Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1950: Dragon's Blood Bottle

"underground tunnel?"

From the Dragon Whisperer's narration, Jenny seemed to realize something and frowned slightly.

"Is it possible that the disappearance of the dragon was caused by creatures in the underground world?"

Jenny, who led the apprentices in the emergency center and treated a large number of wounded people, naturally understood that the main enemy of Eli during this time was the underground creatures that kept pouring out of the ground and could not kill them.

"There is only so much information I can provide. If you can bring me a living dragon, I may be able to learn more from his mouth, and so can the subdragon species." The Dragon Whisperer shook his head. , Said.

On the side, Sotophie seemed a little anxious: "Master Jenny, Eli’s dragons have disappeared, and even the subdragon species are not left. Where should you go to find them? Not to mention, if you can find them. The whereabouts of the people, isn’t that the completion of the task directly? Where do I need to bring them for questioning?

Jenny was not in a hurry, and said calmly, "Have you forgotten the green monster we once encountered?"

"What do you mean..." Sotophie was taken aback, and then revealed a little bit of enlightenment.

"Wait for me here." Jenny didn't answer, she simply confessed, then stretched out her hand, opened a dark green portal in front of her, stepped into it, her figure disappeared.

Soon, another portal was opened with the emerald green necklace worn by Sotophie as the space calibration. Jenny returned to the wooden house of the Dragon Whisperer. There was also a large iron cage that returned with her.

Inside the iron cage, there are three extremely weak creatures, which are clearly hideous dragon heads, one of them is covered with animal skins, the other is wearing a wreath, and the other is nothing.

"Hurry up and let me out!" Looking at Jenny outside the iron cage, Garland Dragon head screamed.

"It's not me, it's us!" The dragon head in animal skin sneered and said sarcastically.

"When is it all, you are still arguing, the most important thing now is to find a way to escape from here..." The pure dragon head's voice was weak, and he quickly swept around, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"They are..." The Dragon Whisperer asked in surprise, separated from the body of the dragon, but did not die, but retained the three dragon heads with independent consciousness, which completely exceeded her expectations.

"They once belonged to a dragon with four heads, and these are three of them." Jenny replied, "Not only that, each of them breathes different types of dragon's breath. I think they should meet your requirements. ."

The Dragon Whisperer looked at these dragon heads and commented: "I can feel the dragon bloodline in their bodies. Their way of existence is really strange..."

"What to look at, is it attracted by my beauty?" The dragon whisperer's look attracted the dissatisfaction of the dragon head of the wreath, she said loudly.

"She won't look at you, she will also look at me if she wants to!" The animal skin dragon head said with a cold snort.

"Stop talking! Our lives can be in their hands!" Listening to the voice of Huahuan Dragon Head, Pure Dragon Head glared at her quickly and motioned her to shut up quickly.

The garland dragon head showed aggrieved eyes, while the pure dragon head took the words and said to the dragon whisperer: "Respected spirit, I can feel that there are many traces of dragon approval on your body. It is not like grasping. Our hateful spirit, you must have come to help us out of the predicament!"

"I have some questions. I hope you can answer them for me. If your answers satisfy me, I can give you freedom." Long Whisperer said.

Jenny listened quietly, without refuting the decision of the Dragon Whisperer.

Several dragon heads glanced at each other, even the cynicism of animal skin dragon heads, at this moment they did not speak wisely, but looked at the pure dragon head.

"Please ask, if we know the answer, we will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." Pure Dragon Head said.

Not far away, Jenny couldn't help but widen her eyes. Since she got these dragon heads, no matter what method she uses, torture, or free temptation, these dragon heads have never talked about their origins, even if they died. I don't want to say one more thing.

However, after changing to the Dragon Whisperer, Jenny hadn’t seen what she was doing. The unruly dragon heads were so obedient and willing to cooperate with her inquiries at this moment, which made Jenny surprised. .

"A few weeks ago, did you feel any unusual changes? It's like being controlled by someone else?" Long Whisperer asked.

Several dragon heads glanced at each other, and Huahuan dragon head replied: "You said this, and I remembered it. At that time, I seemed to have heard a call from afar. A hero named Morel wanted I work for her, but I don't want to care about her at all, I just want to return to my original body!"

"Moryl? Do you know who she is?" the Dragon Whisperer continued.

"I know this." The head of the animal skin dragon took the words, "I have heard my master Alama say that Morel is the queen of the underground world, once drank the dragon blood in the dragon's blood bottle, and used the magic With the help of the master, he transformed himself into a giant dragon."

"Dragon's blood bottle! Are you true?" Hearing the words of the animal skin dragon head, the dragon whisperer's expression was shocked and asked excitedly. Even the animal skin dragon head was frightened by her reaction. Jumped.

"I can testify for her, what she said is true." Pure Dragon Head said actively.

"It turns out to be the Dragon's Blood Bottle...no wonder those dragons will all disappear..." The Dragon Whisperer stepped back, and the whole person seemed older than before, almost falling to the ground, but Sodolphe, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, helped her in time. , This avoided her gaffe.

Sotofi just wanted to pick up the kettle that fell on the ground, but was stopped by the Dragon Whisperer: "No need...I don't need these spring water anymore."

"Did you find anything?" Jane asked on the initiative.

"Well... things are more serious than I thought." The Dragon Whisperer sighed, "The dragon's blood bottle contains the blood of the mother of all the dragons, the sacred dragon. In the legend, the sacred dragon is drinking. Those with blood will gain the power of her blood."

Upon hearing this, Jenny's expression also changed: "In other words, Molly did all this?"

"I don't know. After all, the sacred dragon only exists in the story of the dragon. I can't guarantee whether her blood can really control all the dragons." The dragon whisperer sighed, "It is said that for countless years Earlier, the sacred dragon died in the hands of the archangel. After her death, her heart was made into an artifact dragon’s blood bottle, and her body was made into another set of artifacts, only for the past dynasties. The king of dragons is qualified to be equipped."

"Thank you for your information. I will feed this news back to the upper council for the reference of other jungle guards. Those dragon heads have been doing evil in the territory of Eri before. I believe they will understand themselves when they are by your side. Mistake." Jane thanked him gratefully.

"Don’t thank me. I’m too old. If I’m a few hundred years younger and know that there are artifacts like the Dragon’s Blood Bottle, even if I’m desperate, I’ll have to see it, but now I’m even cleaning up. The garden in front of me can't be done anymore." The Dragon Whisperer sighed deeply.

Jenny looked around a messy valley, and then looked at the silver-haired elf on the side: "Sodom, you stay here to clean up and restore the Dragon Whisperer's garden to its original state."

"Okay, Lord Jenny." Sodophi nodded, and the Dragon Whisperer looked at the silver-haired elf with a satisfied smile.

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