Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 1966: Battlefield magic

When Alama led the scarlet angel to arrive, the white light flashed, and a thick lightning struck the sky. He became the target of the spell.

Feeling the terrible power contained in the lightning, Alama's expression changed slightly. He could not hold the full blow of the lightning, and hurriedly let the scarlet angel fly to meet him.

The scarlet angel let out a weird roar, and Vera on the side could not help covering his ears, and it immediately flew forward, blocking the trajectory of the lightning strike.

The lightning hit the scarlet angel's body accurately, causing terrible damage, and at the same time it kept jumping around, as if there was something on its body that attracted lightning. When the lightning leaped towards Alama, only a negligible part was left. , Alama waved to break it up.

Feeling the terrifying magic condensed above his head, Alama took a deep look at Eli in the sky, and in front of him, the body of the scarlet angel was already scorched, and even flying was very difficult.

On the side of the battlefield, the angel who had just been splashed with filthy blood by the necromancer completely lost control at this moment, rushing frantically in the direction of the blood-colored angel, and slammed straight into each other.

"This is..." Looking at the astonishing changes that happened to the scarlet angel, Vera showed incredible eyes.

Until he saw all this from a close range, Vera finally knew how that scary-looking scarlet angel came into being.

Their flesh and blood are constantly blending under the control of the magical secrets. As the main body, the scarlet angel has recovered from all injuries. The angel who was corroded by the filthy blood is completely integrated into the scarlet angel, and the neck of the scarlet angel At the neck, another head grew out of it, and a pair of wings slowly grew behind it.

Counting the newly added heads, there are a total of six heads around the scarlet angel's neck. These heads all show pain on their faces, and they make terrifying screams from time to time.

And behind the Scarlet Angel, Alama looked at the magical creature in front of him with satisfaction. If it were put on the alien creature contest, the magical judges would definitely be crazy about it.

"This is the magic creation that I have poured all my hard work into, and its strength still has great room for improvement. This is thanks to the angels, and the filthy blood, without the perfect body of the angel, and the extremely active I can't make such a baby with filthy blood. Speaking of it, it is thanks to Lord Rhodes who found these experimental materials for me..." Alama sighed.

Before Alama was happy for too long, another terrifying spell struck towards the scarlet angel. This time, even the space began to tremble, and even signs of brokenness appeared.

Alama's expression changed drastically, and the spell that struck the scarlet angel was clearly the most lethal thunder bomb, which was not comparable to the previous chain lightning.

Fortunately, the scarlet angels inherited the power of those angels themselves, and even teleportation is also mastered by them. Although the power of thunder explosive bombs is strong, the signs of detonation are too obvious, which also gives the scarlet angels enough time to cast spells. .

Finally, with the Scarlet Angel, they moved out of the range of the thunderous explosive bomb together with the Scarlet Angel. Alama looked back at the place where he stood before. There was a huge empty pit, and the nearby undead creatures were all affected by this spell. Turned into powder.

At this time, Alama couldn't help it anymore. He looked at the sky angrily and shouted at Eli above: "What the **** are you doing? I'm not your enemy. Don't use your spells to attack me. baby!"

If you change to other creatures and feel the terrible spells condensed in the sky, I am afraid that I will be scared to say nothing, let alone complain to it. Alama can ignore this, he glared at Eli in the sky. , Complaining loudly.

Among the dark clouds above his head, Eli just shrugged and did not answer his question.

Even in the middle of the battlefield, Rod also heard the complaint from Alama and looked at the sky solemnly.

"That's the third battlefield magic "Electric Flash and Thunder" that only appeared in the latter part of the expansion? Unexpectedly, the current president Eli can use it..." Looking carefully at the dark clouds in the sky, Rohde's expression changed slightly.

"What kind of magic is that? It seems to be different from the spell in my memory." Beside Rod, Inota raised his head and asked with some confusion.

"That is battlefield magic. As long as the battlefield magic is completed, it will be out of the control of the mage, and use the free magic elements in the space to continuously release the magic specified by the mage until all the magic elements in this area are exhausted." See Luo Lin also looked at herself suspiciously, Rod explained.

After listening to Rod's explanation, Inota tilted her head, still a little puzzled in her eyes: "What do you mean?"

The fairy dragon's ability to control magic is more like a unique innate talent. They don't need to be trained and studied for a long time like the mages of the surface world to master the spells. As they get older, The fairy dragon can cast all kinds of terrible magic.

Because of this, Inota doesn't know much about the knowledge of spells.

Rod was somewhat helpless, but he explained: "Take the battlefield magic in front of him for example, the dark clouds in the sky are the signs of its formation. All creatures under the dark clouds will continue to be subjected to'chain lightning' and'thunder bombs'. The bombardment will not end until the free magical elements in the space are exhausted."

After listening to Rod’s explanation, Inota was still a little confused, while Rowling showed a surprised look: "This... battlefield magic, I have never heard of it before. If it can be applied to common spells. , Enough to change the entire mage system!"

Rod nodded, he understood Rowling's meaning. In fact, after the current battlefield magic was used in the Doomsday War, Bracada’s mages were once allowed to repel an endless number of **** demons, and even had spare capacity to support the unsustainable Elasia.

If it weren't for the Dragon Legion and the Great Devil led by Morel, Eli would be assassinated. With those battlefield magic, Bracada would have the strength to persist until the end of the Doomsday War.

Just as Inota was puzzled, a bolt of lightning struck her from the air, and the lightning struck her head, but nothing happened to her, except that the armor on her body was slightly red.

"Take it, and raise it above his head." Rod looked at Inota thoughtfully, then took an iron sword, handed it to Inota's hand, and instructed her.

"Why?" The purple-haired girl was a little confused, but still did what Rod said, and didn't mean to go against it.

Soon, she understood the reason.

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