Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1959: Rekindled

"Master, about a hundred meters above your head is where White Rock City is."

In the deep underground passage, Commander Farezer was reporting to Rodriguez respectfully.

In the previous battle in the city of Kana, Rhodes saw Farese’s extraordinary ability in battlefield command and arms control, so he did not let him follow the pagan Minotaur and disrupt other borders of Elasia. City, but let him follow the deep underground passage and rush to the ground of White Rock City as a response.

The Treasure House in the Clouds exists in the sky above White Rock City. Since the last time he was intruded, the angels have increased the defense here. If they want to enter again, they can only resort to forceful attacks. For this reason, Lord has already made sufficient preparation.

"One hundred meters? Are you sure this place won't be discovered by those Elasias?" asked Eli, who had a beard and a beard with a disguise magic.

"Of course not." Rhodes replied, "The earth is enough to isolate everything. What happens deep underground can't even be detected by the mages of Bracada. How can those Elasias notice?"

Eli snorted. At this point, he didn't refute Rhode's words.

"Ms. Shadow asked me to tell you that if the archangel appears, she and you will hold one, and the remaining angels will be handed over to the rest of us." Recalling Sally's instructions before leaving, Rod added to Eli Tao.

As one of the two most powerful beings on his side, Rod is very optimistic about Eli's ability. If it weren't for Rowling's trump card, he could not find such a strong support.

Eli nodded, which was in line with what he expected: "She and I can hold one archangel separately, but if a third archangel appears, what are you going to do?"

"In that case, I will be the only one to drag it." Rod replied.

In the cloud city of Elasia, there are endless good souls. Once the Holy Kingdom is in crisis, these souls will turn into angels to resist powerful enemies. Pious people can even turn into archangels. Among the angels, there are only three archangels standing at the apex of the legend, and they have guarded Elasia for countless years.

"Although your strength surpasses ordinary legendary creatures, you are by no means an opponent of the archangel. Once you are quickly defeated, the archangel who is free will most likely change the whole battle immediately." Eli shook his head and said, "So, You'd better pray that your previous arrangement will be effective, and the archangels will not gather here and the worst will happen."

"Pray to whom? To those angels? Or the wizard **** of Bracada?" Rhode asked with a shrug.

Eli did not answer, and at this moment, Yinota's voice came over: "Rod, those thieves have already begun to act!"

Rhodes's reputation went, Inota was staring at the picture from the Demon Eye. In the picture, the sky of White Rock City had been dyed red by flames. That was a sign that the doomsday crystal was activated. Strangely, no fire was seen. The rain fell.

Soon, the picture turned, a golden-crowned and golden-armored angel stretched out his hand, and his slender fingertips spread out with ripples, turning into a huge horizontal portal, covering the entire white stone city.

"It's her, the archangel Gabriel."

Rod recognized the identity of the angel, and the treasure house in the cloud was defended by her. The different-dimensional door she opened in the sky directly teleported away all the fire rain summoned by the doomsday crystal.

"Her strength is very powerful, I am afraid that even Molly is not her opponent..." Yusia, who turned into a human form beside Inota, said with a solemn expression.

"The door to another dimension? It's a pity, you met me."

Eli lifted his head, his gaze seemed to penetrate the soil above his head, looking directly at Gabriel in the sky. The rich magical elements condensed in his body, and the deep underground, at this moment, could not conceal the violent mana fluctuations.

"Exorcism." He chanted the name of the spell, with divine light in his eyes.

In the sky, Gabriel with the golden crown and armor was surprised to find that she had lost control of the gate of the different dimension, the golden portal dissipated in front of her eyes, and the rain of fire in the sky was unstoppable and descended towards the city.

The earth burned, and under the fire of the doomsday, the entire White Rock City was plunged into a sea of ​​flames.

"Impossible! Who can use a first-order spell to'exorcise' and dispel my door to another dimension?" She showed a look of surprise, her gaze swept around, her sharp eyes, and finally she looked straight at somewhere in the sky and pointed her hand , The golden beam of light shot straight away.

"Is she looking at us? Huh? How did the magic eye be roasted?" Inotta asked with some confusion, and at the same time picked up the roasted magic eye on the side and asked Rod.

After being cooked, the picture in the magic eye was also interrupted, and it was impossible to continue to observe everything above his head.

"She found us, don't wait any longer." Looking at the cooked Demon Eye, Lord's expression changed and quickly said, "Open the underground passage."

Inotta nodded without understanding, and was about to be swallowed by the cooked magic eye in one bite. On the side, Farese commanded the underground cavemen to destroy the column specially built when digging the underground passage.

Cavemen are experts in underground life. Although their strength is weak, they can dig complex and deep underground passages, and they are familiar with every structure of underground passages.

Under the command of Farese, the ground shook, and a deep rift appeared. For a while, the dust was flying. With the strength of the people beside Rod, naturally he would not be affected by this, and there was not even a trace of embarrassment on his body. .

"Master Gabriel, the ground in the south of White Rock City suddenly cracked, and a deep underground passage emerged." An archangel noticed the abnormality in the city and reported to Gabriel.

"There is the enemy who spy on us. I can feel that the strength of one of them is not below me." Her brows frowned slightly, "This kind of strength exists in the entire continent. Knowing which one of them is, no matter who that person is, trying to trespass into the treasure house in the cloud, that is our enemy."

Suddenly, the darkness enveloped her entire sight, causing the angels nearby to exclaim.

"Archangel, let me see if your strength has improved." A gentle whisper came from Gabriel's ear, and what was contained in it was a chilling killing intent.

"It's you, Ms. Shadow!" Feeling the darkness, she immediately recognized the identity of the person who came, and a burst of anger broke out in her heart, "It seems that the lessons you learned from the last time are not enough. Let you The thief of ran into the Treasure House in the Clouds. This time, it's not so lucky!"

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