Strong mana fluctuations spilled out from Lord Luo. With a wave of his arm, the dark green clouds were released from his body, and in a blink of an eye he invaded towards the commander's direction.

"Be careful, that is the cloud of death that necromancers can only use! The priests quickly cast their spells and don't let the cloud of death spread to the city!"

Not far away, the commander recognized the origin of this spell when he saw the dark green cloud and mist, and immediately gave an order to the priest beside him.

The former Lord, with the blessing of god-level spiritism, was able to transform the cloud of death he released into a pure black color, but now he can't do this. The dark green death cloud was recognized by the commander at a glance.

It was the priests around him who reacted faster than the commander. The priests did not even need to give an order, and the priests responded first. After the previous battle with the necromancer, the priests had already mastered the countermeasures for the cloud of death.

The pure white barrier rises from the priests' regiment and resists the eroded death cloud. Not only that, the more the barrier is supported, the larger the cloud of death, all the clouds of death close to the barrier are purified.

Seeing this scene, Rod frowned. The pure white barrier was condensed by the spiritual power of the priests, and it needed more powerful death energy to defeat it.

If there are hundreds of corpse witch kings, only two rounds of volley, none of these priests will be able to stand up, and the cloud of death after many corpse witch kings is superimposed is powerful enough to destroy the world, but unfortunately , Lord did not bring those corpse witches with him, and the death cloud released by himself alone, even if all the mana was exhausted, would not be enough to threaten the priests behind the barrier.

"That's it! That giant has no tricks. If he dared to rush over, let him come and go!"

The commander's passionate words resounded in the ears of the surrounding priests.

The monk priest, who has always been taciturn, indifferent like water, and not motivated by foreign objects, just feels hot in his heart at this moment, as if blood is boiling, and he can’t wait to take up his weapon and fight a distant enemy directly. The spells out are also more violent.

At this moment, the morale of the Erasian people in the city reached its peak, and even if all of them were killed in battle, none of them would shrink back.

"Leadership... It seems to have reached the epic level, breaking the limit of the grandmaster level."

Rod saw this scene in his eyes, only the special skill leadership above the epic level can achieve such an outstanding effect. If you can't get rid of the commander in time, only the group of Elasias in the city who don't even have a legendary creature can cause great trouble to yourself.

The Elasias, they do not have the strong physique of the barbarians, nor the keen mind of the Mages of Bracada, but relying on the cooperation between different arms and a commander with strong leadership skills, they are not afraid of any legend. biological.

Relying on the strength of Goliath alone and fighting for serious injuries, Rhode is sure to break through the magical defense of the priests and destroy all the enemies in the city, but his goal is not just a victory as simple as his true enemy, at this moment It didn't show up at all.

Fortunately, Rod did not come here alone. He leaned slightly and looked at the pure white barrier not far away: "Ageland, the priests will be handed over to you."

"Yes, my master."

The big devil holding the giant sickle walked towards the pure white barrier raised by the priest, which could only isolate the death energy, but could not stop him from entering.

If Goliath's body is too large to avoid the spells cast by the priests, then the big demon, who is slightly taller than ordinary people, has a strong body, and was born for battle, is the best against the caster. arms.

The priests in the barrier found Aglan who was constantly approaching, and condensed their own spiritual power to form terrible energy groups, and directed towards Aglan.

Unlike the mages of Bracada, although the priests also master spells, most of the time, they prefer to use a rough way to directly condense the spirit energy group to kill the enemy.

Looking at the rapidly approaching energy cluster, Agland's speed suddenly accelerated, and the giant sickle dragged the ground behind him, drawing a series of sparks.

If the commander hiding in the priest regiment can use the flame to hide, he will be killed by the giant sickle in his hand if he can't escape an attack from Agland. It is a pity that he leads Rhode to the Cana. After the city, Agran's flame escape is still in the cooling stage.

Even so, the combat experience that Agland has cultivated through **** battles in **** is still far beyond the enemy's imagination. While moving forward at high speed, he only slightly sideways his body to avoid all the energy groups that hit him.

The energy group bombarded the ground under his feet, exploding terrible pits, and the rubble was flying around, but he was not affected in any way. Instead, he laughed wildly: "Your spells are not as good as the ones in Magog's hands. Fireball!"

"Marge?" The commander heard Aglan's ridicule, and his eyes showed a puzzled look. Soon, he seemed to have thought of something, and the doubt in his eyes turned into surprise. "Only in the depths of hell, there is that kind of Creatures, there is no Magog in the previous heathen army, who are you?"

"My name is Aglan Kerrigan, and I am the great demon under the command of the master Luo... Elott, you have to remember it!"

Before he finished his words, Agland rushed into the pure white barrier raised by the priest, and while moving at high speed, he waved the giant sickle in his hand, and the blood was overflowing, wiping out the lives of one priest after another.

At the same time, the flames from **** burned violently on his body and spread to his weapons, which made Aglan unstoppable. For a while, screams filled the commander’s ears. It was the wailing of the priest before his death.

"The Great Devil..."

However, the commander did not respond in time. The identity of the great demon was far more shocking than the giant before him. He deeply understood what it meant once the great demon appeared on the battlefield.

"Master Kendall, that is the great devil in the depths of hell, and it is definitely not something we can deal with! Please hurry up and seek reinforcements from Cloud City!"

The power displayed by the great demon immediately suppressed the originally high morale, and a high-ranking priest proactively proposed to the commander.

"No... defending this city is the task assigned to me by Cloud City. I don't want to fail like that! My ballista unit has not taken action yet, and I still have a chance!" He gritted his teeth and rejected the Gao Proposal of the order priest.

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