Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1888: Perspective atmosphere

Taking all the changes in the vicinity into his eyes, Rohde soon ended the observation of the Void Demon Eye and began to cast a unique spell.

The rich element of Qi magical elements spilled out of Luo Luo's body. What he was using was the magical Qi magic that was as famous as the see-through of the earth, and the perspective of the atmosphere.

The original function of the perspective atmosphere is to allow the caster to discover the treasures and heroes in a certain area of ​​the body, but the effect is extremely limited. The detection range is only limited to a small area around the caster. In addition, there are more stringent ones. The detection conditions.

Another kind of magic with the same name, the effect of seeing through the earth, is to show the topography of the nearby area, so that the caster can understand the surrounding situation. The perspective atmosphere presented in the mind of the caster is also a plan view from the sky overlooking the ground, showing the location of various treasures and heroes.

Compared with the perspective of the earth, the role of the perspective of the atmosphere is more limited. This spell can overlook the earth from the sky, but it cannot obtain unknown terrain, let alone penetrate the occlusion of objects.

What the caster can see by the perspective of the atmosphere is the treasures and heroes that are exposed on the earth. Once the treasure is buried by the earth or the hero enters the building, the perspective of the atmosphere cannot observe it, and if the treasure or the strength of the hero is , It exceeds the limit of the perspective of the atmosphere, and cannot be observed by the perspective of the atmosphere.

Improving the special skills of Qi magic can increase the range that can be detected by the perspective atmosphere, but it cannot enhance the effectiveness of this spell itself. Because of this, this spell is not very useful in many cases. Even if you want to hunt for treasures, there are better ones. The way can be selected.

Only the treasures and heroes that exist on the ground can be seen. In most cases, it can be said to be of no help to the caster. If it is clearly known that there are exposed treasures on the ground nearby, where do we need to see through the atmosphere for exploration?

But when looking for heroes, perspective atmosphere has its unique effect, and this is also the place where this spell is most commonly used.

The biggest weakness of perspective atmosphere and perspective of the earth is that there can be no occlusion in the sky, and it is best to keep it bright, otherwise, the effect of the spell will be greatly reduced.

The dark sky in Diya was enough to block all exploration of these two spells, leaving only pitch black on the bird's-eye view formed by these two spells.

The air element plane has a special structure. Above the sky, there are countless floating islands in locations that Rhodes can’t see. Even if he uses the perspective of the atmosphere, I’m afraid it will be blocked by those floating islands, and nothing can be seen. useful information.

But at this moment, with the help of Void Demon Eye, everything is different.

After using the magic eye of the void to display the perspective atmosphere, a strange sight appeared in Rohde's eyes. He seemed to be overlooking the land from the end of the sky, and everything below was captured by him.

Those floating islands that originally blocked the line of sight and were located on the top layer of the elemental plane of air, at this moment, all turned into streamers like magical elements. Rhode's line of sight passed through the streamers and went deep below the elemental plane of air.

Not only that, there was a little bright light in Rod’s sight, which was as eye-catching as the twinkling stars in the night sky. These star-like light spots were extremely scattered. Rod knew that they existed in the plane of the air element. All kinds of treasures.

When the Void Demon Eye regards everything as the most essential thing, the rigid floating island of the air element plane can no longer block Rohde’s sight. Under the influence of the perspective of the atmosphere, his vision penetrates the floating island and sees existence. Treasures everywhere on the plane of air.

It is a pity that Rohdesch’s perspective atmosphere cannot judge the quality of the treasures. The light of all the treasures is the same. Rohde saw hundreds of treasures, but could not pick the best from them. He didn’t have time to pick out the best ones. collect.

Looking at the scene presented by the perspective of the atmosphere, Lord observed patiently. Under the presentation of this spell, he was looking for traces of heroes.

Soon, a burst of extremely dazzling light appeared in the picture that Rod saw.

The light that suddenly emerged was far brighter than the light of those treasures. In addition, around this burst of light, there is also a lot of light belonging to treasures, and those lights are superimposed, making it the most dazzling existence in the entire picture. That is the light of heroes.

What made Rohde more concerned about was that along with that burst of light, there was another light that was equally dazzling, but not so bright. It was also the light that belonged to the hero.

Rod noticed that the two rays of light were separated by a short distance, and the distance was still shortening. It looked like the more brilliant heroic light was chasing the light that was not shining in front.

When Rod was observing, the bright light from the back directly hit the light in front.

Under Rod's gaze, the light ahead difficultly escaped from the shroud of the bright light, but it was even more dim, as if it might dissipate at any time.

This discovery undoubtedly made Rod aware of something. Those two fast-moving lights undoubtedly represent two heroes, one of which is more powerful, chasing down the weaker hero in front.

Recalling the words Jadet had said before, Rod's face suddenly sank.

It is very difficult for a powerful creature like a dragon to give birth to a hero among them. Generally speaking, only those creatures that are weak, but firm-willed, are more likely to become heroes. Once a hero is born among the dragons, that hero will inevitably become the leader of the race, possessing power far beyond that of ordinary dragons.

Rhodes believed that there was only one dragon hero who could chase and kill the enemy in the elemental plane of Qi, and that was Moriel, who was a natural hero. And the hero who is being hunted down is probably Rowling who came to the Kingdom of Dragon with Inota.

Rowling is also a hero, and she is also a natural hero with great potential. Her existence will naturally be observed by the perspective of the atmosphere.

What made Rod's heart tense was that Rowling, as a natural hero, was supposed to shine like Molly, but now it has become extremely weak, and may even dissipate at any time. Her situation is obviously not optimistic.

"Master, I have been able to use the flame to escape again." Aside, after seeing the anxiety on Rod's face, Agrand took the initiative to remind Rod.

Rod nodded, and then he saw the direction predicted by the atmosphere and informed the great demon, but he did not leave immediately, instead he set his sight to the center of the dragon gathered below, where the ring was. .

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