large number of demons stopped moving forward.

"Master Ossey, thanks to you this time, we were able to occupy such a good position outside the door of pain. Compared with the demons who are slowly advancing in pain, we are undoubtedly lucky." As she walked forward, beside her, another low-level succubus who was resting at ninety steps was hugging an abyss lord, and there was a burst of emotion in her mouth.

As the painful will required for the king of lust, a large number of succubuses come because of her command, eager to enter the door of pain as soon as possible, so as to get the reward of the king of lust.

Fu Lisi looked around, and besides the different kinds of demons, there were a large number of succubuses surrounding the door of pain. These beautiful succubuses gathered at the fifty steps of the door of pain, but no one dared to move forward.

"According to my identity, I could have occupied a position close to about seventy steps. Unfortunately, the pain there was too strong, so I had to retreat to the position of ninety steps." The Abyss Lord named Ossey, stared. He sighed against the black and red ancient teleportation tablet, "We can't go back anymore. Although as long as we take a step back, the pain in the whole body will be relieved, but it will also make people lose the courage to move on."

Listening to the narration of the abyss lord and the succubus, Furis smiled bitterly.

She passed the two demons and continued to move inward.

Within ninety steps, Fries felt a tingling in her eyes, and the intense swelling from the eyeballs felt like she was being held tightly by the tip of a knife. Friss could even feel the burst from the tip of the knife. Chills.

However, Fu Lisi did not retreat, and just greeted her in the cold.

In the next moment, it seemed as if there was the sound of something broken in Fris' ears, and the sharp blade seemed to pierce her eyes. Even if she closed her eyes tightly, she couldn't alleviate the intense pain deep in her bones.

Under the influence of this pain, Fliss couldn't even see things far away, and could only move forward with her own feelings. She gritted her teeth, the intense pain in her eyes even made her cry.

The more you move towards the door of pain, the sharper blade goes deeper into Fris's eye sockets, until reaching the depths of her mind, Friss even suspects that such intense pain can even shatter her brain. .

At this moment, Fu Lisi remembered the words of the abyss lord, as long as she took a step back, all the pain in her mind would disappear.

The ability of the door of pain is to let the demon approaching feel the extremely intense pain, rather than leaving it with incurable injuries. As long as you take a step back, you can eliminate all the pain without having to suffer the incompetence. Enduring torture.

Especially when it comes to within a hundred steps, at this stage, all the pain is intensified by the devil’s forward movement. This undoubtedly gives the demon nearby a strong hint. As long as you stop, it can be extremely strong. The pain is greatly reduced, and if it goes back, the pain can be completely invisible.

The devil with a weak mind, after feeling this, I am afraid that he has already stopped his footsteps and stopped outside the door of pain. Even the abyssal demons who take pleasure in torturing other creatures can't bear the bone pain.

As a succubus, Fleis is not good at suffering. She can get to this point step by step, relying on a will in her heart and her worship of the king of eroticism.

Suddenly, the demons surrounded the pain gate at the center, and suddenly a violent wave of air burst out. The unimaginable painful will contained in the air wave was far stronger than any previous moment.

"Not good! The door of pain has exploded now!" Fliss, with her eyes closed, heard a cry of surprise from the Lord of the Abyss.

"Let's take a few steps back quickly." The succubus who was embraced by the Abyss Lord said hurriedly.

"We cannot retreat. Once we retreat and want to return to the original position, we have to endure several times the pain before...If I hadn't come early, I would not have the right to feel the painful will in this position. In any case, You must endure this painful will!" Abyss Lord Ossi said firmly.

As if thinking of something, he then added: "What's more, we occupy a position close to the door of pain, not just to feel the painful will at close range, wait until we fully bear it, and then move towards the door? Want to bear the painful will Now is the best opportunity. As long as we withstand the painful will that burst out this time, we can move a considerable distance forward."

Hearing what the Abyss Lord said, the succubus didn't insist anymore. She knew that staying in place and suffering a sudden burst of painful will is much easier than approaching the painful will against the painful will.

On the side, Fu Lisi also heard the conversation between the Abyss Lord and the succubus, and her mouth could not help but feel bitter.

The location where the voice came, clearly told Fliss that the Lord of the Abyss and his party were just a few steps away from her. She did not expect that she would endure this level of pain, but still did not approach the door of pain a few steps.

Thinking that there is still an extremely long distance from the door of pain, coupled with the fact that I don’t know what kind of pain I have to endure, Fliss feels a little despair subconsciously in her heart. If it were not for the desire of the king of eroticism, she did not want to look forward to it. The door of pain is one step closer.

Finally, she let out a deep sigh, and slowly stopped, staying at a position eighty-five steps away from the door of pain, welcoming the painful will spreading ahead.

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