Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2659: Negotiations broke down

No one will give up immediate, tangible benefits at their fingertips.

Ordinary people will not do this, let alone the necromancer who is famous for evil. No matter what Erica does, it will not end well for those who resist the mage.

Realizing this, Serena's face was bitter, and the look in Erica's eyes was a little more haggard.

"His Majesty Rhode's big wedding is imminent, and he has given a death order to hear the news of the surrender of the whole territory of Brakada before the wedding celebration. He will marry the Dragon King Moriel as the conqueror of Brakada. ." Erica shook her head and said, "Surrender, you are the last rebels."

"You said that we are the last rebels, of course we can't surrender! If even we surrender, Brakada will completely exist in name only. Besides us, who else will remember the glory of the Mage Empire? Who else, Will you fight for this snowy area?"

Serena looked at Erica and let out an angry shout. Even the mage who was guarding was infected by her aura at this moment, waiting for Erica with angry eyes.

Serena was willing to stay in Bracada and lead the mage to resist, not only because of Esquel's orders, but more importantly because she did so voluntarily. Not all mages, in the face of an irresistible strong enemy, the first thing they think about is to protect themselves, and there will always be people who will fight for more important things.

Years of research on spells can develop the wisdom of the mage. Legendary mages are always inhumane. In their eyes, everything in the world is just a combination of different magical elements. The more they know, the more indifferent they become.

Calmness and balance are the abilities of every legendary mage. They can't understand why some people are willing to die, and do not choose to temporarily avoid the edge in front of a powerful enemy, just as they can't understand why the former Tanan did not occupy the wasteland to become king, but led the barbarians to counterattack Brakada.

But Serena was not like this. Seeing the towns eroded and corrupted by the cloud of death, and seeing the Bracadians who had turned into undead, Serena was heartbroken, but also understood his responsibility.

In the face of danger, how could she just walk away? The glory of the Magic Guild, the pride of Bracada, will be upheld by her until the very end. Even if their strength is poor and the whole city is razed to the ground by the undead, they will not say the word drop.

From her firm eyes, Erica also saw her determination, with a complicated expression on her face: "I am very happy that Brakada can give birth to a mage like you, and I am also sorry for your sacrifice. It's pointless, maybe soon, I'll see you in the realm of the dead."

"You won't." Serena said sternly.

At this point, she no longer needs to talk to Erika. No matter how powerful the undead show, the mages of Mohan City will not choose to surrender.

After the discordant meeting was over, Erica's mirror image dissipated like blisters without waiting for other mages to start.

When her consciousness returned to her body in the Congress, Erica felt a little helpless. As she said before, the last rebels of Brakada gathered in Mo Han City, and the mages in other towns descended and fled. If Rhodes hadn't given an order to take the entire territory of Brakada before the celebration, she also planned to slowly subdue the rebels there.

"Send the order to General Farezer to start the siege and end the resistance of those mages."

Erica said to the high-level mage in charge of the order, and the high-level mage who got the order immediately opened a door of time and space and went away.

It was the great demon Axis who was originally in charge of the order in the Diet. Axis has a unique talent in flame hiding. He can store the number of flame hiding, up to four times. This talent also makes him more flexible than ordinary big demons, and it is convenient to communicate messages back and forth.

However, with the silence of the fire element, the great demons' natural power was severely affected. I don't know since when, the big demons lost the ability to ignite flames, they have no way to rely on flames to travel through space, and the task of sending orders can only be done by other undead.

The great demon, including the main force of the legion, lost the power of the flame to hide, and their strength dropped a lot. Without the elusive flame, the great demon could only rely on his own body to fight.

As the top demon in hell, even if there is no flame to hide, the powerful characteristics of the big demon are still not to be underestimated. If you replace it with an ordinary legendary mage, if you don't use space magic, you really don't know who it is. Who wins or loses.

Erica was not worried about the situation in Mohan City. The moment Serena refused to surrender, the outcome of those mages was doomed. His Majesty Rhodes handed over all the forbidden magic **** to Fareze. If he still can't win, then I am afraid that he will have to change a general.

As if thinking of something, Erica's eyebrows raised a little sadness. Compared with the gradually stable situation in Bracadana, what she is more worried about is the abnormal changes in the whole world.

The silence of the flame, like a heavy burden, pressed deeply on Erica's heart. No one knows what the elemental monarchs will do. At present, only the flames seem to be silent. Maybe someday the other magic elements will gradually die out.

At that time, the only way to wait for the entire main plane is to destroy it. Is it really necessary to rely on Morril to reverse time to deal with them? Erica didn't think the big red dragon would be so kind.

At the end of the day, kings will use the world as a battlefield to decide the final winner. Whether it's Moriel, the Elemental Monarch, or Her Majesty Rhodes to whom she is loyal, all have strong ambitions in their hearts, and it is impossible to do thankless things.

"Elemental monarch..." Silently reciting the names of those ancient existences, Erica finally made up her mind.

If you want to say that the person who knows the elemental monarch best in the world, this person is undoubtedly the **** of non-mage.

Erica's father, Gwen, the **** of wizards, spent a lot of energy to explore the origin of magic elements after he was unparalleled in spells, and finally found the ancient monarch of the elements. It's just that the elemental monarchs at that time were still sleeping.

When she was very young, she listened to her father about the legends of the elemental monarchs shaping the world. At that time, Erica did not understand the true meaning of those legends, nor did she understand the elemental monarchs in the stories. Terrible power, until now, Erica is finally beginning to understand.

Thinking of everything about the Mage God, Erica's expression also became complicated. If it wasn't for the situation, she didn't want to do it. In the end, she made up her mind and left a mirror image in the Congress, and then she shuttled through the space and go.

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