Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2495: self-defeating

"That Power"

Looking towards the east, Moriel's pupils shrank, and she finally determined some details that she had never discovered before.

The power that gave Rhode's bloodline to help him break free from the source of the sky fusion ceremony was exactly the same as the power that stared at Moriel in time and space, and it came from the same source.

This discovery also made Moriel realize the problem, perhaps this is not a coincidence. In the center of the battlefield, Rhodes, who had just mastered the self-destruction of mirror images and was given the power of blood, had completely broken free from the control of the sky fusion ritual and began to fight back against the sorcerers who trapped him.

Under the bombardment of the mirror self-destruction, Jadet was instantly blown away, and the lightning destroyed his skin tissue. He died again in the hands of Rhodes. To be precise, after Moriel returned to the past, he should be the first experienced death.

Seeing that the attack on Rhodes failed completely, Moriel took a deep breath and continued to stay in the past time and space. Shaking her head, Moriel's consciousness gradually rose, and finally returned to the space-time channel.

Entering the past, the attack on Rhodes ended in failure. Instead, Rhodes mastered his future tactics in advance. It was so difficult to kill the cunning necromancer. Even if he was forced into a desperate situation, he could still Find a way out.

The unwillingness spread in Moriel's heart, is it really impossible to destroy the necromancer? Maybe she hasn't found the right way yet.

Morrell was calm, and she felt that she should change her strategy. Although she can't kill Rhodes directly, she can change her past self, so as to keep the dragon's blood bottle on her body. As long as the Dragon's Blood Bottle is still there, she can obtain the true inheritance of the Holy Female Dragon.

Thinking of this, Moriel moved in time and space again, entering the past time again at the position two and a half months ago from the present time.

The figure of Rhodes appeared in front of Moriel again. This time, Rhodes blew himself up towards Moriel without saying a word.

In the roar of lightning and the impact of the strong airflow caused by the explosion, Moriel's entire body was blasted out. were hit together.

In the past, Moriel was already burning with anger at this moment, saying that he would smash Rhodes into tens of thousands of pieces, but the current Moriel returned with the memories of the later period. Since the pursuit of Rhodes could not be effective, and instead would lose the dragon's blood bottle, Morril simply gave up the pursuit.

"We retreat."

With the nearby giant dragon either puzzled or surprised, Moriel gave her own order, and even the mirror image Rhodes who just appeared in the distance did not understand Moriel's plan at this moment.

After passing through the door of the different dimension opened by the fairy dragon, Moriel returned to the underground world and belonged to her dragon palace. Even though the process was a bit tortuous, she still changed the past and kept the dragon's blood bottle on her body. As long as the dragon's blood bottle was not lost, she would be able to master the true inheritance of the holy female dragon and become the real dragon king.

glutinous rice

After sighing for a while, when Moriel burst out laughing, her laughter suddenly stopped, and the figure of an uninvited guest appeared in her dragon palace.

The visitor was none other than Rhodes, or just a mirror image of him. The mirror image looked around the Dragon Palace, his sharp eyes swept through all the nearby places that could hide the enemy, and finally stopped his eyes on Moriel.

The nearby sorcerer wanted to shoot at the mirror image, but Moriel spread out his dragon wings and stopped them. Even if the mirror image was eliminated, it would be meaningless. More importantly, since the mirror image appeared here, it undoubtedly showed that Rhodes also The Dragon Palace was discovered.

The mirrored gaze made Moriel both startled and angry. It was a look that looked at her prey. In the past, Moriel liked to use this look best to stare at the prey that fell into her hands, but when she became the prey After that, she couldn't be happy.

It didn't take long for another Mirror Image Rhodes to come over, and as soon as the No. 2 Mirror Image appeared, it instantly broke the calm in the field.

"Oh no"

Looking at the jet-black orb held by the second mirror, Moriel also realized what would happen next. Before she could complain, the first mirror rushed up and exploded.

The illumination of the black light deprived Moriel of all her resistance to magic, and she suffered full damage from the self-destruction of the mirror image, which made Moriel even more distressed. In her desperation, she no longer cared about any artifacts, and hurriedly threw the dragon blood bottle. To the side, he escaped under the portal raised by the sorcerer.

Facing the fleeing Moriel, the second mirror hesitated for a moment, and finally made a teleport, holding the Dragon's Blood Bottle in his hand. Compared to chasing and killing the big red dragon that fled like a lost dog, perhaps it was better for him to get the dragon's blood bottle and wake up the sleeping Inota.

After finally getting rid of Rhodes' pursuit, Moriel, breathing heavily, returned to the time tunnel. Not only did this trip not change the results of the past, but it almost became self-defeating and killed herself at Rhodes' hands.

All kinds of attempts were fruitless, and Moriel was furious, and a mouthful of dragon blood spurted out. She could change the past, but she couldn't take advantage of Rhodes. Could it be that Rhodes' life is really so hard?

The only thing that reassured Moriel was that all the painful injuries on her body were left on her past self and were not taken away by her consciousness. This might hurt her past self, but it would not affect her present.

In the past three months, except for these two times, there is no longer a direct junction between Moriel and Rhodes. Even if the past is changed, it cannot directly threaten Rhodes, which is even more unacceptable to Moriel.

Maybe going back to a time point that has nothing to do with Rhodes, changing the strategy of attacking Brakada, and buying more time for yourself to master the realm of time is the best choice. The Hell Alliance explained, secondly, as the Dragon King, she has suffered too many losses from Rhodes, how can she back down now? If you leave now, I am afraid that you will live in the fear brought by Rhodes for the rest of your life.

Moriel, who has transformed into a giant dragon, doesn't want to live in fear, she just wants to spread fear to the enemy, especially to that Rhode.

After thinking to no avail, the dejected Morrill returned to the real space. It seems that only when the limit time of time and space retracement is farther, before Rhodes masters those powerful forces, will there be a chance to completely solve Rhodes.

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