Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1957: Giant in the volcano

"Is this the Doomsday Volcano?"

Recovering from the flames, Rohde sighed with emotion as he watched the ashes falling in the sky and the red hot ground, enough to roast ordinary creatures.

In front of Rod, there is a huge circular pit, enough to accommodate dozens of Goliath's bodies to pass through at the same time. The pit below is deep and invisible. If you look inward carefully, you can faintly see the constantly flowing hot magma.

"Yes, Master." Agrand replied respectfully. He pointed to the deep pit in front of him and introduced, "There is the Doomsday Crater. Whenever magma erupts, it will bring out a lot of doomsday crystals at the same time."

Rod nodded and made a hissing gesture to him. At the same time, Rod held his breath for a while and listened carefully into the pit.

"Ding, Ding..."

The crisp sound echoed rhythmically inside the volcano, not the sound that should exist there.

Agran also heard it, and he showed doubts in his eyes: "General Sellen never let us approach the crater before, only let us train in the distance. Why is there such a sound in the volcano?"

"That's because someone is using the power of the Doomsday Volcano to create a unique artifact." After confirming the sound of the volcano, Rod slowly replied.

Rod recalled that the most important artifact in the third expansion in the previous life, the Doomsday Blade was born in a volcano. It was built by the legendary swordsmith Karenda and eventually became an important weapon for Lucifer to judge the world.

"Unexpectedly, it's really here..." Looking at the deep space in the crater, Rod sighed. He did not expect that the news about the Crystallization of the Doomsday from Agran's mouth involved the existence of the Doomsday Blade.

"Come and explore with me." Rod seemed to have thought of something, and ordered Agrand.

According to the great demon of the former blood sickle unit, Doomsday Volcano has been defended by General Selron before to ensure the casting of the Doomsday Blade. At this time, Selron and his men are still there. In the trial of Vulcan, I didn't know the situation here.

Perceiving the emptiness of Doomsday Volcano's defense, Rhodes will naturally not let go of this opportunity.

Soon, Rod and Agrand jumped from the crater together. Goliath's body made Rod not afraid of magma and the poisonous gas flooding nearby. As the great demon, Agrand was naturally not to mention.

Leaping into the interior of the volcano, the nearby temperature suddenly rose, and the crimson light filled Rod’s eyes. The lava flowing here did not seem to cover the entire world like a lake of fire, but it was even more dazzling, hot and dry. Lang, even Goliath's body can't bear it faintly.

"What is that?" Before landing, Agland looked at things in the distance and exclaimed. He had never imagined that such things would exist inside the Doomsday Volcano.

Rod also changed slightly. He saw a huge crimson sword embryo and the crimson giant who was constantly forging it.

The bloodline of the Titan giant that he once bore, let Rod recognize at a glance, the scarlet giant in front of him is the long extinct Titan giant, with the power to control the thunder and call lightning.

However, the Titan giant at this time seems to have long been infested by the sin karma of hell, and his bloodline has become no longer pure, and he has lost the ability to hold the thunder. In exchange, he has perfect control over the flames. His eyes Full of vigilance, he carefully looked at Rod and others.

"Devils, you are in the wrong place. This is not where you should be! Get out of my volcano, otherwise, I will inform Lord Rahab and let him clean up you!"

Hearing the name of the giant Titans, Agland suddenly changed his expression: "Master, let's take the doomsday crystal and leave quickly. Rahab is the last arrogant king. His strength is unfathomable. I can't think of him. Guard here..."

The Titan giant not far away heard Aglan’s words and immediately rebuked: “You are not allowed to take my crystals! Don’t try to steal them with space spells, Lord Rahab will make you pay the price!”

Agland showed a look of embarrassment, and then looked at Rhode with the gaze of asking for instructions.

The attitude of the Titan Giant is so determined that Agrand did not even have a chance to negotiate terms with him. Agrand even worried that if he stays for so long, the impatient Titan Giant will immediately call to protect the Raglan here. Hubble.

Rhode’s expression remained unchanged. He didn’t seem to hear the words of the Titans in his ears. He slowly commented: “I can’t imagine that you, as a Titan, would fall into forging weapons for demons, even the power of thunder. To the point of giving up."

"What do you know?" Rod's words suddenly seemed to hit the sore spot of the Titan giant. He angrily said, "Who do you think you are? How can you understand my situation?"

"Of course I can understand you." Rod smiled confidently. "Introduce myself. I am the heir of Titan Titan Klom, inheriting his power and memory. In other words, you are the only thing I have left. Tribe."

"Klolom?" What Rhode did not expect was that the Titan giant in front of him, after hearing the name, suddenly showed shock and said in a loud voice, "That is the Titan hero who forged the artifact, you How would you know that name?"

"Didn't I tell you? I am his heir. I have searched all over the world to collect the artifacts he forged." Rod slowly replied, Klom, it is the forging of the artifact Titan's Arrow. It’s a pity that he died countless years ago, and the corpse left behind was displayed in the former Black Crow Undead Spell School, and Rhode also obtained the position of the parts of the Titan Arrow.

"I don't believe you, unless you can show me a proof! Your body can't be used as a proof." After a brief shock, the Titan giant calmed down and said to Rhode.

"I also want to prove it to you. Unfortunately, I have some troubles now, and I need the help of the Doomsday Crystal here to prove it to you." Rod sighed.

The Titan giant hesitated for a long time. After a long time Agland was worried about whether he would contact Rahaber secretly, and then replied: "Well, you can name the Titan hero that has long been forgotten by all creatures. It is enough for me to recognize. You, the doomsday crystallization here, you can take away. But you'd better prove it to me as soon as possible, otherwise, I will definitely deceive you about me and tell Master Rahab!"

Listening to the answer of the Titan Giant, Lord also showed a satisfied smile. Compared with the crystallization of the doomsday, the Titan Giant who casts the artifact in front of him is undoubtedly of higher value.

Unable to come up with more things to win the trust of this titan giant is currently the limit that Rhodes can do. Rhode was already very satisfied with this, his gaze stopped on the scarlet blade behind the Titan Giant, and after a long time he ordered Agrand to collect the nearby Doomsday Crystal.

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