Heroic King

Chapter 357: Back to defense, the method of the Scarlet Archon and others! 【Second Update】

The defense and durability of the dock are very high, in order to prevent single players from infiltrating and destroying the dock, Lin Han has already shown the data of the dock, 150 points of basic defense, more than 1 million durability, this is a very terrifying However, Lin Han's output is not a joke here. Each round of output will destroy the dock's durability by at least close to 1%. At this attack speed, in fact, a dock is in front of Lin Han and them. It's just over ten minutes!

When the identity of the attacker was passed on to the front line, the face of the glorious apostle was even more ugly, dark and blasphemous, which almost became the most troublesome player for all players in the light camp. The loss of the previous camp war, almost every fiasco of the light camp has a direct or indirect relationship with this guy. Now if the players of the light camp hold an election and let them choose the name they are most afraid of seeing, then the name of Lin Han - dark blasphemy It is the number one position on the list.

"What to do with the president? If this goes on, the brothers who are defending will probably not be able to bear it!"

Regarding Lin Han and the others' raid, there was also a bit of chaos on the front line of the battlefield for the players of the bright camp. This chaos was quickly caught by Dark Moon and Marasa. The next moment, a huge black steel armored ship appeared on the battlefield!

From the very beginning of the battle, the fiery heart directly smashed most of the plans of the Scarlet Archons with its huge size and unparalleled destructive power. The heart has only changed a little bit, if you have to say that a shake is a change.

"Crush them! Come on my baby!"

In the fiery heart, a dark-brown-haired dwarf wearing heavy armor was shouting excitedly. He grabbed a jug from his waist, gulped down a few gulps, and began to shout continuously. This guy is the fiery one. The Master and Maker of Hearts - Bart Brimstone!


On the fiery heart, the steam is constantly erupting. Although this behemoth is several times or even dozens of times larger than other ships, its reaction speed is not bad at all. Defensive ability, the previous three teams of impact warships directly hit the thick steel armor of Fiery Heart. Apart from a trace of white marks on the steel armor, the only change is that the hull swayed, and the three teams of impact fleets were completely wiped out, in exchange for The result is that it is certain that the defense of the fiery heart is not something they can fight now!

"President, some people have been sent back to increase the number of players. The space door has been opened and some players have returned first. Shall we start attacking directly now?"

On the command ship, the Radiant Apostle looked at the battlefield with a serious face, and continued to analyze various information. Soon, the door of the room was opened, and a player opened the door and walked in. This player called the Twelve Apostles. He is his confidant and a very strong player. In this battle, he will bring three fleets on standby to attack the enemy at any time, but because of Lin Han's appearance, he has to separate a fleet to come back. , but this does not hinder his desire to fight. At this time, the battlefield is only a one-person battlefield for the fiery heart. The players of the light camp are still in the wait-and-see stage. However, just a fiery heart has actually suppressed the players of the dark camp. Out of breath.

"Don't be in a hurry, these guys will definitely have trump cards, hum, these guys fought pretty well last time, but this time I want to see what trump cards they have to fight against Fiery Heart!"

Speaking of this issue, there was a rare glimmer of smugness on the face of the glorious apostle. He was the trigger for this mission at the beginning, and then under his leadership, thousands of players from the bright camp did the mission for more than a week. Finally, the relationship of this NPC has been brushed to worship.

In this way, they also have the ability to ask the Brimstone Baron to help them fight. Although it will cost them a lot of resources, considering the Brimstone Baron's combat power, this resource is obviously very worthwhile, especially after seeing it. After the terrifying body shape of the fiery heart, they felt that this resource was too worth it.

Now, on the frontal battlefield, the players of the light camp are no longer even needed. The fiery heart alone can suppress the players of the dark camp in a large area. The powerful defense of this battleship is even scary for the apostles of light. It is a terrifying killer in anyone's hands. If it is said that the players of the dark camp are supported by the Brimstone Baron this time, it is estimated that the players of the light camp can directly say GG in this war.

"Dark Moon, the troops on the opposite side have retreated a bit. We will launch a raid immediately, and the passage to the Fiery Heart will be prepared for you, and then it will be up to you!"

