Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2647: Gakuin professor

A pale, ghostly aura descended from the sky and covered the entire island.

Ji Jia, who was riding a Warg, suddenly felt a restlessness in his body, followed by deep sleepiness and exhaustion. The originally strong muscles on her body were slowly shrinking, and the tense and strong green skin became loose and weak.

Not only her, but Warg Voss was also affected, her running speed dropped sharply, and heavy breathing continued to come out of her mouth.

Thinking of the pale aura that just descended, Ji Jia also realized the problem. The methods used by the enemy are causing her body to age rapidly. If she doesn't escape quickly, it may cause more serious consequences.

Although the body of the barbarian is strong, it seems powerless in the face of this strange magic. Although Ji Jia is a legendary barbarian, he cannot get rid of this gangrene-like aging.

Thinking of this, Ji Jia clamped her legs, and the Warg, who had the same mind with her, immediately understood what she meant, dragging her aging body to run a little faster.

The warg, who was running with all his strength, brought a cold wind to Ji Jia's ear, and the two seemed to completely merge into the darkness. Ji Jia's consciousness seemed to return to the past. Before she met King Kilgor, she was galloping with Voss in the wasteland like this.

Thinking of the terrifying power of the enemy, Ji Jia couldn't help but tremble in her heart. Is she going to die together with Warg on this unknown island far away from Krulord? She didn't want this, even if she died, she would die with King Kilgor.

Following the light emitted by the undead killer, Voss rushed all the way to the brightest spot on the island, and soon came to the southern coast, and the discomfort caused by aging also eased a lot.

The magic professors of the academy stick to this, and the undead killers they cast one after another dispel the darkness that shrouded the surrounding area, and even the ghostly energy falling from the sky cannot get close for a while.

"Barbarian, how did you come from West Beach?"

Soon, the mage also discovered Ji Jia's whereabouts. A fat professor wearing a Qi-type robe and a nearby apprentice stopped her several dozen steps away.

Given Ji Jia's strength, even a college professor would not dare to get too close to her. If the barbarian suddenly went crazy and attacked him, even a magic professor might not be able to avoid it safely. He didn't want to take it. This kind of thing is risky.

The strength of the legendary barbarian has now become Ji Jia's best protective barrier. She said anxiously: "Els is dead. He was killed by the undead monsters and necromancers that rose from the ocean. Where the barbarians are The north side can't hold it anymore."

"What..." After hearing the news, Professor Fatty's expression changed. Of course, his first reaction was disbelief, but when he saw that Ji Jia didn't seem to be joking at all, he couldn't help trembling all over.

The professor tried to use magic to contact Els, and a little streamer flew towards the west quickly, but his magic was like a mud cow entering the sea, and it was impossible to get any response.

"If Dean Els is sacrificed, what should we do..." The professor was in a panic, and using Els's flying thaumaturgy to escape was the last resort discussed by the professors. , Els sacrificed first.

Among the mages on the entire island, only Els has mastered flying thaumaturgy, and the others are simply unable to master such esoteric fifth-order magic. The professor's eyes darkened, and the news of Els' death took away the hope in his heart.

He sat on the ground in a daze, even the light of the nearby undead killer was darkened at this moment, and a large number of blood-sucking fish kings flew in not long after.

Just when the academy professor was at a loss, Ji Jia walked up to him. The nearby mages tried to stop him, but they all dared not move under Ji Jia's murderous eyes. The brutal woman's fierce look made them understand that once they Dare to stop, even without the undead, they will meet death first.

"Listen, I don't want to die here with you." Ji Jia grabbed the professor's collar. The fat professor was pampered and pampered on weekdays, but Ji Jia's body was almost lifted from the ground. In front of him, he was like a frightened chicken, "Even if you are all killed by the undead, I can't die here. So where is your ship? If you don't want to stay here and wait to die, just say it. "

Listening to Ji Jia's words, Professor Fatty woke up like a dream, and hurriedly took out a transparent crystal bottle from his arms. The bottle contained a lifelike pocket boat, which looked like the Egyptian Egypt that Ji Jia had seen before. The ships of the Lacians have only shrunk several times.

Ji Jia was taken aback, and the fat professor hurriedly said: "As long as the bottle is broken, the ship will appear, but how to escape? The beach is full of undead..."

Ji Jia wanted to take the crystal bottle, but Professor Fat took it back. His intention was very clear, Ji Jia must take him with him.

After learning about Els's death, Professor Fatty predicted that the island's fall was only a matter of time. Under long-term defense, the mana of the mages would decrease, but the endless sea undead did not decrease. More importantly, , the enemies that even Els can't deal with, these high-level mages are even more powerless.

Ji Jia looked into the distance. Before that, she had learned about the terrain of the entire island from Els' mouth. In the east of the island, there were only towering cliffs, and it was the only place that did not require special personnel to defend, but only arranged for a mage. Patrol location.

Judging from the situation after the battle, the island was attacked by marine undead on three sides, but the eastern cliff was peaceful for the time being, and Ji Jia could only choose where to escape.

"We go to the east of the island and escape from there."

Ji Jia said beyond doubt that the professor also understood the danger of doing so, but there was no better choice.

"Professor Bida, where are you going?"

The noise of the battlefield covered up the conversation between Ji Jia and Professor Fatty. She was about to leave with the professor and his apprentice, but was questioned by several other mages.

Seeing that several other professors also looked over, the fat professor named Bida replied immediately: "Dean Els is in need of my help, you continue to stay here, and you must not put any blood-sucking fish."

It is undoubtedly impossible for everyone to evacuate from the eastern cliff. Not to mention whether the enemy will give the opportunity to evacuate, just if the mages on the southern coast leave together, it will inevitably arouse the enemy's vigilance, and maybe none of them will be able to leave. Professor Fat knows very well that if he wants to survive, someone must sacrifice himself.

Apologizing to the mages in his heart, Professor Bida quickly followed Ji Jia with his apprentices. On the way, he applied high-level attack acceleration to everyone, which greatly increased the movement speed of everyone. At the same time, he also used the undead killer to disperse the vampires that were chasing after him. Wang, just came to the eastern cliff without any risk.

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