Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2426: the name of justice

With the arrival of Sally, the layer became deeper, and the darkness that could not be dispelled no matter how the air magic was blowing, deeply enveloped all the creatures in the field.

"What happened? Why can't I see anything?"

"We must be affected by the blindness of both eyes, and quickly find a way to remove this spell!"

The exclamations of the mages reached Deken's ears, which also made him feel a little uneasy in his heart. From the darkness that emerged around him, Deken did not feel any fluctuations in mana. The darkness that devoured all the light did not belong to any known magic, but a more unique power.

In Durken's impression, there is only one ability that can achieve similar effects, that is the shadow domain that exists exclusively to devour light, and the master of the shadow domain is definitely a terrible existence that all mages are unwilling to meet. The existence of it is enough to threaten the safety of the legendary mage.

"Don't panic, this is just the enemy's trick, Trosa, you take others to protect the Transcendence Teleportation Monument. That is the key to defuse the huge waves and ensure the safety of the academy." In the darkness, Deken remained calm and tried to cast a spell. Break the darkness and give orders to other mages loudly.

However, Deken's voice was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it was drowned in the darkness without getting a response from anyone.

"Trossa, did you hear my order?" A certain worry flashed through his heart, Deken asked in a slightly anxious tone.

"Are you looking for him?"

With a playful chuckle, a round thing was thrown into Deken's arms.

The gesture in perception made Deken realize that it was a head, and what made his complexion change even more was that the cloud of death had already condensed in the mouth of the head, and was about to spit out at him.

The mana flowed rapidly in Durken's body. In just a split second, the cold air spurted out from his hand. With a crisp explosion, the head turned into ice crystals and scattered. Unfortunately, in the darkness, the brilliance of the ice crystals could not be seen. light.

"The leader of the thieves, I didn't expect you to join forces with that necromancer. Aren't you afraid of those thieves and revenge by Brakada?" Recognizing the identity of the person who came, Durken's expression sank in the darkness. After coming down, he secretly swore in his heart that after the battle was over, he would never let the members of the Thieves Guild be spared.

"Let's wait until you survive this apocalypse." Sally sneered when she noticed the threat from Durken. The development of the Thieves Guild in Bracada was extremely difficult. The mages, who were worried about the threat of assassins, united every three days. Trouble with the Thieves Guild, now is the time to settle accounts.

"Speaker Durken, I advise you to give up your resistance." Trosa, who had just broken his head and ushered in a new life in the field of death, got up and said actively, "Being able to serve the master is better than being a The mages are even more commendable and honorable, and I and other magic mages welcome you to join us."

"You" at this moment, Durken was extremely angry in his heart. In his perception, the nearby magic mages were more or less contaminated with the breath of death. They were all poisoned by the enemy. Only a few magic mages, Relying on the ability to surpass the teleportation monument, this was a lucky escape.

The giant waves are constantly approaching, and the unprecedented crisis has completely shrouded the entire Red Crystal Magic Academy. There has been no news from the mage who went to ask for support for a long time. At this moment, Deken, who was retreating in front of the Transcendence Teleportation Monument, couldn't help crying. : "The end is coming, you don't want to work together to resist and resolve the crisis. Instead, you start a war against Brakada at this time. Is there still justice in this world?"

"When did the mages have the right to talk about justice?" Durken's words were also rebuked by the hero Tanan. Although he and others did not join the battlefield below, Durken's words were still heard by him. ear.

"Master Durken, do you want justice?"

With the sound of footsteps, Rhode stepped forward slowly, and through those scarlet eyes, he could see everything in the darkness.

"See the Tanan above? Think about the savage creatures who have been enslaved by Brakada for hundreds of years. It is for their injustice that I declared war on Brakada. I am the righteous one. Oh, I forgot, you're too blind to see this now."

Hearing this, Sally on the side laughed and looked at Rhodes with a different look: "Do you really think so?"

Rhodes shrugged, while Deken looked ashen with anger: "Necromancer dares to talk about justice? Besides, it's just a grievance between us and the Krulord desert, and it's not at all. When you intervene, do you have the blood of savage creatures?"

In the face of Durken's rebuttal, Rhode just shook his head lightly: "Mage Durken, you want justice, so I will give you justice, and now you say it's your internal affairs, don't you think it's ridiculous? Why don't we Be direct, speak directly with strength? Now that I'm here, what can you use to resist my offensive?"

"Incurable Necromancer, you will definitely pay the price!"

Durken uttered an angry rebuke, obviously not going to argue with Rhodes on this issue.

On the side, Rhode smacked his lips. He didn't expect that offensive skills would be so useful in verbal confrontation. If it were a situation where two armies faced each other, these words would be enough to hit the enemy's morale. It seems that those special skills also have their own Undiscovered magic.

"Execute Tactic Three."

After hearing Deken's order, the remaining magic mages were stunned for a moment. They knew exactly what Tactic No. 3 meant. Unless absolutely necessary, Deken would never make such a decision.

After calming down, the nearby mage quickly cast spells, and Rhodes also changed his face slightly. From Deken's order, he seemed to feel some unusual meaning. Before he could figure out the meaning, the portal was Emerging from the darkness, the magician quickly passed through it, and his figure disappeared.

"Want to run away?" Sally seemed to have found something. She was walking through the darkness, and the sharp dagger slashed towards Durken's neck, but in the end, it was only a blister that would burst with a stab.

The evacuation of the Magic Mage was more decisive than Rhodes expected. The moment he realized that the situation was wrong, Deken changed his tactics and saved more of his subordinates.

At this moment, Rhodes couldn't help but miss the shackles of war. If the treasure was still there, it would be impossible for those mages to escape easily. Unfortunately, that unique treasure is now in Moriel's hands.

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