Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2912: Wrath of the Dragon King

With the end of the performance, the actors also began to make the final curtain call.

Whether it's the gigantic old-age Minotaur who played Hardy, the innocent-looking boy with the crown of flowers on his head, or the ugly female **** who played Molly in the show, they all stood up and took the front row. lined up and bowed to nearby spectators.

Perhaps it was infected by the performance of the repertoire. Even after the performance was over, the audience was still shouting and screaming. Some people were even immersed in the previous performance and couldn't help themselves, picking up eggs of unknown creatures, or dishes that were not fresh. Ye, threw it at the dwarf on the stage.

The dwarf seems to have seen too many such situations, and has long been familiar with it, and even grinned, making a funny appearance. Her behavior also attracted a burst of booing from the audience voice, but the dwarf didn't care about it, she was playing that vicious woman, an existence that the entire underground world would not tolerate, the more she vilified her, the better.

Dwarves who are born with short stature are quite an unpopular race even in the underground world where alien monsters are rampant. Not to mention this dwarf in front of him is far uglier than other dwarves, reaching the point of being disgusting. I don't want to take a second look at all. In the past, she couldn't even fill her stomach and lived a life without a meal, but things have ushered in a turning point.

In the play praising King Harder, she, who has a unique appearance, played the enemy of Harder, the evil and vicious female lord Morriel, which became very popular once it was released. I am deeply impressed by the ugly Molly, and the dwarf has also lived a life of attention. Her ugly and vicious image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and her status in the entire troupe is also rising, and now even only in the Minotaur Under the circumstances, he has become a unique clown who is sought after by others.

Just as the dwarf waved to the audience, a warm stream splashed on her face.

The dwarf was taken aback for a moment, but she still didn't understand what happened, only heard a burst of exclamation from the crowd, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to caress the part of her face where the heat had been sprayed, but saw that the palm of her hand had been dyed bright red and hadn't solidified yet. The blood was sliding down her face.

She raised her eyes tremblingly, but she didn't know when, a man exuding infinite evil spirit, whose eyes seemed to reflect mountains of corpses and seas of bones, stepped onto the stage, and pierced the chest of the boy who was performing with her with a sword. A splatter of blood on her face originated from the boy's body.

The man's appearance immediately caused an uproar, and the people amidst the noise couldn't even tell whether it was the performance that hadn't ended or something really happened.

But the dwarf knew that this was by no means a pre-rehearsed performance. The boy with the flower crown on his head, his eyes had lost all vitality and looked dull, only the blood was still warm.

Seeing the man looked over with indifferent eyes, the dwarf was startled. It seemed that the man was clearly coming towards them. She subconsciously turned around and wanted to run away, but the thick and loose costume tripped her. She fell to the ground, taking a big somersault like she usually does best, but this time, instead of ignorant audiences, she was entertaining her ever-looming death.

"You're so bad at acting." The cold words reached the dwarf's ears, she looked up, but heard the man sneer, "I've seen the real Morriel, when she saw me, she didn't Will react like this. She will try her best to deal with me, but she will not run back."

Hearing the man's whispers, the dwarf felt chills in her heart, and now she finally understood what happened. It turned out that it was their ugly performance of Molier that provoked the master of the play. Whoever saw herself in the play like that Such an incomparably ugly appearance would not easily forgive this group of performers, let alone an existence like Molly's.

However, what puzzled the dwarf was that after listening to His Majesty Harder, Morrell had long been no threat to him, and now he could only hide in the Dragon's Nest City, not daring to show his face in the underground world at all. The troupe performed with confidence, but they didn't expect to be approached by the owner.

"Do you really think so?" Leaping into the center of the stand together with the man, there was also a woman dressed uniquely. She had **** red hair, and her hairstyle made her look even more fierce.

Now all the dwarf's suspicions were dispelled, and that fierce-looking woman who was not to be trifled with was exactly Molly who was wanted by the entire underground world. Different from the short and ugly gnomes, the real Molly is tall, well-built, with unconventional hairstyles, quick and powerful movements, without sloppiness, and absolutely not half funny in the gnome performances.


Rhodes nodded, and the flames spewed out from the sword that pierced through the boy's body, incinerating his body, leaving only the charred bones falling to the ground. Since Rhodes agreed to fight with Morrill, he naturally wouldn't hold back anything.

To be honest, Rhode couldn't help being dumbfounded when he saw that funny drama. Once upon a time, the Dragon King Morrill, who had a great reputation and made the whole underground world tremble, turned into a funny dwarf in the drama However, Rhodes didn't know whether to evaluate the boldness of those troupe members, or to pity what happened to them next. Those people in the troupe dared to arrange Molier like this, they will definitely end up in a bad situation.

"Not only the performers, but also the audience nearby, don't even try to run away. Is my name so funny? You seem to be smiling happily." Molly said in a low voice, if the giant In the dragon state, she might have let out a dragon roar that could shatter eardrums at this time, and at the same time plowed through the auditorium with dragon breath, leaving no one alive, showing the majesty of the dragon king.

She turned her head, looked at Rhodes beside her, and said in a mother's doubtful tone: "Kill them all, Rhodes, let them learn how powerful I am."

"Okay, Dragon Queen." Rhode couldn't help complaining. He focused on the second half of the words, which is the name for Molly. Unsurprisingly, his complaints also paid off. Molly's stare.

Fiery waves of flames spewed out from the Vulcan sword. The former Rhodes, with the permission of the flame girl, temporarily possessed the authority of the fire elemental monarch, and his grasp of the power of fire was far above that of ordinary fire mages. Even though he lost the power of the Fire Elemental Sovereign Authority in the end, the method of controlling the fire power in the authority still remained in Rhodes' memory, which made his fire magic and even the Burning Domain have a full progress.

