Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1865: Return to the illusion

In the gambling contract, Aglan was full of dissatisfaction, and even the eyes looking at the door of pain became disgusted.

Fu Lisi, who once made him deeply infatuated, at this moment, he has no feelings at all.

Had it not been for the existence of a large number of succubus near the Portal of Pain, Aggran couldn’t help but accuse Friss, and blamed the succubus for wanting to target Hela, which made him take this bet at the end. Lose.

For this reason, Aglan didn't want to stay here for a moment, and was ready to go to the giant to escape from the door of the betrayal immediately.

As a great demon, Agland's tolerance for physical pain is stronger than that of ordinary demons, but he is not so easy to bear the pain in his heart.

The most suitable place for the great devil to go is the top-ranked door of perfidy, where the talents belonging to the great devil will come into play. Aglan had already made up his mind secretly, as long as he went to the door of treachery, he would gamble with the giant again.

"Don't worry, I still have one last thing to deal with." Listening to the suggestion of the great devil, realizing that this is an opportunity to go directly to the door of treachery, Rhode chose to refuse.

"Why are you staying here? Don't you want to see those succubus?" Agrand glanced at Rod and asked.

"Of course not." As he said, Rod looked into the distance, where the giant hand had retreated before, "I want to take another look in the illusion."

Before Ageland could reply, Rhode stretched his giant hand in from twenty steps, and soon his consciousness fell into the illusion.

Once again, Rod returned to the **** slaughterhouse he was familiar with.

Still tied to the chopping board, Rod's body couldn't move, and the wailing nearby kept coming, and on the iron hook above his head, a fishy smell kept coming.

And beside Rod, there are two other figures that he is familiar with.

Rod clearly knew that before long, a hungry ghost would appear and kill the powerless people in the illusion. Before that, Rod had already figured out the rules of this illusion.

Due to the limitations of the illusion, the previous Lord could not make any resistance. He could only watch the illusion progress little by little and feel the coming of death, but at this moment, the situation was different.

The power of the death domain, like the spiritualism that Lord studied before, has been deeply imprinted in his soul, even the existence of illusion can not block this power.

Just as Tiss’s heroic traits cannot be banned by the illusion, the power belonging to Rhode’s domain can also be effective in the illusion.

After discovering this, Rod suddenly delighted in his heart. If there is only legendary spirit calling, Rohde may not be able to do anything, because the body in the illusion does not have mana, but the emergence of the death domain has completely changed this, giving Rohde a chance to break through the illusion. .


A familiar grunt came to Rod's ears, and the hungry ghost carrying the machete was slowly walking towards this side. I heard a lot of this unique hum, and now it doesn't sound so weird anymore.

Due to the reduction of the will to pain, the overall power of the painful illusion has been weakened. This was something that Rodriguez had already felt in the dark space before.

In Rod's eyes, the hungry ghost carrying the machete has changed from the appearance of a big belly to a skinny appearance, looking like it hasn't eaten in a long time. But Rod, who knows about hungry ghosts, knows that the more hungry this creature is, the more powerful it can be in fighting, and it can do whatever it takes for food.

As in the last attempt, the hungry ghost went straight past Rod and came to the tied purple-haired girl. Just as he was about to lift the machete, he heard Rod's laughter.

The hungry ghost glanced at Rod strangely, wondering why a food that was about to be eaten would laugh before he died.

Before he could think clearly, the shadows flashed, and countless stumps and broken arms on top of the hungry ghost's head rushed towards him, completely pressing him underneath.

Those were the creatures that were originally strung by iron hooks and hung high above Rod's head. It was the stumps and arms that had put pressure on the creatures in the painful illusion. Under the influence of the death field, they all came alive at this moment, and according to Rhode's command, they rushed to the hungry ghost below.

Rod clearly saw that an arm without a body connected to the hungry ghost fiercely grabbed it, and finally tore a large piece of flesh from its body, a **** head, using only the remaining teeth, to death. Biting it on the ear of the hungry ghost, let it feel the pain of being eaten.

The hungry ghost's body was pressed by a huge piece of meat that didn't know what kind of devil it was. He couldn't move at all and could only let out a howl of pain.

With the help of an undead creature whose body was still intact, Lord also cut the rope that bound him.

After breaking away from the shackles of the cutting board, Luo Luo didn't even look at the hungry ghost swallowed by the undead creatures, but turned slightly to look at the other two in the illusion.

Relying on the power in the illusion, Rod saw the two in his memory again. The memory that had been gradually forgotten because of countless years of darkness and decadent illusion, once again emerged from the bottom of Rod's heart.

Although in the eyes of other demons nearby, Lord only stayed in the painful illusion for a while, but Lord knew that in order to study spiritualism, his consciousness had been in a dark and decadent space for hundreds of years. .

Hundreds of years were enough to make Lord forget many things, he was full of spiritualism, and even a little blurred, the appearance of the people he had cared about.

Not far away, the hungry ghost was tortured, and the wailing noises continued to reach Rod’s mind. Rod didn’t even look at it at all, staring at the two people who appeared with him in the illusion. .

Rod stared indifferently, the figures of Inota and Rowling.

Under the influence of the power of the illusion, the two of them always appeared to be asleep, but the faint anxiety on their faces seemed to indicate that their dreams were not easy.

Rod did not try to go to them in the illusion. He knew the power of the painful illusion, and trying to awaken them was just in vain.

At this moment Rod, he doesn’t know that the two people in front of him are in fact a painful illusion. Relying on the power of the door of pain and the souls captured, he regards them as part of the painful illusion, but even so, Rod’s eyes Still softened.

I don't know how long it took, and the wailing of the hungry ghost became quieter. Realizing that this level of painful illusion is about to end, a new illusion will appear soon, and Rod's eyes, after showing a bit of reminiscence, slowly strengthened.

"I will find you."

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After speaking, Lord no longer waited, and directly exited the illusion of Disillusioned Love.

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