Heroic King

Chapter 360: Outflanked Bright Camp Troops [First Update]


Lin Han is not very surprised by this news. His action has caused a lot of losses to the players of the Bright camp. These guys are so angry that they are chasing and killing him. , No matter how you calculate it, this time will not be too much, that is to say, there is not much time for them to attack the dock.

"Hurry up and attack, we're running out of time!"

Lin Han, who already had an idea in his heart, said loudly in the team channel, this action, to put it nicely, is to assist the dark camp in destroying the plan of the light camp, and to say it directly, that is to receive benefits. Of course, this benefit is not so easy to receive, and the risks that Lin Han and the others take are not small. If it is true that they are made dumplings by the players of the bright camp, no matter how many magic scrolls they have, they will definitely not be able to escape. .

Zhang Liang and He Hao obviously knew it, so after Lin Han said this, their attack speed increased a lot, and all kinds of blessing magic hit the troops regardless of the magic power. Obviously is to maximize the output.

"Master, Liangzi, how come your output is similar to mine? It's not scientific!"

In the team damage statistics, Lin Han suddenly found that Zhang Liang's unit output was not much worse than his own. This is unscientific. It's not that he underestimated Zhang Liang, but that Zhang Liang and He Hao's troops are similar. Yes, but Zhang Liang's damage output is a lot higher than He Hao!

"Hey, I told you not to underestimate my brother, he is a demolitionist!"

Zhang Liang said with a big laugh in the team channel, and at the same time sent a skill to the team channel.

"Advanced Destruction Attack: Orc race skill, when troops face buildings, the attack type is converted into siege weapon damage, and additional damage is generated. When dealing with buildings, all troops increase their damage by 35%. When the defense is higher than 100 points, every 2 points of defense increases, an extra 1% extra damage is generated, and the maximum extra damage is 50%."

"Hey, no wonder, you guy, when you hit these buildings, the damage is at least 150% or more, right?"

When seeing this skill, Lin Handon is not surprised. One of the reasons for the high defense of buildings is the type of armor. Enhanced armor can reduce the damage of most attack types, but siege weapon attacks will cause damage to them. The extra damage, and then coupled with the 35% damage of Zhang Liang's skill, basically means that each attack is a 150% damage effect, which does not calculate the player's bonus.

At the same time, the defense of the dock itself is very high, 150 points of basic defense, which is 25% extra damage increase, which is equivalent to saying that this guy's troops will cause a minimum of 75% extra damage when attacking buildings. The player's super-high attacking talent has grown, and it is not surprising that the output ability is chasing Lin Han.

"Grandma, a bear, this city wall does not eat magic. If it does eat magic, Liangzi, you are better than me?"

In contrast, He Hao is going to be much more depressed. For similar troops, Zhang Liang's output is almost double his. This situation is really depressing. After the attack, the next level 5 has been promoted to the advanced level. Although He Hao has a lot of magic, none of them are siege magic, which makes him face all kinds of headaches when dealing with the city wall. .

"What's wrong? You don't agree. If you don't agree, go and see some siege magic."

Zhang Liang said with a wicked smile, and He Hao was so angry that his teeth were itchy. This was his pain all the time. He finally met the ground shaking in the wild witch's hut. He Hao was so angry that he almost threw off his gaming helmet.

"Damn it! Go back and let's go to the **** duel in the Dragon Domain to fight and see who is the best!"

He Hao was not as good as Zhang Liang in terms of luck, so he quickly shifted the topic to another thing, which was the **** duel arena in Longyu. This is a special building that appeared recently. After paying a part of the gold coins, players can have a virtual duel, and they can bring their troops to fight in a certain area with their chosen enemies. This kind of battle will not lose troops. , so during the battle, the player's tactics will also be more varied. This is a virtual practice area, which allows players to practice combat skills, and can also solve some quarrels between players. At the same time, in the **** duel arena There are two other modes - Bloody Duel and Competitive Challenge, but these two modes will not be released until the system is updated.

"Come here! I'm afraid of you! If you have a temper, don't run away!"

