Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2650: sea ​​pursuit

Beneath the eastern cliff, the mages were riding a large ship, away from the island that was about to be destroyed by the undead.

Although the cliff is high, it can't stop the mages of Brakada. Just two teleports, one teleport to the platform protruding from the middle of the cliff, and one teleport to the bottom of the cliff, the mages can safely cross the seemingly become a dead end.

Ji Jia doesn't move instantly. The barbarian's powerful body allows her to climb the cliff as if walking on the ground. She can even use one hand to carry Voss on her shoulders. When she jumps into the mage's ship, look Going up is easier than other mages.

"Speed ​​up! If you don't want to die at the hands of those undead, use all your mana!" On the deck, Professor Bida scolded the apprentices sharply. The movements in his hands kept on creating strong winds and speeding up the sailing of the ship. speed.

The apprentices also realized that it was a matter of life and death, and spared no effort to cast magic. Even if the mana was exhausted, the apprentices did not meditate, but used a more primitive method to row vigorously in the cabin.

The ship was getting farther and farther from the island surrounded by the undead. With the combined force of many mages, they seemed to have avoided the undead in the ocean and escaped successfully.

"Professor Bida, I found a large unnatural thundercloud ahead, and the sea over there is in a storm..."

Before Fat Professor could breathe a sigh of relief, the apprentices received unfavorable news, and the road ahead was not smooth. As if to verify the apprentice's words, the dull thunder continued to sound, and the entire ship swayed violently.

"Those undead are catching up!" At the same time, Ji Jia's words also brought a bit of anxiety. Under the sea around the ship, red dots began to appear one after another, and the undead had found their traces.

The escape of the mage and his party seems to have been detected by the enemy long ago, and what awaits them will be the enemy's merciless offensive.

"what is that?"


The apprentices on the boat suddenly exclaimed, and in front of the boat, at the end of their line of sight, a huge wave suddenly surged. Countless sea undead gathered together, turning their broken bodies into giant waves of corpses, their bodies were tightly packed, and they were heading towards the ship.

Seeing this situation, Professor Bida hurriedly used the power of the undead killer. Under the purification of pure white light, the huge wave of corpses was broken into a gap. The ship rushed into the gap and safely escaped the attack of the huge waves, but there were still many marine undead who had not yet been purified and fell on the ship.

The thunder was loud, the wind and rain were mixed, the ship sailed into the range covered by thunderclouds, and the cold rain fell on Ji Jia, and her heart seemed to cool down because of this.

The cloud of death exhaled by the marine undead is gradually eroding the structure of the ship, and the vampire fish after the bat is also facing the gradually weakened undead killer, slamming into the two strings of the ship.

This ship won't last long. When the ship is broken, these people at sea will have no way to escape. The only thing waiting for them is to be killed by the enemy and then transformed into the undead.

Ji Jia clenched her teeth tightly, the dark night sky, the unknown ocean, the flustered mage, the endless undead, was this the last scene she saw before she died? She was not willing to die like this, but there was nothing she could do.

Beside Ji Jia, Warg Voss felt her desperation, and at this moment also let out a mournful wolf howl. Voss rubbed Ji Jia's face with his fur. The **** battle lines on Ji Jia's face, which had long since formed a ball in the lake under the scouring of the rainstorm, were also dyed on Voss' hair at this moment.

At this moment, Ji Jia couldn't help thinking of King Kilgor, and didn't know how he lived in Krulord? Would he feel sad for himself if he heard of his death?

"Where do you want to escape to?"

Another wave came, and the leader of the enemy, Kegel riding the ghost whale, had also caught up.

At this moment, all the mages fell into despair. They saw the true face of the ghost whale. The terrifying undead half the size of an island was an unrivaled existence on the ocean. It is not enough for the ghost whale to stick its teeth, and it will be destroyed by the enemy in an instant.

Kegel, who was in control of the victory, burst out laughing wildly at this moment, laughing and laughing, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. Maybe it's just his illusion, just now, he felt a powerful breath that suddenly enveloped his body.

The light of lightning pierced the night, and the dull thunder rolled down. Under the bombardment of the electric current, the entire ocean seemed to boil. In just a moment, most of the marine undead who were besieging the ship were killed and injured, even the undead under the sea. None were spared.

"The mage still has reinforcements?" Kegel was stunned for a moment, and doubts arose in his heart. This spell took away the lives of tens of thousands of marine undead. Fortunately, the rough-skinned ghost whale was not damaged in any way.

Soon, Kegel's suspicions were thoroughly confirmed. Above the sky surrounded by dark clouds, an elemental figure like a rolling storm appeared, and the power of thunder danced around it. It was the culprit that killed the undead in the ocean.

"Who are you? How dare you obstruct the great cause of the Lord of the Undead! If you leave on your own, you may be able to leave a life behind, otherwise only death awaits you."

Looking at the elemental man in the air, Kegel's expression changed slightly, and he could feel the power of the elemental man. At least it is the existence of the legendary element lord, and its strength is a bit stronger than Els who died in his hands before.

"Lord of the Undead? I've never heard of this name." The thunder element lord spit out, disdainful of the name mentioned by Kegel, "I don't care what kind of grievances you have, but you broke into me. territory and deserve to be punished."

"What?" Kegel's expression changed slightly. He did not expect that the thunder element lord would destroy a large number of marine undead just for this reason.

Among all the elemental people, except for the fire elves, the thunder elemental people are the most irascible.

Seeing the thunder element lord who suddenly appeared, Professor Fatty suddenly said loudly as if he had caught a life-saving straw: "Great element lord, we are the mages of Brakada, mages have always been on good terms with elemental creatures, please take a look at For Bracada's sake, help us repel the enemy!"

Hearing Professor Fatty's words, Kegel's face sank. If the Thunder Elemental Lord really intends to help the Mage, it may take a lot of effort to deal with it.

However, Kegel was not afraid. He held the Ice Trident tightly in his hands. No matter how powerful the Thunder Elemental Lord was, he would be taught a lesson by the weapon in his hand.

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