Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1895: Resolve the crisis

The flames continued to spread on Rod's giant body, and soon completely covered his body.

It wasn't a sign of using flames to hide, but a bloodline characteristic from Hell's Bimeng, igniting a prairie fire of anger.

Rhode, who is fused with Hell Beamon, can passively activate this ability under one condition, and that is in a state of extreme anger.

Without a word, Rod's figure disappeared in an instant, and Agland on the magic ship was stunned. He was left in the void, and his figure fell downward. Fortunately, he flapped his wings in time to stabilize his figure.

The place where Rod's figure reappeared was beside the great red dragon Moriel.

Rhode’s use of teleportation surpassed all dragons’ expectations. No one thought that this giant, who seemed to be good at melee combat, could perform magic such as teleportation and directly attack the leader of the dragon legion. attack.

The giant hand grabbed directly towards Molly, and Rod knew that as long as the hero Molly was solved, her control over the other giant dragons would immediately collapse. In the third expansion of the previous life, the players did the same.

Facing the attacking giant hand, Morel showed an angry look: "Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you!"

Moriel's body was several times larger than other dragons, but his movements were more flexible than them. Seeing that she was about to be caught by the giant hand, she leaned sideways abruptly, avoiding the giant hand that was grabbing, and then bit her backhand on the giant's wrist.

Her jaw slammed into force, and only heard a crisp sound. The entire wrist of the giant's body was crushed. Rohde didn't even have time to perform the fusion ceremony, and lost control of the giant hand.

Bathed in the blood gushing out of the giant's wrist, Molly laughed wildly: "Did you see it? This is the end of the fight against me!"

After receiving a serious injury that he had never had since he obtained the body of a giant, Rhodes looked pale, and he underestimated the power of the hero Moriel.

The skin of the giant Goliath is extremely tough, and its protective ability is far beyond any equipment in Rhodes's impression. The ordinary dragon can bite the teeth of the plate armor, and can only bite the skin of Goliath slightly.

Only like Hell Beamon, with the ultimate armor-breaking ability, can it cause damage to Goliath's body. The claws of the Behemoth behemoth are the most powerful armor-piercing weapon in the world. There is no other thing. , Can be compared with it.

However, what Rhode did not expect was that Molly's bite could also have this kind of power. Goliath's tough skin seemed to be papery in front of her, unable to provide any defensive effect.

With just one counterattack, Morel bit off the right hand of the giant's body and achieved unimaginable results.

Losing the best opportunity to use teleportation to attack, Rhode's body quickly fell and fell back to the floating island.

As he descended, Rod heard Moriel's mad laughter, and he showed a sneer.

In the sky, laughing Molly suddenly realized something was wrong, just about to spread her wings and fly, but her whole body suddenly couldn't move.

The giant hand that had been bitten off by her unexpectedly came back to life, with five fingers spreading wide, pinching her whole body in the palm of her palm, making her wings unable to exert any strength at all.

Molly, who was firmly grasped by the giant hand and unable to flap her wings, could not maintain her balance, and quickly fell from the sky.

And what Rhodes is waiting for is this opportunity.

Naturally, Molly would not know that the death domain of Rod's body could turn all dead creatures, including the broken parts of their bodies, into undead creatures under their own control.

This point was tested by the body parts worn on the iron hook on the top of his head when Rhodes entered the illusion of Broken Love for the second time, and he had already written down the effects of the death domain.

Among the parts that can be transformed in the field of death, it is natural that Rod's own body parts are included.

The biggest mistake Molly made was that after biting Rod's wrist, he stayed in place, did not avoid the broken palm, and was finally caught by the palm, and the wings could not be spread at all.

Looking at Molly, who was constantly falling, getting closer and closer to him, and being bound by a giant hand, unable to move at all, Rod's eyes condensed. As long as he seized this opportunity, he would be able to completely solve this tricky natural hero.

The fairy dragon in the distance discovered this situation and tried to impose flying thaumatism on Molly, but what they forgot was that Molly could resist any magic, and flying thaumatism could not be applied to her at all.

Morel's fall caused the nearby dragon to go crazy instantly. The roar of dragons resounded in the sky, and the remaining dragons rushed toward Lord, and Lord ignored the falling Moriel.

Seeing that Rod was about to approach Morel's body again, a fairy dragon made a decision and opened a horizontal door of different dimensions below Morel's fall.

The giant hand wrapped Molly's body and fell into the door of the different dimension together. Rod could only watch the appearance of this scene. When he came to the door of the different dimension, the space spell had closed again.

If it were to change to a body, Rod could still interfere with the door of another dimension, but at this time, he has no way to counter this spell.

Without time to complain, Rod quickly shifted his gaze and looked at the other dragons that were rushing forward.

From the attack on Morel to the moment when she was in extreme danger, only a few breathing time passed. The other dragons had no time to react. They all rushed towards Rude according to their blood instincts.

If the dragons stayed on guard in the sky, Rohde still had no suitable method to fight them. Even if he used teleportation, Rohde’s mana was not enough, and he could not use it many times.

However, if those dragons approached actively and even planned to fight in close quarters, the result would be different, and Rod would not let go of such a good opportunity.

Lost the palm of his right hand, but the huge power of the giant body is still unstoppable. Rhode only needs to swing his arm and bombard the body of a giant dragon with all his strength to achieve good results.

Not far away, Agland in the sky stared at this scene blankly. Even if he shot with all his strength, he could only drag one of the dragons. He didn't expect that Rhode, who had been under the siege of the dragon army, could suppress it in reverse. they.

Any dragon that was rubbed by the body of a giant suffered severe injuries and lost combat ability, or died directly, transformed into undead dragons, and rejoined the battle.

"This power..."

For a while, Agland even forgot to help Rod, just staring at this scene blankly.

"It's worthy of being the master."

Soon, a bit of scorching heat flashed in his eyes, flapping the demon bat wings behind him, joining the battle, and solving the severely injured dragons.

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