"Master Rhodes, Commander Farese Kendall is loyal to you."

Under the transformation of the realm of death, he was the commander of the enemy just now. After climbing up from the ground, he immediately came to Lord's side and knelt on the ground respectfully.

"Very good." After feeling the power of the death field, Rod smiled with satisfaction.

Although the realm of death is not like the cloak of the ghost king, it can give all the dead creatures powerful power and transform them into the witch king, but it can retain all the experience and memories of the dead creatures and let them fight for Rhodes.

This effect cannot be achieved by ordinary spiritualism, and it is also the real power of the death domain. With the death domain, Rhodes can easily form a powerful team, which is better than ordinary corpses in terms of comprehensive ability. Witch Legion.

"Your surname is Kendall? What is your relationship with the imperial general Mogan Kendall?" From the commander's words, Rod seemed to have found something, and then asked.

"General Morgan is my cousin. Since his son's death, I have been reused by him. This time he won the trial task of guarding the border. As long as I pass smoothly, I will get the angel. The reward of becoming a member of the great saints." Valeze replied.

Luo Luo was taken aback for a moment. He knew the news of Morgan's son's death. It could even be said that Luo Luo arranged the whole thing. What really surprised him was the second half of Valeze's words.

"A saint... Judging from the time when the dragonflight appeared, the angels of Elasia should also move, but this is much earlier than I expected."

As if thinking of something, Rod's heart suddenly sank.

Rod recalled that in the previous game, the appearance of the saint was close to the middle and late stages of the third expansion.

In order to save Elasia in the doomsday and fight against the Hell Legion that destroys everything, the angels in the cloud city will select players with outstanding contributions and strong strength and grant them the special legendary rank of saint.

In Rhodes’s impression, Saint is the only special profession that can be superimposed with other professions. It has powerful profession expertise. All players who have obtained this profession have made some achievements, making the Hell Legion extremely aggressive. Great relief.

Lord’s arrival has completely disrupted the original process of the expansion, making the angel’s selection of saints much earlier. The Hell Legion hasn’t even formally appeared on the surface world, and the angels who felt in distress have already begun to choose the saints. only.

Rod recalled that unlike the apostles, the saints had no special requirements for beliefs and abilities. As long as they were chosen by the archangel, they were eligible to become saints. Even the current Valeze, as long as he completed the task, The same is true.

Rod had met a quasi-saint, and that was still in the illusion of the magic dock.

As long as he is selected as a saint, he is eligible to make his profession canonized. The master of sinner souls collected by Rhode, the sword saint Samson, is a quasi saint.

"It seems that those angels have already sensed the crisis of the doomsday. With the current strength of Alasia alone, they are absolutely unable to resist the coming of the doomsday. They are eager to grant the power of the saints to the Alassia. I don't know the treasure house in the cloud. Over there, will this change..."

Just as Rhodes thought about it, Aglan's voice reached his ears.

"Master, I feel an aura that disgusts me, just above our heads." Aglan glared at the golden door in the sky, gritted his teeth, and Rod also felt the anger in his heart.

The angel has been the devil’s mortal enemy since ancient times. It comes from the abnormal movement of the blood of the great devil, which makes it difficult for Aglan to suppress the anger in his heart. If it were not for Rhode’s restraint, he could not help flying into the sky, and the clouds. The angels in Midtown fought.

"Don't worry, those angels are the real goal of our trip." Rod said slowly, "What about the heretics who attacked the city of Kana?"

"They seem to be taken aback by the resurrected Elasias, staying outside the city and reluctant to enter, but their leader seems to have some knowledge and regards you as Goliath in hell, ready to see you." Gran replied.

"Bring him to see me." Rod ordered immediately.

After a short rest, Agland's flame escape was completed. His body merged into the flame and disappeared instantly. Soon, he took another creature and came to Rod's side.

Looking at the body that was twice the size of Agland, Rod was taken aback for a moment, and an interested look appeared in his eyes. It turned out to be a minotaur with a big axe.

"Unexpectedly, the commander of those heretics turned out to be a minotaur." Rod commented.

The terrifying-looking, hideous Minotaur was not born in hell, but was born in Nigon, the world of witchcraft. It is the creation of witchcrafters and is widely used throughout Nigon.

The demons in **** are mostly sheep-headed demons. Because Nigon is located deep underground, it is already very close to hell. The few humans who have unfortunately fallen into **** have become cursed Kerrigans, and the minotaur who accidentally fell into **** have become more powerful. Bullhead devil.

Looking at the pagan minotaur commanders, although Rod was slightly surprised, he soon calmed down.

No matter where it is, creatures with powerful power can gain greater power. Only from the huge battle axe in the hands of the Minotaur, Rhodes can feel its power.

"I am Minotaur, the forward commander of the Third Army of Queen Morel, Goliath, why did you intervene in my battle? This is not your battle, and I have not received any orders from Her Majesty Queen Morel. You dare to be mine without permission!"

Soon, the Minotaur's urn urn reply reached Rod, and what Rod did not expect was that instead of thanking himself, he complained about his intervention.

For creatures like the Minotaur, they usually only admit the truth to death, and reasoning with them does not have much effect. This is where Rhodes feels a headache. If the leader of the pagan is a witcher, it is undoubtedly easy to handle now. Many, unfortunately, he is a minotaur.

"I helped you capture the city of Kana, didn't I?" Rod frowned and said.

"If it weren't for Luo... Lord Goliath, relying on you heretics alone, don't want to capture the city of Kana for the rest of your life! I will knock you all back and let you go back wherever you came from!" The commander in charge of defending the city, Farezer, took the initiative to speak for Rhodes at this moment.

Rhodes retracted his eyes to look at Farese, he didn't want his identity to be exposed to the Elasias so early.

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