Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2616: fruit of victory

Mage resistance outside the City of Magic is shrinking a little bit

It has been a long time since the follow-up Mage reinforcements have joined the battlefield. The Mage who are fighting against the members of the legion in the medical field also seem to have low morale, as if something affecting their hearts is happening, even if they collect more corpses of undead creatures change all that.

Fareze, who was commanding the members of the legion to fight, discovered this, and he knew that the master's plan must have worked.

Fareze was also puzzled as to why the master chose to launch a strong attack at this time. He never asked the master. It was only when he saw the legendary mage waiting on the top of the city that he vaguely understood the master's intention. The master clearly wanted to borrow This opportunity draws them away and facilitates certain actions in the city.

Just as Falezer was thinking about it, the members of the legion who should have fallen in the medical field were stunned to find that the pure white light that had been blocking their progress had dissipated at this moment. hinder.

Falezer remained vigilant until the molten giant smashed the city gate open to ensure that the power of the forbidden magic ball was always in effect and could effectively restrain the magic released by the mage, and then followed the undead army into the city.

The enemy gave up resistance with the aid of the medical field. Farezer didn't know why those mages did this, but he faintly realized that all this must have something to do with the master.

"See Master"

With the respectful voices of the legion members, Farezer seemed to realize something, and hurriedly looked at the black-robed man who was walking slowly. That man is the master of death, the ruler of the kingdom of the dead, and the strongest necromancer Rhodes in history. Maybe it won't be long before his current title, the Conqueror of Brakada will be added.

The fall of the Magic City is like a signal that will soon spread throughout Bracada.

Even the magical city where the guild headquarters is located cannot stop the offensive of the undead army, especially if it is replaced by other towns, which is a fatal blow to the popularity of Brakadar. Falezer, who has excellent military skills, can almost see successive victories in the future, until he wins the entire Bracada Snow Region.

Behind Rhodes, there were two legendary powerhouses dressed as mages, a girl in plain clothes, and a few accompanying great demons, looking at everything in the Magic City.

Bracada's failure was not achieved overnight. From the assassination of the president, they had to rely on the medical field to fight the undead army. At the same time, they fell into Rhodes' calculations, and the direction of this battle was doomed. Now, Rhodes can finally pick the fruit of victory.

The Scarlet Mage who put on the bright red robe in the "City of Magic" was a little emotional. He never thought that he would return to the city of magic that he was familiar with in this way.

Beside him, Erica looked as usual. She pointed in one direction and said, "I remember that the guild headquarters is over there. I don't know if the mages have moved the guild headquarters after so many years."

Rhodes looked sullen: "The battle is not over yet, and there are more terrifying enemies waiting for us."

Thinking of the big red dragon and the realm of time on her body, Rhodes only felt a headache. If he is a little careless, all the achievements he has achieved will be lost.

"You're right." Erica nodded in agreement, "The guild mages can't take away all the Bracada personnel, what we have to do is to get ahead of them and win those Bracadas first. "

Rhodes glanced at her. She was obviously not referring to killing those Bracadas and turning them into undead creatures, but using a more complicated method to control those Bracadas and make them live as human beings. identity, join the kingdom of the dead.

"I leave this matter to you." Rhode said, he wanted to turn those people into members of the undead army, but since Erica had a better way, Rhode was also willing to let her do something to wake her up The purpose is exactly this.

Erica smiled with satisfaction. As the second-generation president with the highest achievement in the Magic Guild, she was familiar with this kind of thing. Rhode's complete trust also made her heart feel warm.

Rowling followed behind Erica, taking out the parchment from time to time to record something. Rhode leaned over to see what she was recording, but Rowling put the parchment close to her and glared at Rhode. , let him not peek.

During the conversation, several people also came to the outside of the Magic Guild headquarters.

The outermost part is a garden, and in the center of the garden, standing above the fountain, is a huge withered statue. It was the withered statue of a mage. The withered statue had been weathered and frosted, with a little moss growing near the fountain, and it looked like someone was taking care of it from time to time. The face of the statue has been difficult to identify in the years of wind erosion, but judging from the noble robe on the statue and the stalwart aura exuding from the whole body, anyone can recognize his identity at a glance.

It was the statue of Gwen, the founder of the Magic Guild, the **** of mages. Erica stood in front of the statue for a moment, and then followed the pace of the others: "When will there be another statue here? If it is My word, I will definitely put a teleportation tablet here."

On the side, the great demon Agran, who was following Rhodes, said: "That should be the withered image of the **** of mages. I heard that the Brakada people worship the **** of mages the most, just like the demons worship the king of hell. "

"Of course I know who he is." Erica waved her hand, she could hear that Agland was kindly introducing her, but she didn't need it, "Speaking of which, I did worship someone before, but it wasn't mine. Father Gwen, but another person, or an angel."

Rhodes glanced at her. He never imagined that Erica, who was so wise, would also have someone to worship. It seemed that she had a lot of background: "Angels? They are our enemies now."

"I understand." Erica nodded, but judging from her tone, she was still obsessed with the angel.

In Rhodes' memory, the most famous angels seemed to be only those few. Could it be that she worshipped the arrogant king who was an angel? Rhodes glanced at her, but didn't go any further.

When the mages left, they just evacuated the interior of the Magic Guild and did not use magic to damage the buildings here. Perhaps it was out of intolerance for those things, or because of the desire to retake the Magic City one day, the mages left the still intact Magic Guild, compared to the rest of the city is a mess.

When they learned that the Magic Guild was about to leave, the mage who was unwilling to leave even broke out into conflict with the members of the guild, but it was only suppressed by the legendary mage. From a distance, you can see thick smoke rising from all over the town.

Shaking his head, Rhode took the lead into the Magic Guild headquarters.

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