Heroes of the Invincible Undead

Chapter 2914: clarion call

Listening to Morrill's inquiry, Rhodes paused for a moment before saying:

"You and I are very clear that the nature of the world will not change fundamentally because of the disappearance of heroes. Without heroes, this world really respects strength, and low-level creatures can no longer rely on that heroic will. Fight against higher-level creatures that are stronger than them. At least when we are killing, we don't have to worry about someone suddenly awakening with a burst of will and becoming a hero with powerful strength."

Listening to Rhodes' analysis, Molly couldn't help curling her lips and said, "It's like you were worried before."

"That's true." Rhodes shrugged. From the angry Minotaur just now, Rhodes always felt that something was missing, but he didn't know what it was missing, but now he knew, the Minotaur body What is missing is the will to wake it up.

Without the existence of heroes, the fate of all things is doomed, and no one dares to defy the power of fate. Everything has already been set in the dark, and the shackles of fate have already shrouded all living things.

The only thing that can bring changes to this dead world is Rhodes and Morel who don't belong here. They were heroes in another time, and they understand the glory that belongs to heroes.

"I have a bad feeling." Rhodes lowered his voice, "The rules of this world will subtly assimilate and change us. The longer we stay here, the more we will be suppressed by the rules of the world. , The power that once belonged to heroes can't protect us for too long, and when the power of fate also covers us, things may become very bad."

Rhodes slowly expressed the speculation in his heart. The reason why he and Molly were able to get rid of the constraints of fate for the time being was also thanks to their status as heroes. However, that protection would not last long. If they fail to find a way to escape within a certain period of time, the two may be trapped here forever.

From Rhodes' slightly serious words, Molly also realized the seriousness of the problem, which was undoubtedly something she didn't want to see, she was just a human being in this world, and she was pitifully weaker than before , which made her feel deeply uncomfortable.

The tension and discomfort caused by the loss of power, as well as the oppression of fate that existed in the illusion, always lingered in Molier's heart, making her heart unable to calm down for a long time, but strangely, when she saw Rhodes beside him At that time, it seemed as if there was some kind of support, and the discomfort in my heart eased, and it was replaced by trust and peace.

What makes Moliel a little lucky is that she is not trapped in the illusion alone, but with Rhode's company. If she is the only one trapped here, the completely unfamiliar environment in the illusion would have already made her feel very uncomfortable. She was deeply insane, and she couldn't think of any way out of her predicament.

"Do you have any good ideas?" Molly couldn't help but asked Rhodes. She had already seen the wisdom that even Eve admired in Rhodes, and she could only listen to his ideas at this time.

"There is still a way." Rhodes said slowly, "We are influenced by the power of Eve, that is, the female giant dragon, so we have come to a time without heroes. If we want to find a way to escape, I'm afraid we have to Let's start with her. Her change of time has also influenced many people invisibly. At least we know that you in this time have not obtained the dragon's blood bottle, nor have you become a dragon. I think we You can start looking for clues from this aspect.”

Listening to Rhode's calm analysis, Molly couldn't help but nodded, and now she also understood why seeing Rhodes made her feel at ease. No matter what kind of danger she faced, Rhodes Always so methodical, able to find a way to break the situation from the complete unknown.

"What you said makes sense." Although she wanted to praise Rhodes, when the words came out, Morrill's tone changed back to her previous arrogant appearance, "I used to be in the miasma abyss where the poisonous dragon was entrenched In the process, I found the artifact belonging to the dragon, the dragon's blood bottle, I know the exact spatial coordinates of that location, and I can go there directly..."

Molly hadn't finished speaking when she heard shouts from afar. The actions of her and Rhodes naturally attracted the attention of the local lord, who was leading troops to reinforce them, preparing to send the two of them together. Take it in one fell swoop.

In order to deal with these two uninvited guests, the underground lords can be said to have dispatched all their troops, dressed in heavy armored stomachs, cavemen without eyes, spread out the formation, and surrounded the two from all directions. The pace, lined up in the center of the team, is protected by other alien creatures as a powerful long-range firepower, and the roar of the black dragon is faintly heard in the sky.

Sensing the approach of the underground lord's army, Rhodes didn't react at all, but Molly raised her head angrily and glared at the black dragon in the air. She used to have the heroic specialty of commanding dragons, and no giant dragon dared to fight against her. Even the legendary holy dragon wants to prostrate at her feet, but now everything is different. After losing the heroic specialties, even the black dragon dares to be presumptuous in front of her.

"I think it's time for you to cast space magic." Sensing the anger in Molly's eyes, Rhodes couldn't help reminding that even if she killed the army of the underground lord, she still couldn't find a way to escape, and there was no time to waste here.

Molly just shook her head: "You don't understand the danger of the miasma abyss. Any underground lord who intends to enter it to find the dragon's blood bottle will end up with annihilation in the end, especially when the position of the dragon's blood bottle changes. Even I don't know where to find it in Miasma Abyss, I need a decent team of scouts."

"Okay." Rhodes nodded. Rhodes didn't seem to be clear about how Morrill got the dragon's blood bottle and the various details that existed in it. He only knew that it was the essence that made Morrill Major events of change. Rhodes believed that no one knew more about the various details than Morrill herself.

Hearing that Moreel said that more pathfinding teams are needed, Rhodes also raised the Vulcan sword in his hand, which seemed to make the underground army in front of him all become members of the undead.

