Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1935: Eli's discovery

Sally's proposal made Rod a little dazed for a while.

If he was the one he used to, he would probably agree to Sally’s request without hesitation, and get the actual benefits first. He still needs to use Sally’s power. Even the leader of the Magic Guild promised to take action. It depends on the Thieves Guild. For serving.

However, after passing through the illusion of disillusioned love in hell, Rod's thoughts changed. Certain emotions grew in his heart. That was the will that he had longed for and could bring powerful power.

"Okay. After taking my body back, I will give you the Scarlet Eye." Rhode replied calmly.

Sally looked happy when she heard Rod’s answer. However, the content of Rod’s second half made her not happy at all.

"What did you say?" She asked somewhat unexpectedly.

"Isn't this your request? I will give you the eyes, don't worry about my breaking the agreement, I don't want to be assassinated endlessly." Rod replied.

Sally opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she just sighed deeply: "I would rather you make another choice."

"Do you want me to lie to you? Ms. Shadow, I remember you hate other people lying." Rod said, looking at the darkness in front of him.

"After all, you are the first person to see me in countless years. If it were you, I would rather you lie to me." Sally looked at Rod's dark yellow body and said.

Rod was silent for a moment, and then asked: "Should we discuss how to attack the Treasure House in the Clouds? If you know the location of those heretics, you'd better tell me in advance. I can use Goliath's identity to let them attack. All over Elasia, attracting the attention of those angels."

"Okay..." Sally's voice calmed down, and it didn't seem to contain any emotions. "On the border of Elasia, there are at least three known large-scale heretics gathering places. Those heretics came to the surface through underground passages. The world only obeys the orders of the king of hell. Are you really sure to control them?"

"Of course." Rod nodded. It's hard to say if it was the previous body, but now this body was born from hell, and it also incorporates a powerful demon like Goliath that has been famous for a long time, taking advantage of the others. The sight of the powerful demons was all attracted by the trials in hell, and there was no problem controlling those heretics.

Under Sally's statement, Rhode knew the location of the heathen gathering place. Fortunately, it was close to Diya where the necromancer was. If there was a suitable space spell, Rhode could rush there directly.

"Since the last time I let you break into the Treasure House in the Clouds, the angels have strengthened their defenses there, and then imagine the same as before, attracting the attention of those angels and breaking in, but it has not been that easy."

Seems to have thought of something, Sally added: "If you can get enough doomsday crystals from those heretics, I can mobilize thieves from all over Elasia to create a scene of the doomsday coming."

"Crystal of the Doom..." Listening to the special term in Sally's mouth, Rhodes undoubtedly realized something.

Long ago, Rod had obtained that special red crystal from a creature tempted by a demon.

Using the doomsday crystal is equivalent to releasing the magic doomsday judgment, causing a rain of fire in the sky and burning everything on the earth. Activating the Doom Crystal requires life at the cost of life. Even if Rhodes has such an item in his hands, he cannot use it himself.

It was Sally’s suggestion that immediately made Rohde’s eyes bright, as the advance troops who came to the surface world as hell, those infidels must have enough doomsday crystallization in the hands, and relying on the background of the thieves’ guild, they can also find enough. A large number of dead men have caused them to trigger the doomsday judgment in all parts of Elasia.

If it’s just one or two doomsday judgments, it won’t attract the attention of those angels, but if dozens of doomsday judgments come at the same time, the whole of Elasia will not be able to bear such a loss, just like the doomsday comes early, and it will surely make it. The angels relaxed their defense of the Treasure House in the Clouds.

"If I find the doomsday crystals, I will bring them to you as soon as possible." Rod immediately nodded and replied. Sally's short words let him see the hope of success. As long as there are enough doomsday crystals, the angels can't doubt his true purpose.

After discussing the strategy afterwards, Sally left first, and the deep black mist that enveloped Rhode also completely dissipated.

Re-seeing the dark brown light shining on the sky above the plane of shadow, Rod also felt with emotion, Sally, in terms of insight and strategy, far surpassed everyone around Rod, if it were not for Scarlet Eyes. , He has no way to unite with such a powerful leader of thieves.

It didn't take long for Marion to return with Eli.

"We go back to Gwen Island, and when everything is ready, the people from the Thieves Guild will naturally help." Rod said, without space spells, he must return with Eli.

Eli nodded, and then opened a bright yellow portal.

"This time I came to the Thieves Headquarters and I had another gain. In the process of searching the records of the Thieves Guild, I found an interesting thing." After opening the portal, Eli did not enter in a hurry, but with interest. Said.

Rod looked at him strangely and asked, "What's the matter?"

"During the battle with the hero Deken, one thing bothered me. The mages in the academy always knew the magic guild's strategies the first time and made the best response."

Eli didn't care about the change in Lord's expression, but continued to speak.

"At first, I thought that they had obtained the secret information through the Thieves Guild, and I was even angry about it. But when I checked the records of the Thieves Guild, I realized that things were not as simple as I thought, the records of the Thieves Guild. , Far from being as detailed as I thought, and there are even a lot of errors in it. Only relying on the records here, the hero Deken can't do it like this. That is to say, a traitor who leaked information has appeared in the magic guild. ."

Rod frowned: "Why are you telling me this? I'm not a member of the Magic Guild, it's impossible for me to reveal the news to them, right?"

"I think you might be interested in these. After all, according to the legendary thieves' records, the hero Deken often says your name, Rod." Eli gave him a deep look and said.

Luo Luo was taken aback, before he answered, Eli turned around and entered the door of another dimension, disappearing.

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