Speaking of the **** dueling arena, Zhang Liang's confidence is not very strong. The dark elves who are good at all kinds of curse magic will have a great advantage against the orcs. He Hao and Zhang Liang have fought several times. , In general, it is better to lose more and win less. He Hao is very experienced in dealing with Zhang Liang. He first used various negative magics to reduce the strength of Zhang Liang's troops, and at the same time planted a large number of flame mines on the battlefield. Zhang Liang didn't dare to act rashly. If Zhang Liang was going to use the skills of immune negative status to forcibly attack him, He Hao would bless the troops with acceleration magic and carry out kite tactics as soon as possible, and wait until Zhang Liang's immune effect disappeared. , Continue to consume all kinds of negative magic, and finally grind Zhang Liang to death!

This kind of tactic Lin Han is very familiar with, that is control flow tactics, using all kinds of magic to continuously consume the strength of the enemy, He Hao has already touched the threshold of control flow, Lin Han is also wondering if he should tell He Hao Some control flow players play, which can make him take a lot less detours.

"I don't run if I have the ability, don't fight if you have the ability!"

These two funny ratios have started to quarrel in the team channel in order to limit each other. Zhang Liang called He Hao to have the ability not to use magic, He Hao called Zhang Liang to have the ability and don't attack. In the group, Lin Han can only say that the two of them must have forgotten to take their medicine when they woke up in the morning, or that they took less medicine this time.

The quarrel is the quarrel, and the two people have not forgotten their business. During the two people's quarrel, another dock burned and collapsed in an instant, which means that Lin Han and the others have destroyed the two docks of the Bright camp. This is not a joke Yes, there are only 6 NPC docks in each camp. This attack by Lin Han and the others is equivalent to destroying one-third of the docks of the Bright camp. This is a great damage in their follow-up battles and supplies. When the dock was destroyed, the three of them looked at the list of glory points and combat achievements in the system message. It was already a silly rhythm. They had already made a lot of money this time, and the rest was to consider how to do it. run away.

Although it is said that there are still 4 docks left, but considering the defense of the players of the bright camp, they still chose to retreat immediately, and they will accept it as soon as they are good, but the reason why many people can live safely until now, although it is said that the greater the risk, the greater the benefit. Great, but staying here is no longer a matter of risk. It is purely courting death. Whether it is He Hao, Zhang Liang, or Lin Han, they all know that it is time to run away.


Under the urging of Lin Han, a large number of troops are constantly withdrawing from the coast of the bright camp. At the moment when they just left the sea, dense red spots appeared on the edge of the small map, not only in the rear, but also in the front. A dense group of light spots appeared, obviously the players of the bright camp have completed the outflanking tactics!

"All enter the deep sea, don't move after you dive into the deep sea, I will arrange the silent healer to restore your health, and I will bring them a big gift!"

For this situation, Lin Han has long been prepared. They have considered many possibilities, even the extremely low probability that the enemy has a super high defense force in the dock. In this battle, they have It's almost a sure-fire rhythm, even in the face of the enemy's siege! In the deep sea, the damage figures are constantly floating above the heads of the troops of He Hao, Zhang Liang and others. This is a very pitiful setting. When the player and his troops dive too deep into the deep sea, there will be continuous damage. The blood situation, the specific blood loss situation will change according to the player's current depth. At this time, Zhang Liang and He Hao's health is decreasing at a rate of 20 points per second, which is a debuff in their status bar. Effect.

"Deep-sea pressure: You have dived too deep, and the water pressure has begun to damage your body. At present, you will receive 20 points of continuous damage per second, and all non-deep-sea racial units in the army will also suffer from this damage. "

This is a very interesting setting, and it is also the reason why players are reluctant to enter the deep sea. When this debuff appears, it also means that you are out of the game. If you are dishonest and quickly float up, just the This continuous damage can quickly solve the low-level troops in your army.

"Boss, the light spots of these guys have disappeared on the small map. Our people have followed these guys into the deep sea. Are we going to continue to pursue them?"

Near the sea, the twelve apostles were reporting the situation to the glorious apostles. He led a team of players to outflank from behind. Originally, he was going to block Lin Han and the others. Big, dare to enter the deep sea directly, which makes them all think, are these guys looking for death.

"Deep sea? Is it a deep sea area with damage debuffs?"

Hearing what the Twelve Apostles said, the Glory Apostles were also taken aback. These guys dared to enter the deep sea area. Isn't that courting death?

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