However, what made Rhodes a little helpless was that his actions brought Moliel a disgusted look: "You better stop doing it, I don't think skeletons and walking corpses can bring any help to the exploration of the miasma abyss."

Rhodes couldn't help coughing dryly. He didn't expect that Morrill would dislike his transformation of undead creatures. However, Rhodes now seems to be able to accept such ridicule. In the past, the group of alien troops, It will become a powerful undead creature in the hands of Rhodes, but now it can only be transformed into an ordinary undead.

However, Rhodes still felt very puzzled: "How do you plan to subdue them? In this era, you are the evil lord who everyone shouts and beats, and you are not the former Queen of Nigon. I don't think they have surrendered to you." idea."

From the menacing alien legion that wanted to tear the two of them apart, Rhodes understood that it was almost impossible to subdue them. In this era, Molly doesn't have the power that she used to be a hero. There is no way for the sorcerer to submit to her.

Listening to Rhode's question, Molly just showed a sneer, her eyes seemed to say to Rhode that there were times when you didn't know, until Rhode was really puzzled, Molly said: "It's up to you whether you surrender or not." If I don’t want them, I will take the minds they have, and at that time, I will have the final say on what they will do.”

Saying that, Molly picked up a horn in her hand. Rhodes still had a little impression of the horn in her hand. It was one of the instruments played by the troupe just now. It seemed to be just an ordinary thing, nothing special at all. I don't know the purpose of Molier taking this horn.

Soon, Morriel used her actions to answer the doubts that existed in Rhodes' heart.

I saw Morrill holding up the horn, and as the playing started, a disturbing and weird music came out of the horn, and Rhodes couldn't help but cover his ears. Scratching **** the hard slate, accompanied by howling from the soul.

The sound of the horn itself does not cause any substantial harm. Rhodes chose to cover his ears simply because the sound was so unpleasant that he was unwilling to listen to the second sound after hearing it once. Who would dare to play such an unpleasant sound to him? Rhodes will never let the person playing the music lightly, but the person right now is Morrill, which makes Rhodes very helpless.

"What kind of sound is this? Are you going to use this sound to make those enemies obnoxious? To force them to surrender to you?" Unable to get Molly to stop playing the music, Rhodes had no choice but to complain.

As expected, Rhode's words were met with fierce stares from Molly. At the same time, that strange tone also became extremely sharp. Even if Rhodes covered his ears, the sound could still penetrate all obstacles and penetrate deeply into the deepest part of Rhodes' heart.

Rhodes couldn't help shaking his head. It didn't matter if he shook his head. He suddenly noticed a gap in the void in front of him, as if there was something in that gap, watching his every move.

"Wait, that's..." Rhodes froze for a moment, and quickly saw the full picture of the Void Monster. It had human-like limbs, but the number of fingers at the end of the branch was different. There were dozens of fingers on one hand. The other hand has only six or seven, and long soft tentacles protrude from the chin of its face, like an octopus on its head, but that is clearly a part of its whole.

Looking at such a unique monster, Rhodes quickly came to a conclusion in his heart, what is a monster with such a special appearance, if it is not a mind-manipulating monster? There are also magicians who like to call them mind flayers. What those void monsters are best at is to completely capture the minds of others, so as to control every move of the captured person. The power to control the mind is not weaker than the spiritual elements people.

As the chapter-faced demon continued to emerge from the void and quickly rushed towards the approaching alien army, Molly finally stopped playing the music and showed a satisfied expression. That was her unique ability. With these mind-robbing chapters Face demon, those alien troops will be completely controlled by her.

Thinking of this, she looked at Rhodes proudly again. In the illusion, Rhodes' undead transformation was not easy, but her chapter-faced monster was better. This is one of the few things she can be proud of.

Rhodes also noticed her gaze, and couldn't help but commented: "I didn't know that you have such an ability, that you can summon those mind-robbing monsters from the void."

Of course Rhodes knows the power belonging to the Zhangmian Monster. In Rhodes' memory, the complete eruption of the Zhangmian Monster in the previous life should be at the end of the third expansion, or even when the fourth expansion comes, it belongs to the Zhangmian Monster. The disaster still hasn't been resolved, and there is even a unique artifact related to it.

But what Rhodes didn't expect was that Molly could easily summon those chapter-faced monsters. You must know that the two of them were still trapped in the illusion. In the time without heroes, many things that they were familiar with in the past have changed. However, even so, Morrill was still able to do this with an ordinary horn, which caused Rhodes to think deeply.

Facing Rhode's question, Morriel raised her head and replied: "This is a method of manipulation that I have spent a lot of time researching. Even though many things have changed, there are always some things that remain unchanged. Such as the basic rules of magic elements, as well as the power to control the Zhangmian monster, etc. You should be thankful that I originally searched for this method to deal with you."

"My honor." Rhodes shrugged helplessly. He had known for a long time that Morrill had relied on the time domain to constantly explore various ways to deal with himself in time. He did not expect that summoning the Zhangmian Demon was also one of her methods.

Rhodes didn't know how long she spent researching, and finally found this unique sound wave from the horn to call the chapter-faced monster, but it will never be a short time, I'm afraid it can only be possessed by time Only she in the domain can waste time so unscrupulously, trying to explore new methods over and over again in the time, and finally find the most correct path.

If someone else is here, even if she wants to find a way to summon the Zhangmian Demon, she will not make any progress without spending hundreds of years or even longer, and only she who is in charge of time will make such a move. move.

The reason why Molier did this was also closely related to her. This discovery made Rhodes cough dryly and Molier rolled her eyes.

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