Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1944: Angel's intelligence

Looking at the archangel returning to its original state and bowing his head respectfully, Rhode once again felt the terrible place in the realm of death.

For the transformation of low-level creatures, the domain of death is not as good as the cloak of the ghost king. The cloak of the ghost king can give ordinary creatures the power of the witch king, but for those legendary creatures, the transformation of the death domain is more effective, which can directly make Rod a legend. Rank position's men.

The group of angels who walked out of the Glory Gate before, except that the holy griffin opened a pure white portal to escape with a serious injury. At this moment, they are all controlled by Rhodes and become Rhodes’s loyal men, just like the previous ones. Same as Agrand.

After feeling the power in the field of death, an inexplicable emotion welled up in Rod's heart.

The power of the domain is stronger than he originally expected. In time, he can even rely on the death domain to create an undead army that sweeps the main plane without even needing the help of the ghost king's cloak.

Having said that, Rod is unwilling to give up the magical weapon he once had. He has to regain the body anyway.

Before his death, the archangel released the signal for help, and soon, the city of Kana will usher in new support.

Only the group of angels stationed in the sky above the city of Kana allowed Rhodes and Aglan to show almost all their strength, and this was the only way to defeat them. If there were more angels, Rhodes might have to retreat.

Fortunately, at this time, due to the wrong prediction of the attacking power of the infidels, and the fact that this place is not the center of the defense of Elasia, Elasia lost these angels forever, and Rhodes successfully turned them into his own power.

The difference between one and the other is not as simple as one plus one equals two. Rhodes can learn all kinds of information about Elasia from the undead angels, and can rely on them to transform more undead creatures for himself.

The best way to deal with groups of angels is to release the cloud of death that has been superimposed by countless corpse witch kings. The undead creatures on the water elemental plane are prepared for this, and they have not yet been used. time.

"Master, the Gate of Glory is gathering energy. Before long, Cloud City will open again. This time, there will be a whole team of archangels." The archangel named Haselin said respectfully to Lord. He is also the only archangel among the five undead angels.

"Isn't the city in the cloud above the city of Kana the only one of your angels, why are there other angels there? You are not lying to the master, are you?" Aglan asked suspiciously, looking at Ha Serlin's eyes also turned bad.

Even with the control of the death domain, the hostility between the demon and the angel has not diminished. If there were no Rhode's stop, they would have fought long ago.

"Ignorant demon! The Cloud City behind the Gate of Glory is not a human town on the earth. It is the home of all angels and kind souls throughout the ages. The glorious gate of glory that you have seen is nothing more than An exit of Cloud City." Speaking of everything about Cloud City, Haselin looked proud.

"and many more…"

From Haselin’s words, Rhodes seemed to think of something and actively asked: "I heard that Standwick was once a city in the cloud, but it fell from the sky later, and the Erasian people have since then. Think of the fallen Standwick as the capital. If, as you said, the Cloud City should have no entity, then why did it fall?"

The words of Rod’s mouth made Haselin's expression startled, and the archangel immediately showed an extremely pious expression: "The holy city of Standwick, that is the only cloud city with entities that maintains the existence of the holy city. , Is the great power of the stigmata. In order to better spread the gospel of God, he did not want to go through the gate of glory and return to the city in the cloud. Instead, he raised a city from the earth as his city in the cloud. "

Listening to Haselin's account, Agland showed a look of doubt. He didn't understand everything the archangel said, only when he heard the stigmata, his eyes showed jealousy and fear.

"A long time ago, Standwick was just a small city on the ground, but the stigmata chose it. The stigmata said,'My city is in the sky,' so Standwick was lifted into the sky and became a cloud respected by all. Midtown. It is a pity that when the stigmata were killed by thieves, the holy city also fell from the sky, and the glory of God was no longer before."

At the end, the archangel sighed deeply, and his eyes also showed a bit of loneliness.

From the mouth of the archangel in the cloud city, Rhodes obtained a lot of useful news, and he also had a deeper understanding of the history of ancient Erasia.

Whether it is Mexiga in the **** or the archangel in front of them, in their mouths, the ancient Elasia has been devastated by the death of the stigmata, but Rhodes still does not know who caused the stigmata. Fall? Was it Gwen, the **** of wizards, the former owner of the Spear of the Killing of Gods? Or is there someone else?

Shaking his head, he felt the light in the sky getting stronger and stronger. The simple and magnificent door of glory is about to open again. Lord is not going to stay here to face the coming archangel. His purpose of attracting the attention of the angels is already Achieved, but also gained a lot of gains, if it attracts a more powerful enemy, and then wants to safely evacuate, I am afraid it is not that simple.

Under Rhodes's orders, the pagans led by Minotaur simply searched the city of Kana and quickly withdrew to the underground passage, preparing to attack other towns on the border of Erasia.

But this time, without Rhodes's assistance, according to their strength, as long as there is a team of angel guards in the city, they will pay a painful price.

"Agrand, take us back to the island." Looking at the big demon on the side, Rod ordered, "And those angels, take them together."

Aglan spread his hands indifferently, and said to Haselin and his party not far away: "You must put your hands on my body before I can take you away."

"I don't want to touch your whole demon!" Not far away, the angel who had just been beheaded by Agrand screamed at this moment.

"This is the master's order, we must obey it." Haselin glanced at the angel and actively persuaded.

Although he also didn't want to touch the body of the great demon in his heart, under the control of the death domain, Haselin did not want to disobey Rhode's orders.

With Haselin's persuasion, the undead angel finally put aside his original reluctance and put his hand on Aglan's shoulder instead.

The flame spread from Aglan's body, and in a blink of an eye, he wrapped Rod's huge body and the nearby undead angels who reached out, and the group of people quickly disappeared in the flame.

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