Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1853: Rhodes and Spiritualism

Trapped in a small dark coffin with nothing to do, Lot has been waiting for the end of the painful illusion.

What Luo did not expect was that the entire painful illusion lasted longer than he thought, and it seemed that there was no end in sight.

With the system log timing, Rod clearly saw the duration of the painful illusion, from months to years, from years to decades, and finally to a hundred years, the entire painful illusion. Just dissipated.

In the dark space, Rod has been waiting for the end. Although this illusion is not like other illusions, it has strong and unbearable physical pain, but it is a torture to the soul.

In the past few years, in the dark space, Rod has changed from a walking corpse to a skeleton soldier, with only pale bones left. For decades, Rod, who had never moved, only felt that these bones were about to rust, and there was a dead silence nearby, there was no sound, and there was no living thing.

The year-round waiting did not kill Rod's will. He didn't believe that this illusion could exist forever, and it would definitely come to an end. Even if decades passed, Rod did not have the slightest idea of ​​giving up.

In the silent dark space, the only thing that accompanies Rhodes is the rich death energy, which is also the only thing Rhodes can feel during the long hundred years.

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While waiting, Rod re-examined the death energy in the coffin.

Although the illusion of pain closed Rohde’s power and gave him a new body, it did not close his perception. After all, the ultimate pain is also a superposition of various perceptions. Once closed, the effect of the entire illusion will be greatly reduced. .

He couldn't use the spiritism in the body outside the fantasy to help himself, and Rod did not give up. He controls the skeleton body in the illusion, perceives the death energy in the coffin from scratch, and conducts research on spiritualism.

It stands to reason that the Necromancer's research on spiritualism requires not only the perception of death energy, but more importantly, the application of everything in spiritualism to practice, especially for the transformation of undead creatures, purely theoretically for death The perception of energy cannot raise the level of spiritualism at all.

But this is not the case for Rod. He once did not know how many undead creatures were transformed. The results that these practices can produce have long been integrated into his instinct. Even in an illusion, Rod will not forget those memories, so save Went for this step.

Once, Rod possessed the body of the ghost king's cloak, and relied on the power of the divine tool, possessed the god-level spiritism, and saw the various styles of the god-level spiritism. Although it is no longer valid now, everything he felt using God-level Spiritualism has greatly inspired Rhode at this moment, and he has made rapid progress in the research of Spiritualism like a tall building.

Fifty years later, Rod in the dark space possessed the power of legendary spirit calling. Even if it was placed in Diya, the speed spreading out was enough to surprise all necromancers.

Epic spirit calling is almost exclusively in the hands of the Lich, and very few Necromancers will master it. And the legendary spirit calling is even more so that only the top lich can possess it. Even if it is a talented necromancer, fifty years' time is just enough to be promoted to a lich, and it takes hundreds of years of accumulation to learn legendary spirit calling.

And Rod in the dark space did not even carry out the transformation of undead creatures. It only took 50 years to possess legendary spirit calling, which was far faster than the imagination of other necromancers.

Of course, this is also due to the unique environment of the dark space. Being trapped in a painful illusion, Rhode can do almost nothing except studying the energy of death. Because of the illusion, the spirit will not be exhausted at all. On the contrary, Stay awake at all times and can only concentrate on studying the energy of death.

The original intention of the illusion is to keep the creatures awake at all times, to feel the decay of the body a little bit, and the darkness that seems to last forever, so as to achieve the purpose of suffering. But Rod took advantage of the power of the illusion and focused his attention on the study of spiritualism. His extremely clear mind also made him do more with less in the process of research.

In the process of researching spiritualism, Rhode did not use the power of the system, but like an ordinary necromancer, a little bit of sentiment. Even if I encounter all kinds of incomprehensible puzzles, I still rely on past experience to answer them.

The final result also made Rhode overjoyed. Spiritualism has been integrated into his soul, and it is no longer an ability attached to the system, but has become his own knowledge.

In other words, even if Rhode's soul is exiled again, the legendary spiritism ability will always follow him. Even if he goes through other painful illusions later, he can still use the power of legendary spiritism.

It is not a simple matter to completely turn those special skills in the system into their own knowledge.

Relying on the ability of the system, the former Rhode only needs 12 skill points, and coupled with the racing achievement, can easily obtain the power of legendary spiritism. But instead of researching in the dark space by himself, even if he had already experienced the spirit of god-level spiritism, it took him nearly fifty years to achieve the same effect.

If it weren't for this dark space, even if he knew that he could learn by himself and he could integrate his abilities into his soul, Rohde would probably not be able to spend such a long time. With the existence of a system, Rhode does not need to be like those ordinary creatures, but can use a faster way.

After obtaining the legendary spirit calling, for the remaining fifty years in the illusion, Rod tried his best to reproduce the god-level spirit calling under the blessing of the artifact based on the legendary spirit calling.

If they were replaced by other Liches, even if they had mastered the legendary spiritism, they would not go to study it again, because in their eyes, the legendary spiritism was already the culmination of this special skill, and there was no room for ascent.

However, Lord didn't think so. Lord knew clearly that God-level special skills existed. He spent the remaining fifty years researching it precisely to reproduce the god-level spiritualism.

There was no light and no sound. The dark and silent space became the best place for Rhodes to study god-level spiritism. He didn't need to worry about being disturbed. He only needed to put all his mind on the study of spiritism.

The originally lonely and painful illusion has become a hotbed for the birth of god-level special skills. In the end, Rhode even forgot his own situation and the passage of time. His research on spiritualism had made breakthrough progress.

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