Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2478: past events

"Lord Dragon King, you have achieved a glorious victory. The alien army has occupied all the land west of the City of Wind and Snow, all the mines belonging to Bracada, and the resource production areas. Now the flag of Nigon is planted. In front of you, those mages can only flee in a hurry!"

The hero Ajit held up the dried human head in his hand. In the eye socket of the human head, a map of the entire Brakada was projected, and the banner of the giant dragon was drawn, which was planted in the snowy west. Each banner symbolized a great victory.

"Thanks to that Rhode, it attracted all the Mage's attention."

Looking at the two war zones in the southeast where the situation was in a state of anxiety on the map, the big red dragon grinned. Rhode had offended so many mages, and now he was in deep mud and could only watch the fruits of his victory, which really made her happy.

"Unfortunately, the Red Dragon Army led by Jedette sacrificed everything in the battle of Trith City, and even he himself was not spared." At this moment, Ajiette stared at the westernmost part of the map, near the snow-capped mountains. A town, the words tremblingly reported.


Moriel was shocked and angry, and then let out a terrifying dragon roar: "How is it possible? That small city actually made me suffer a greater sacrifice than the entire western theater?"

Ajiette replied in horror: "I'm afraid that is the case, Lord Moriel. It must be some trick from that Rhode, otherwise, with Jedette and the power of the Red Dragon Legion, how could the entire army be wiped out?"

Moriel showed a sad expression, the loss of the Red Dragon Legion was difficult for even her to bear, followed by deep anger, she glared at Ajiette with golden dragon eyes, and asked: " Didn't you say that Rhodes' main force was trapped in other war zones? How dare you deceive me and cause me to suffer such a huge loss!"

Aware of the anger in the big red dragon's words, Ajiette quickly explained: "It's all because of her! Lord Dragon King, it was she who single-handedly destroyed the Chilong army."

Saying that, the head mentioned by Edgette had a face projected in the air-dried eye sockets. It looked somewhat similar to Rhodes, but was softer overall. It was Rowling's face.

"The moment Rowling conquered the world, whether it was Rhode or she, I would let them learn how powerful I am." Moriel let out a low dragon roar, and the nearby witches were silent, for fear of attracting her. Notice.

"Jedette has betrayed your trust. He wasted such a good opportunity. Even a woman can't deal with it, and it's not even Rhode's turn to take action." Fellowes spoke up.

Sephiroth's words also attracted the echoes of other nearby sorcerers, but considering that Jadet was personally appointed by Moriel, the echoes were much smaller. They didn't want to offend the Great Red Dragon at this moment.

"Who knew that Jadette would be so useless, it's useless for me to put him to good use. Damn if I could go back to that moment, I would never let Jadette perform this task again."

Moriel gritted her teeth and said that if she could see Jadet again, she would definitely tear up the sorcerer with her own hands. Unfortunately, Jadet has been destroyed with the Red Dragon Legion, and she no longer has this chance.

Gu Hao

At this moment, some pictures flashed in Moriel's mind. She seemed to return to the moment when she formulated the strategy. In that picture, she not only delayed the attack on Trisi City, but also scolded Jie well. After some dete, the Red Dragon Army was finally transferred to the western theater of Brakada.

In a trance, Moriel felt a burst of heat, and the dragon's blood in her body seemed to be boiling, causing her to roar unbearably.

"Moriel-sama, are you alright?"

The familiar greeting made Moriel stunned for a moment. When she opened her eyes, she saw Jadet, the sorcerer who was asking her concern.

"How dare you come back!" Looking at the sorcerer in front of her, Moriel gritted her teeth fiercely, "You wiped out the entire army of the Red Dragon Army, you should be buried with them!"

Hearing this, Jedette was stunned: "Mr. Moriel, are you mistaken? I led the Red Dragon Army not long ago and won the City of Frost and Rain and the City of Cold Current in the Western Theater, but I never made a giant dragon. Injured, this is the order you gave me."

"What?" Moriel's pupils shrank, and her coercive gaze swept across the other sorcerers, "Is what he said true?"

The nearby sorcerers looked at each other in dismay, and finally Ajit reminded carefully: "It's true, Lord Dragon King, we have won a big victory in the Western Theater, and the best thing we should do now is to eradicate Rhode's deployment next to the snow-capped mountains. A thorn in your side, you are planning to send people to take down the city of Tris"

Moriel showed an expression of disbelief, in a sorcerer's expression of puzzlement or fear, she suddenly burst into laughter: "I understand that the legend is true, this is the true power of the holy female dragon ."

The sorcerers near "Mr. Moriel" were puzzled, but they did not dare to ask more questions. Since Moriel's artifact was taken away, who would dare to mention the Holy Female Dragon in front of her, and the final outcome was only A dead end.

"Slow down the attack on Trith City for the time being." Soon, Moriel, who regained her composure, looked at the map of the battlefield projected by Jadet, and ordered to the sorcerer, "Rod has escaped from the sorcerer, those who The mage will not let him go. We take this opportunity to stabilize the defense line. Fortunately, the road west of Brakada has been opened. Soon there will be countless demon reinforcements coming from the Krulod desert. What we have to do now , in order to prevent the mage from intercepting the demon reinforcements halfway."

Soon, Dao Dao's order was issued by Morrill, and the nearby witches responded. The power of the underground world, driven by her, spared no effort to operate, bringing a devastating blow to the enemy.

After the subordinates dispersed, Da Honglong's face also leaked a bit of a savage laughter. She asked her subordinates to slow down the offensive against Bracada, not only to stabilize the defense line, but more importantly, she needed this paragraph. Time to study the power that belongs to the Holy Female Dragon.

As a human who drinks the blood of dragons, Moriel has the supreme bloodline belonging to the holy female dragon. With the stalwart will that belongs to the natural hero, she faintly glimpses the great power that belongs to the holy female dragon. It is a kind of The power to disrupt time and change the past.

Under the influence of this power, the Chilong troops who should have died in the battle were resurrected at this moment, even Jadet, she changed the mistakes she made in the past.

Moriel's heart is not satisfied with this, she has to change what happened a long time ago, she has to go back to the moment when the artifact was taken away, or even longer, and this will take time, study the Holy Colossus carefully Dragon power.

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