Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1842: Unique method

"Are you true? Are you really a member of General Sellen?" After listening to Rhodes's account, Agrand seemed to realize something and asked in disbelief.

The words Rodriguez had said before were far beyond his expectations. For this reason, he deeply doubted everything Rodriguez said.

Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Rod with some suspicion: "No! The elite demon under General Sellen are all in the blood sickle unit. If you are really his subordinate, how could I have not seen it before? Past you?"

Looking at Agrand, Rod slowly said: "Do you think I am the great devil?"


"Isn't that right. I'm not a big devil. You haven't heard of me. Isn't it normal?" Rod added.

Looking at Agrand in front of him, if he said that at the very beginning, Rod was just taking a risk, then now, he can say that he has succeeded.

Rod is certainly not a member of Sellen's subordinates, but Aglan doesn't know this. Rod believes that as long as he shows a thorough understanding of the bloodline of the great devil, it shouldn't be a problem to bluff Aglan in front of him.

The only thing that worries Rhodes is whether Agrand has the power to detect lies. Rod recalled that the pure-blood demon Anjavelli he had met before had this ability.

The ability to detect lies is not incidental to the blood of the great devil. Rhode, who once had the blood of the great devil, did not have this ability. If Agrand possesses this ability, Rod's actions at this time can be said to be meaningless.

Fortunately, Rhodes confirmed that Agrand did not possess this kind of power through the previous test. After Rhodes showed his power, he bluffed Agrand by a few words.

"If what you said is true, why did you kill Ann Avili? He is a distant relative of General Sellen." Just when Agrand was about to believe it, he suddenly thought of something and asked Rhodes. Tao.

"I have always had a festival with him. This trial gave me a chance to get rid of him. This is also in line with the rules of the trial. The weak demon will be eliminated in the trial. Do you think General Selron? , Will he turn his head for a dead weak demon?" Rod Lang said.

Perceiving the arrogance in Rhodes's words, Aglan, who had originally doubted, believed his words instead. In his opinion, only the demons under General Sellen were equipped with such arrogance.

Taking a deep breath, he put down the giant sickle in his hand: "Since you are also a member of the general, we don't have to fight anymore. If you continue to fight, it will only let those believers of the **** king take advantage of it. ."

As he said, Agland turned slightly and looked towards the shore, where an abyss demon king was beating the whip in his hand and looked over with interest.

Rod glanced at the Abyssal Demon King, and then looked at Aglan: "You want to go to the door of perfidy, right? I happen to have a scene over there, I hope you can take me through with the flame escape."

"What?" Agland was shocked. He didn't expect that Rod would make such a request.

The flame escape is similar to the gate of the wizard's different dimensions. If you want to accurately connect the distant space, you must first have a general impression of that location. Otherwise, it may appear extremely far away from the estimated point.

Pay attention to the public account: Book Friends Base Camp pays attention to cash and coins!

With the sight of the gate of perfidy, Agran can go directly to wherever he can escape through the flames to complete the task assigned by General Selron.

The only thing that made him doubt was how credible the words in the monster's mouth were. In case the location he provided was not the door of treachery, but other locations, then Aglan himself would be dangerous.

Agran was unwilling to use flame to hide, and the reason for banishing monsters was that after using flame to hide, this skill would fall into a long period of cooling. During this period, Agran could not escape the monster's attack. Going to the door of the betrayal in the monster's mouth is almost the same as banishing him directly. There is no guarantee for Agland's life.

Although Agland was moved by the monster's proposal, he still did not relax his vigilance: "No, this is where the door of pain is. Go directly to Fire Seal City, and it will not be too late to join the other demons."

Rod spread his hands and didn't say much. He knew that it was not easy to win Agrand's letter in a short time. His words were only for the purpose of burying a seed deep in Agland's heart, and when the time was right, the seed would take root and sprout.

"Hey! I don't care if you are Goliath or another demon, the door of pain is already occupied by the believers of the **** king! Only the succubus and the succubus's companions can enter the door of pain. If you are conscious, leave quickly Otherwise, you will be expelled by all the demons here!"

A roar came from the shore, which immediately attracted the attention of Rod and Agrand.

It was Dorana's order that uttered the roar, who came to explore the Abyss Demon King Lenis who had come from the giant. Linnis was not prepared to be polite with the giant, and immediately issued an order to evict the guests.

Looking at the Abyssal Demon Lord, Agrand snorted coldly. Just when he was about to say something, he heard the giant next to him answer first: "I agree with you very much. I am the companion of the succubus."

As he said, the giant put his hand next to the ship-like head, and soon, two succubuses, who were very small compared to his size, appeared in his hands.

"What?" Seeing the two succubuses in Rod's hands, Lenis was a little startled for a while.

What he did not expect was that the giant in front of him did not seem to be for the sanctuary, nor for others, but for the door of pain. In addition, it also showed his identity as a companion of the succubus. He is a little difficult.

When the giant revealed his identity, Linis could not use the name of all the nearby demons to pressure him as before, and feeling the strength of the giant, Linis knew clearly that he was not his opponent.

Although Lenis has already reached the rank of legend, and his strength is far greater than those of the demons who have just entered the legend, but facing the old legendary creature like Goliath that has accumulated countless years, he still seems incapable and unable to compete with it. .

Linnis knew in his heart that even if he really conflicted with him, there were not many other demons nearby who would help. The more important thing at the moment was the opening of the door of pain.

Upon seeing this, the Abyssal Demon Lord let out a cold snort: "Well, those two succubus and you are qualified to try to pass through the door of pain, but I advise you to be honest, don’t mess with demons you shouldn’t provoke, let alone Go to the shelter over there."

After speaking, Lenis left quickly, as if he didn't want to stay here for a moment.

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