If it is changed to a special skill level, Rhodes' power to control flames has reached the legendary level. When this special skill is paired with the Vulcan sword, it can explode with extremely powerful power.

The flames condensed into a bright golden-red sword light, extending outward from the blade of the Vulcan Sword. The sword light was hundreds of meters long, and even filled the surrounding air with a scorching smell.

Rhodes swept across with his sword, and as the flame wave swept past, the hot flame ignited all the screaming audience within the range, and the fan-shaped area swept by the sword light was completely plunged into a scalding sea of ​​flames. to escape.

The Vulcan sword's sword light is not sharp, and it can't cut through all obstacles in front of the sword light like the hero Tula Leon in Rhodes' memory, but that part burns like a bone gangrene, no matter what others do The inextinguishable flame that cannot be shaken off even after struggling is the true power of the Vulcan sword.

On the side, Molly nodded in satisfaction. As the surroundings were engulfed in a sea of ​​flames, listening to the wailing from the audience who laughed at her just now, Molly was quite satisfied with Rhodes, the power of the Vulcan sword was not as powerful as the dragon's breath, but it was better than the dragon's breath , enough for those audiences to appreciate her anger.

She glanced at Rhodes at the side, although Rhodes always complained to her coldly and said some cold jokes that made her angry, but since then, Rhodes' reaction has become more and more important in her heart Her status made her pay attention to Rhode's reaction unconsciously.

Morrill thought that Rhodes would also look over, but this time she was disappointed. Rhodes lowered his head, staring carefully at the sword in his hand, frowning in thought.

From the kill just now, Rhodes did not receive any prompts to gain experience points. This should have been unfortunate news, but Rhodes quietly let out a sigh of relief after realizing this.

Failure to gain experience points from the system can only explain one problem, that is, they are still in an illusion, not that the two have really returned to the past and triggered a major crisis that can change the world.

For Rhodes, this is of course good news, which means that as long as the two find a way to escape from the illusion, they can still return to the familiar world, without worrying that the old world will completely disappear.

However, how to get out of the illusion is still a big problem that bothers him. Due to the existence of the time portal, the two of them have come from the era of Yindian Holy Land in the illusion to the current era without heroes. The chances became even slimmer, and Rhodes still couldn't figure it out.

Shaking his head, Rhodes stared carefully at the Vulcan sword in his hand. Since he couldn't find a way to get out of the illusion for a while, Rhodes had no choice but to carefully count the power he currently possesses.

Without artifacts and domains, even hero specialties disappeared, and Rhodes' strength dropped a lot. Fortunately, the restrictions on magic have been lifted, and Rhodes can cast any magic including the gate of another dimension. Germany also has the ball of destruction and the Vulcan sword that can be used.

Rhode stared at the Vulcan sword in his hand. As the sword used to forge the Doomsday Blade, the Vulcan sword had already shown its power to Rhodes. Coupled with the powerful fire magic, it seemed to be invincible.

It's a pity that his Burning Domain failed, otherwise, with the blessing of Burning Domain, the Vulcan Sword will burst out with even more terrifying power. The power of the doomsday fire brought by Burning Domain is no joke , when the power erupts completely, even half of the dungeon will be completely burned under the sweep of the Vulcan sword.

In addition, the high-value attributes in the Vulcan Sword panel have a full 60 points of strength, plus a 30-point speed bonus, which also makes Rhodes' melee attributes climb to a new level, and the strength attribute has also become a new level. The highest attribute of Rhodes after losing the artifact. Rhodes had a vague premonition that his current strength might not be inferior to the giant Goliath in hell.

From the flowing atmosphere, Rhodes felt a kind of shackles on the body. If he continued to increase his strength, Rhodes could even tear open the space with his bare hands.

However, how difficult it is to reach that step, even with the attribute bonuses brought about by many achievements, plus the 60-point strength increase of the Vulcan Sword, it is equivalent to all the attribute points obtained by a character's promotion to the sixth level. , which made Rhodes touch that threshold. According to Rhode's estimation, even a demigod who is good at strength may not necessarily have attributes like him.

Just as Rhodes was thinking, a gust of wind hit him head-on.

At first, Rhodes thought that he had made Morrill angry again, no matter what Morrill did, he would not be surprised, but the angry killing intent made Rhodes raise his eyebrows, even if Morrill used the dragon tail There was no such strong killing intent in beating himself.

Rhodes raised his eyes, only to see the Minotaur who played the role of Hader, staring at his bloodshot and red eyes, brandishing a red battle ax, and slashing towards him.

The movement of the Minotaur is swift and powerful. It has swung the battle ax in its hand and killed countless powerful enemies. It knows very well how to use this weapon to take the life of the enemy. Even in its twilight years, in the contest of strength, The Minotaur is also confident that it will not lose to any enemy. Its size is twice the size of a human.

However, this time, the Minotaur completely miscalculated. Seeing that the big ax was about to cut off the enemy's head, the man raised the red sword in his hand. The seemingly light sword contained unimaginable power .

As the battle ax collided with the Vulcan sword, the boundless force almost completely destroyed the Minotaur's arm, causing the Minotaur to utter a cry of pain. Under that exaggerated force, the Minotaur's battle ax had already been dropped When it came out, the blood vessels on the arm burst, and the whole body flew backwards for tens of meters, falling into the auditorium that turned into a sea of ​​flames.

From the hole made by its body, the Minotaur slowly got up, and there was still lingering fear in its eyes. It had never seen such a terrifying existence, even if it was the bull's head recruited by His Majesty Harder in the army. King, also can't have such exaggerated power.

For a moment, the Minotaur even wondered in his heart, is that man really human? Instead of changing from legendary creatures of other races?

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