On the side of the players of the dark camp, the Scarlet Archon and others were checking the battle situation on a huge flagship. After finding that part of the fleet of the light camp had begun to retreat, they knew that the guy Lin Han had already started to do something in the rear.

"It would be great if that guy wasn't my enemy!"

The first time I heard about Lin Han's plan, the Scarlet Archon was also taken aback, and the three players were about to enter the hinterland of the Bright Camp. It can be done just by being brave. Strength, luck, preparation, and courage are all indispensable. When Lin Han sent them the message that they had reached the target area, none of these people would believe that the bright camp Where is the coast? Although it can't be said that the grass and trees are soldiers, there are still many basic defense and patrol troops. However, the reaction of the players in the bright camp has now confirmed that Lin Han really did not lie.

For such a daring and powerful player, the Scarlet Archon also felt a bit of fear. Although the guild he established, the Hall of Valor, has only 3 members so far, but players who want to enter this guild can probably go around Dragon City. It's been a while, but Lin Han has been shutting down the guild's application permission, otherwise the application reminder alone can keep Lin Han busy all day.


Darkmoon Ankara and Darkmoon Malasa said in a deep voice at the same time, both of them know what this battle means for the dark camp. If this battle is still a failure, then this time they will be completely lost. , as long as no one can break through the defense of the fiery heart, the players of the bright camp will always be in the dominant period.

"These guys still haven't learned their lesson from the last time?"

A new round of offensive was soon launched against the Fiery Heart, and a large number of shock fleets began to enter the front line directly to launch a death charge against the Fiery Heart, and behind the shock fleet, the gunboats were carrying out frantic fire suppression, and the hinged guns continued to bombard. , but the rotating hinged shells are not a big threat to the Fiery Heart with reinforced steel armor. After one round of bombardment, the Fiery Heart is a few more grooves on the steel plate, and even the durability is not lost.


When the shock fleet was about to approach, white high-pressure steam suddenly spewed out from the cracks around the fiery heart. The high-temperature and frightening steam instantly enveloped the nearest battleships, and only the screams were heard from the battleships. Come, the battleship that launched its own charge suddenly stopped. That was because the players and troops inside were killed in an instant. Without the control of players and heroes, the battleship also lost its ability to move. In the first battle, it was There are a lot of class-rushing battleships that were directly scrapped in this way.

"It's now!"

When the steam filled the air, two huge black shadows had already mixed into the Shock Fleet troops. When the steam disappeared, the faces of the players in the light camp changed greatly, because when the steam disappeared, two steel ships appeared in their field of vision. A battleship!

Although there are only two steel armored warships that appeared this time, this is completely different from ordinary warships. If the ordinary warship collision can only make the fiery heart shake, then the full impact of the steel armored warship will not be enough. It can really do devastating damage to the enemy!

"Where's the fleet! Fleet! Hurry up and destroy these two steel armored warships! Damn it! They are already approaching! We are in the game!"

The Glory Apostles quickly reacted. They were caught in the calculations of the players of the dark camp. The first batch of shock fleets were simply sent to death in order to reduce the vigilance of the players of the light camp, and the same was true for the second batch of troops. At the beginning, the steel battleship did not appear. At the moment when the steam attack was launched, the players of the dark camp had the best cover up. When he reacted, the steel battleship was approaching!

"I want to see how hard this **** is today!"

On the flagship, Dark Moon Ankara watched the steel battleship slam into the fiery heart, and said viciously, they had two preparations for this plan, and the first one was the most direct, that is, the collision, let the two steel battleships directly Hit the fiery heart and see if it can cause damage. If this method is unsuccessful, they will take the second method - blow it up directly!

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

The sound of heavy objects hitting the metal kept coming, and a large number of creatures fell heavily on the fiery heart. This is the troop that came here with the steel-armored battleship. If Lin Han was there, he would definitely feel familiar. Because this is the hellfire demon army he dealt with before!


At the rear of the fleet, Cang Ze frantically controlled these troops and began to attack each other. The next moment, a violent explosion instantly devoured most of the Fiery Heart's hull!

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